华中农业大学副研究员、硕士生导师。浙江大学农学博士,加拿大University of Alberta博士后。传道、授业、解惑,致力于人才培养和科学研究。研究方向为动物分子营养学,主要研究领域:1)奶(犊)牛的营养、生理与肠道健康研究;2)活性肽的吸收与功能研究;3)牛奶品质的调控及其活性成分研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、动物营养学国家重点实验室开放课题、华中农业大学自主科技创新基金和博士后科学基金等多项课题。近5年,发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者(含共一)在动物营养学和食品科学权威杂志Trends in Food Science & Technology、Food Chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology和Journal of Dairy Science等发表SCI收录论文10余篇,申请国家发明专利1项,参编著作1部。现为美国奶业协会和中国动物营养学会会员,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry和Journal of Dairy Science等杂志审稿人。
2010.09 - 2015.06, 浙江大学,动物营养与饲料科学,博士
2006.09 - 2010.06, 四川农业大学,动物科学,学士
2019.07- 今,华中农业大学,副研究员
2015.10-2017.10,加拿大University of Alberta,博士后
2015.07 - 2019.06,华中农业大学,师资博士后
1. 华中农业大学自主科技创新基金(2662019QD021), 乳源活性肽对奶牛肠道屏障作用的影响及其抗炎机制研究, 2019.11-2022.12。
2. 动物营养学国家重点实验室2019-2020年度开放课题面上项目, Ala-Gln 二肽对奶犊牛早期断奶应激的影响及机制研究(2004DA125184F1906), 2019.10-2021.09。
3. 国家自然科学青年基金,寡肽在奶牛小肠内的吸收机制及对其发育的影响(31601962),2017.01-2019.12。
4. 中国博士后科学基金,奶牛肠道转运小肽的机制研究(2016M159833),2016.01-2017.12。
1. 浙江大学优秀毕业生(2015)
2. 浙江省优秀毕业生(2015)
1. 奶(犊)牛营养、生理与肠道健康研究;2. 活性肽吸收与功能研究;3. 牛奶品质调控及其活性成分研究。
1.Qingbiao Xu#, Yangdong Zhang#, Nan Zheng#, Songli Li, Shengguo Zhao, Fang Wen, Ming Li, Lu Meng, Jiaqi Wang*. (2020) Short communication: Decrease of lipid profiles in cow's milk by ultra-high temperature treatment, but not by pasteurization. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(2).
2.Qingbiao Xu, Hui Hong, Jianping Wu, Xianghua Yan*. (2019) Bioavailability of bioactive peptides derived from food proteins across intestinal epithelial membrane: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 86: 399–411.
3.Qingbiao Xu, Nisha Singh, Wenlin Yu, Hui Hong, Xu Jiang, Prashen Chelikani, Xianghua Yan, Jianping Wu*. (2019) Hen protein-derived peptides as the blockers of human bitter taste receptors T2R4, T2R7 and T2R14. Food Chemistry. 283: 621–627.
4.Qingbiao Xu, Xianghua Yan, Yangdong Zhang, Jianping Wu*. (2019) Current understanding of transport and bioavailability of bioactive peptides derived from dairy proteins: a review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 54(6): 1930–1941.
5.Qingbiao Xu, Hui Hong, Wenlin Yu, Xu Jiang, Xianghua Yan, Jianping Wu*. (2019) Sodium chloride suppresses the bitterness of protein hydrolysates by decreasing hydrophobic interactions. Journal of Food Science. 84(1):86-91.
6.Qingbiao Xu, Hongyun Liu, Fengqi Zhao, Yueming Wu, Xinbei Huang, Zhixuan Liu, Jianxin Liu*. (2019) Mechanism of peptide absorption in the isolated forestomach epithelial cells of dairy cows. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99(1):100-108.
7.Yizhen Wang#, Yang Li#, Qingbiao Xu# (co-first), Xingyi Zhang, Guangning Zhang, Cong Lin, Yonggen Zhang*, Xiaoxiang Li. (2019) Effects of Acremonium terricola culture on production performance, antioxidant status and blood biochemistry in transition dairy cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 256 (2019) 114261: 1-8.
8.Qingbiao Xu, Zhixuan Liu, Hongyun Liu, Fengqi Zhao, Xinbei Huang, Yueming Wu, Jianxin Liu*. (2018). Functional characterizations of oligopeptide transporter 1 of dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology. 9(1), 7.
9.Qingbiao Xu, Hongbing Fan, Wenlin Yu, Hui Hong, Jianping Wu*. (2017). Transport study of egg derived antihypertensive peptides (LKP and IQW) using Caco-2 and HT29 co-culture monolayers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 65(34):7406-7414.
10.Qinglu Lin#, Qingbiao Xu# (co-first), Jie Bai, Hui Hong, Jianping Wu*. (2017). Transport of soybean protein-derived antihypertensive peptide LSW across Caco-2 monolayers. Journal of Functional Foods. 39, 96-102.
11.Yingming Xie#, Qingbiao Xu# (co-first), Yueming Wu*, Xinbei Huang, Jianxin Liu*. (2015) Duodenum has the greatest potential to absorb soluble non-ammonia nitrogen in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B. 16(6) 503-510.
Qingbiao Xu, Yueming Wu, Hongyun Liu, Yingming Xie, Xinbei Huang, Jianxin Liu*. (2014). Establishment and characterization of an omasal epithelial cell model derived from dairy calves for the study of small peptide absorption. PLoS ONE. 9(3).