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2017-今:华中师范大学教育信息技术系讲师 2016-2017年:美国科罗拉多矿业学院(Colorado School of Mines)特里夫尼创新教学中心(Trefy Innovative Instruction Center)创新教学顾问(Innovative Instruction Consultant) 2010-2016年:美国田纳西大学(The University of Tennessee)教育心理与咨询系(Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling)教育技术学专业博士 2012-2016年:美国田纳西大学(The University of Tennessee)教育促进发展中心(Educational Advancement Program)助理研究员(Research Assistant) 2007-2010年: 中国北京师范大学教育学部教育技术学硕士 2003-2007年:中国华中师范大学教育技术学学士 近年主持或参与的主要科研项目 2018年:中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师项目(项目经费8万元)项目名称:翻转课堂在线自我调节学习行为分析研究2017年:中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师项目(项目经费5万元) 项目名称:视频标注工具支持的翻转课堂教学效果研究 2016-2017年:美国科罗拉多矿业学院创新教学项目 (项目经费3万美元)项目名称:“工科教学中的教学范式观察研究”(Assessing the Instructional Patterns in Engineering Instruction Using a Classroom Observation Tool) 2014-2016年:美国田纳西大学教学与学习中心(Teaching and Learning Center)项目(项目经费5万美元)项目名称:“高校教师对翻转课堂的应用实践研究”(Instructors’ Use of the Flipped Classroom in Higher Education)2012-2015年:美国田纳西大学教学与学习中心(Teaching and Learning Center)项目(项目经费3万美元) 项目名称:翻转课堂的教学效果分析研究2011-2013年:NEC公司的“平板电脑在中小学教育中的可行性和问题研究”项目 教授课程 现代教育技术应用 信息技术教育应用 教育科学研究方法 质性研究方法 科技英语 文献选读与写作 非正式科学学习 个人获奖情况 2014年:国际计算机教育促进协会(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,AACE)举办的信息技术和教师教育国际会议(Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, SITE)优秀论文奖(Outstanding Paper Award) 2010-2015年:每年获得美国田纳西大学研究生参议会旅行奖金(Graduate Student Senator Travel Grant Award) 2010年:美国田纳西大学全额奖学金 约25万美元 2009年:中国教育技术协会年会论文一等奖 2007年:湖北省优秀学士学位论文一等奖




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Long, T., Zhao, G.,Yang, X., Zhao, R., & Chen, Q. (2019). Bridging the Belief-Action Gap in a Teachers’ Professional Learning Community on Teaching of Thinking. Professional Development in Education, doi:10.1080/19415257.2019.1647872 Long, T., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2019). To Flip or Not in Higher Education: A Tale of Three Instructors. Asian-Pacific Journal of Educational Researchers,doi:10.1007/s40299-019-00470-4 Zhao, G., Yang, X., Long, T*, & Zhao, R. (2019). Teachers' perceived professional development in a multi-regional community of practice: Effects of beliefs and engagement. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, doi: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2019.100347 Long, T., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2018). Investigating the factors that influence higher education instructors decisions to adopt a flipped classroom instructional model.British Journal of Educational Technology, doi:10.1111/bjet.12703 Long, T.,Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2017). Use of the Flipped Classroom Instructional Model in Higher Education: Instructors' Perspectives.Journal of Computing in Higher Education,3(2),52-78. Long, T.,Logan, J., & Waugh, M. (2016). Students’ Perceptions of the Values of Using Videos as a Pre-class Learning Experience in the Flipped Classroom.Tech Trends,60(3), 245-252. Long, T.,Logan, J., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2016). Students’ and Instructor’s Attitudes and Receptions of the Viability of Using a Flipped Classroom Instructional Model in a Technology-Enabled Active Learning.Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology,5(1), 46-58. Long, T.,Liang, W., & Yu, S. (2013). A Study of the Tablet Computer’s Application in K-12 Schools in China. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 9(3), 61-70. 武法提, 龙陶陶. 网络教师在线指导活动评价标准的研制.开放教育研究, 2009,(5):14-19. 龙陶陶. 教育技术在中小学教育中应用的边界. 教育研究与实验:新课程研究, 2006, (9): 14-16. 会议论文: Long,T.,Wang, Z.,Chen, L. & Yang,X.(2019, July).Investigating the Impact of Interactive Pre-class Learning Videos on Pre-service Teachers' Learning Performance in Flipped Classroom. Paper presented at the Internal Socity for Educational Technology,Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. 陈楼琪,王芷嫣,杨晓雨,龙陶陶.基于知识整合教学理论的翻转课堂课前学习视频设计与效果研究. 全球华人计算机教育大会,武汉,2019年5月. Long, T., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2018, October). Developing and initial validation of a flipped classroom adoption inventory in higher education. Paper presented at the International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technoogy, Kansas City, MO. Long, T., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2016, October). The Flipped Classroom Exploratory Experience of College Instructors. Paper presented at the International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV. Long, T., Logan, J., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2015, November). Using the Flipped Classroom Model in a Technology-Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) Classroom: A Case Study. Paper presented at the International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, IN. Long, T., Cummins, J., & Waugh, M. (2014, November). Instructors’ Perspectives on Using a Flipped Classroom Instructional Model in College Instruction. Paper presented at the International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL. Long, T., Logan, J., & Waugh, M. (2014, March). Students’ Perceptions of Pre-class Instructional Video in the Flipped-Classroom Model: A Survey Study. Paper presented at the Conference of Society for Informational Technology and Teacher Education, Jacksonville, FL.、 Long, T., Su, C., & Waugh, M. (2013, November). Using a Flipped-Classroom Instructional Model in a Large-Enrollment Undergraduate Genetics Class. Paper presented at the International Convention of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA. Long, T., & Cummins, J. (2012, November). Flipping the Classroom with Inverted Instruction. Invited keynote panel at Tennessee Educational Technology Conference, Nashville, TN. Long, T. (2012, November). Two cases of the flipped classroom. Paper presentation at Tennessee Educational Technology Conference, Nashville, TN. Long, T., Logan, J., Waugh, M., Sherfy, A., & Cummins, J. (2012, March). Constructing Wikis in Technology-Enabled Active Learning Classrooms: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the Conference of Society for Informational Technology and Teacher Education, Austin, TX. Long, T.(2011, March). How to Improve Online Instructor’s Instructional Performance: Suggestions from Learners. Paper presented at the Conference of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Nashville, TN. Cummins, J., Logan, J., Sherfy, A., Waugh, M. & Long, T.(2011, March). Technology Enabled, Active Learning (TEAL) classrooms: How Well do They Work? Poster presented at the Conference of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Nashville, TN. 龙陶陶,黄慧婕,武法提. 网络教师在线指导活动评价标准的研制.中国教育技术协会2009年会.
