本科生: 概率论基础、非参数统计
研究生: 统计推断、应用概率论
2012/09 -2017/07: 中科院数学与系统科学研究院,硕博连读, 导师:孙六全研究员
2008/09-2012/07: 山东农业大学,本科
2017/07-至今: 华中师范大学,讲师
2016/01-2016/03: 香港中文大学统计系,访问学者,香港
(1) 上海市纳税风险识别模型技术研究(横向),2015年;
(2) 带信息的纵向数据统计建模及其应用, 中央高校基本科研业务费 (Grant Nos. 20205170465), 2017-2018.
[1] Meiling Hao*, Lianqiang Qu*, Dehan Kong, Liuquan Sun and Hongtu Zhu. (2021). Optimal minimax variable selection for large-scale matrix linear regression model. Journal of Machine Learning Research, accepted. (Co-first authors)
[2] Lianqiang Qu, Meiling Hao and Liuquan Sun. (2021). Sparse composite quantile regression with ultra-high dimensional heterogeneous data. Statistica Sinica, accepted.
[3] Dongxiao Han*, Lianqiang Qu*, Liuquan Sun and Yanqing Sun. (2021) Variable selection for the mark-specific additive hazards model using the adaptive Lasso. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, accepted. (Co-first authors)
[4] Lianqiang Qu and Liuquan Sun. (2021). A non-marginal variable screening method for varying coefficient Cox model. Statistics and Its Interface, 14, 197–209.
[5] Dongxiao Han, Meiling Hao, Lianqiang Qu and Wei Xu, (2020). A novel model for the X-chromosome inactivation association on survival data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 1305-1314.
[6] Lianqiang Qu and Liuquan Sun. (2019). The Cox-Aalen model for recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event. Statistica Neerlandica, 73, 234–255.
[7] Lianqiang Qu, Xinyuan Song and Liuquan Sun, (2018). Identification of local sparsity and variable selection for additive hazard model with varying coefficients. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 125, 119-135.
[8] Ting Yan, Lianqiang Qu, Zhaohai, Li and Ao Yuan, (2018). Conditional kernel density estimation for some incomplete data models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12, 1299–1329.
[9] Lianqiang Qu, Liuquan Sun and Xinyuan Song, (2018). A joint modeling approach for longitudinal data with informative observation times and a terminal event. Statistics in Biosciences: 10, 609–633.
[10] Lianqiang Qu, Liuquan Sun and Lei Liu, (2017). Joint modeling of recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event. Statistics and Its Interface: 10, 699–710.
[11] Hu Zhang, Qinglong Yang and Lianqiang Qu, (2016). A class of transformation rate models for recurrent event data. Science China Mathematics: 59, 2227-2244.