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I did my University degree at the University of Stockholm, Sweden (1997-2001). During the final six months I did my Masters at the Tovetorp Zoological Research Station in Stockholm, investigating the effect that moult has on flight performance in tree sparrows (Passer montanus) and how the birds compensate for such effects. After my Masters, I spent six months working as a research assistant at the same station. I then went to South Africa for a year, working as a volunteer at the Kalahari Meerkat Project in the Northern Cape. The aim of this project is to investigate the evolutionary causes and ecological consequences of cooperative breeding in meerkats (Suricata suricatta). My main responsibilities included: habituation, collecting behavioural and weight data on 14 groups, daily maintenance of a life history database and establishing daily work schedules for volunteers according to data collection priorities. In October 2002 I moved to Zürich in Switzerland to conduct a PhD under the supervision of Professor Marta Manser. My research focused on vocal development of alarm calls in meerkats and I conducted my field work at the Kalahari Meerkat Project. I had my viva in November 2006 and obtained my official certificate in February 2007. From November 2006 until June 2007 I worked as a post-doc for Professor Marta Manser and investigated whether the acoustic structure of meerkat vocalizations contain information about age, sex, individuality and group identity. In July 2007 I moved to Bristol and have since worked as an independent research fellow on money from the Swiss National Science Foundation and Marie Curie to conduct post-doctoral research with Dr Andrew Radford. This research focuses on vocal communication and signal reliability in the South African group-living bird species, the pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor).


Prevention of burns in young children


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Hollen, L, Bell, M, Russell, A, Niven, F, Ridley, A & Radford, A, 2011, ‘Calling by concluding sentinels: coordinating cooperation or revealing risk?’. PLoS ONE, vol 6., pp. e25010
