Karen is a Professorial Teaching Fellow at the University of Bristol and a consultant in Palliative Medicine at the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust. Half of her sessions are clinical and half are devoted to teaching and research. She is the lead for the firth year medical undergraduate course, runs the fifth year medical undergraduate teaching in Oncology and Palliative Medicine and the University of Bristol’s Masters programme in Palliative Medicine. She is an honorary lecturer at the University’s Centre for Ethics in Medicine, a member of the Specialist Advisory Committee on Palliative Medicine for the Joint Royal Colleges Physicians’ Training Board and the specialty lead for the Specialty Certificate Examination in Palliative Medicine. She is involved in research around the influence of care of the dying pathways on patient care, whether attitudes can be assessed and taught using e-learning and how medical students learn about death and dying.
Abbott, DWF, Prescott, H, Forbes, K, Fraser, J & Majumdar, A, 2016, ‘Men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and end of life planning’. Neuromuscular Disorders.
Gamondi, C, Pott, M, Forbes, K & Payne, S, 2015, ‘Exploring the experiences of bereaved families involved in assisted suicide in Southern Switzerland: a qualitative study’. BMJ supportive & palliative care, vol 5., pp. 146-52
Reid, C, Gibbins, J, Bloor, S, Burcombe, M, McCoubrie, R & Forbes, K, 2015, ‘Healthcare professionals' perspectives on delivering end-of-life care within acute hospital trusts: a qualitative study’. BMJ supportive & palliative care, vol 5., pp. 490-5
Hawkins, A, Stanton, A & Forbes, K, 2015, ‘An extended assistantship for final-year students’. The clinical teacher, vol 12., pp. 305-9
Bhatia, R, Rebecca, B, Gibbins, J, Jane, G, Forbes, K, Karen, F, Reid, C & Colette, R, 2014, ‘"We all talk about it as though we're thinking about the same thing." Healthcare professionals' goals in the management of pain due to advanced cancer: a qualitative study’. Supportive Care in Cancer, vol 22., pp. 2067-73
Stockley, AJ & Forbes, K, 2014, ‘Medical professionalism in the formal curriculum: 5th year medical students' experiences’. BMC Medical Education, vol 14., pp. 259
Gunatilake, S, Brims, FJH, Fogg, C, Lawrie, I, Maskell, N, Forbes, K, Rahman, N, Morris, S, Ogollah, R, Gerry, S, Peake, M, Darlison, L & Chauhan, AJ, 2014, ‘A multicentre non-blinded randomised controlled trial to assess the impact of regular early specialist symptom control treatment on quality of life in malignant mesothelioma (RESPECT-MESO): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial’. Trials, vol 15.
Hakkak, F, Forbes, K & Dowson, L, 2014, ‘LIVING WITH COPD AND FACING DEATH: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NEEDS ABOUT END-OF-LIFE ISSUES’. BMJ supportive & palliative care, vol 4.
Wright, B & Forbes, K, 2014, ‘Haematologists' perceptions of palliative care and specialist palliative care referral: a qualitative study’. BMJ supportive & palliative care.
Gibbins, J, Bhatia, R, Forbes, K & Reid, CM, 2014, ‘What do patients with advanced incurable cancer want from the management of their pain?: A qualitative study’. Palliative Medicine, vol 28., pp. 71-8