I have worked in conservation research for over 15 years. To date most of my research has been in Africa. After completing my undergraduate degree I worked for six years in Zambia as a Assistant Research Coordinator on the Biodiversity Project in Kafue National Park and Project Manager at Munda Wanga Wildlife Park. During this time I was involved in many different projects from field research and monitoring to welfare based rehabilitation, education and awareness projects. Whilst in Zambia I undertook research with a variety of species, as conducting a biodiversity survey meant I had to become familiar with most groups including, birds, butterflies, beetles, reptiles, amphibians, large and small mammals - including bats
Evaluating and developing strategies to mitigate human-bat and human-carnvore conflict
My broad area of interest is conservation biology, in particular the behavioural and ecological responses of wildlife to changes in the environment and human wildlife conflict.