Rahul graduated from the University of Bristol in 2004 before beginning higher specialty training in respiratory medicine in 2008, working in teaching hospitals in both the Peninsula and Severn Deaneries. He completed his PhD in 2015 and shortly after began his current role as a Clincal Lecturer based in the University of Bristol's Academic Respiratory Unit at Southmead Hospital. He is also an honorary Specialty Registrar in the Severn and Peninsual Deaneries, aiming for dual accreditation in general internal medicine and respiratory medicine
Clive, AO, Bhatnagar, R, Preston, NJ, Maskell, NA & Jones, HE, 2016, ‘Cochrane corner: interventions for the management of malignant pleural effusions’. Thorax, vol 71., pp. 964-966
Clive, AO, Jones, HE, Bhatnagar, R, Preston, NJ & Maskell, N, 2016, ‘Interventions for the management of malignant pleural effusions: a network meta-analysis’. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol 5.
Bhatnagar, R, Corcoran, JP, Maldonado, F, Feller-Kopman, D, Janssen, J, Astoul, P & Rahman, NM, 2016, ‘Advanced medical interventions in pleural disease’. European Respiratory Review, vol 25., pp. 199-213
Bhatnagar, R & Maskell, NA, 2015, ‘The modern diagnosis and management of pleural effusions’. BMJ, vol 351.
Clive, AO, Bhatnagar, R, Psallidas, I & Maskell, NA, 2015, ‘Individualised management of malignant pleural effusion’. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, vol 3., pp. 505-6
Young, RL, Bhatnagar, R, Medford, ARL & Maskell, NA, 2015, ‘Evaluation of an ambulatory pleural service: costs and benefits’. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, vol 76., pp. 608
Thomas, R, Piccolo, F, Miller, D, MacEachern, PR, Chee, AC, Huseini, T, Yarmus, L, Bhatnagar, R, Lee, HJ, Feller-Kopman, D, Maskell, NA, Tremblay, A & Lee, YCG, 2015, ‘Intrapleural Fibrinolysis for the Treatment of Indwelling Pleural Catheter-Related Symptomatic Loculations: A Multi-Center Observational Study’. Chest.
Arnold, DT, Bhatnagar, R, Fairbanks, LD, Zahan-Evans, N, Clive, AO, Morley, AJ, Medford, ARL & Maskell, NA, 2015, ‘Pleural fluid adenosine deaminase (pfada) in the diagnosis of tuberculous effusions in a low incidence population’. PloS one, vol 10., pp. e0113047
Bhatnagar, R, Kahan, BC, Morley, AJ, Keenan, EK, Miller, RF, Rahman, NM & Maskell, NA, 2015, ‘The efficacy of indwelling pleural catheter placement versus placement plus talc sclerosant in patients with malignant pleural effusions managed exclusively as outpatients (IPC-PLUS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial’. Trials, vol 16., pp. 48
Bhatnagar, R & Maskell, NA, 2014, ‘Indwelling Pleural Catheters’. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases.