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Daniel Robert is a sensory biologist with 22 years experience on the biomechanics and sensory ecology of miniature auditory systems. His interests include the development and use of analytical methods for measuring nanoscale vibrations in biological systems. Robert is Professor of Bionanoscience at the School of Biological Sciences, and the recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. Previously, he held a START fellowship (Swiss Science Foundation Research Professor) at the University of Zurich (1996-2001). During that time, he was also the recipient of the Schering Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin, where he convened the bio-inspired technologies study group. Prior to that, he spent 5 years at Cornell University as a Research Associate (1991-1996). Robert’s research involves interdisciplinary collaborations with sensory biologists, physiologists, molecular geneticists, engineers, mathematicians and physicists. His investigations of the biophysics of hearing in insects have contributed fundamental knowledge in the field of auditory research and nanoscale biomechanics. Robert first studied at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, for a MSc in experimental Biology (1985). In 1989, he was awarded a PhD by the University of Basle, Switzerland for his work on the cybernetic steering behaviour of flying locusts.


Bionanoscience, auditory mechanics


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Bauer, U, Paulin, M, Robert, D & Sutton, GP, 2015, ‘Mechanism for rapid passive-dynamic prey capture in a pitcher plant’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 112., pp. 11384-11389 Clarke, DJ, Whitney, HM, Sutton, GP & Robert, D, 2013, ‘Detection and Learning of Floral Electric Fields by Bumblebees’. Science, vol 340., pp. 66-69 Zapata, FM, Jonsson, BT, Brown, KAR, Postles, MC & Robert, D, 2012, ‘Convergent evolution between mammalian and insect audition’. Science, vol 338., pp. 968-971 Mhatre, N & Robert, D, 2013, ‘A tympanal insect ear exploits a critical oscillator for active amplification and tuning’. Current Biology, vol 23., pp. 1952-1957 Malkin, R, Mcdonagh, TRN, Mhatre, N, Scott, TB & Robert, D, 2013, ‘Energy localisation and frequency analysis in the locust ear’. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, vol 11. Montealegre-Z, F & Robert, D, 2012, ‘Wing stridulation in a Jurassic katydid (Insecta, Orthoptera) produced low-pitched musical calls to attract females’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 109., pp. 3868 - 3873 Mhatre, N, Fernando, M-Z, Rohini, B & Robert, D, 2012, ‘Changing resonator geometry to boost sound power decouples size and song frequency in a small insect’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 109., pp. E1444-E1452 Rajaraman, K, Mhatre, N, Jain, M, Rohini, B & Robert, D, 2012, ‘Low pass filters and differential tympanal tuning in a paleotropical bushcricket with an unusually low frequency call’. The Journal of Experimental Biology, vol 216., pp. 777-787 Gagliano, M, Mancuso, S & Robert, D, 2012, ‘Towards understanding plant bioacoustics’. Trends in plant science, vol 17., pp. 323-325 Montealegre-Z, F, Jonsson, T & Robert, D, 2011, ‘Sound radiation and wing mechanics in stridulating field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)’. Journal of Experimental Biology, vol 214., pp. 2105 - 2117 Avitabile, D, Homer, M, Jackson, J, Robert, D & Champneys, A, 2011, ‘Modelling the Active Hearing Process in Mosquitoes’. in: Christopher A Shera, Elizabeth S Olson (eds) What Fire is in Mine Ears: Progress in Auditory Biomechanics. American Institute of Physics, pp. 447 - 452 Avitabile, D, Homer, M, Champneys, AR, Jackson, JC & Robert, D, 2010, ‘Mathematical modelling of the active hearing process in mosquitoes’. Royal Society Interface, vol 7., pp. 105 - 122 Aldersley, AJ, Champneys, AR, Homer, ME & Robert, D, 2016, ‘Quantitative analysis of harmonic convergence in mosquito auditory interactions’. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol 13. Bertling, K, Perchoux, J, Taimre, T, Malkin, R, Robert, D, Raki?, A & Bosch, T, 2014, ‘Imaging of acoustic fields using optical feedback interferometry’. Optics Express, vol 22., pp. 30346-30356 Aldersley, AJ, Champneys, AR, Homer, ME & Robert, D, 2014, ‘Time-frequency composition of mosquito flight tones obtained using Hilbert spectral analysis’. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol 136., pp. 1982-1989 Malkin, R, Todd, T & Robert, D, 2015, ‘Quantitative imaging of acoustic reflection and interference’. in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series: 13th Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC2014). IOP Publishing
