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[10] 王砚, 李念念, 朱端卫, 周文兵, 陈焰鑫, 伍玉鹏*, 水稻秸秆预处理对猪粪高温堆肥过程中磷素形态变化的影响, 植物营养与肥料学报, 25 (2019) 963-971.
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[12] Y.P. Wu, Y.X. Chen, M. Shaaban, D.W. Zhu, C.X. Hu, Z.B. Chen, Y. Wang*, Evaluation of microbial inoculants pretreatment in straw and manure co-composting process enhancement, Journal of Cleaner Production, 239 (2019) 118078.
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[14] M. Shaaban, R. Hu, Y. Wu, A. Younas, X. Xu, Z. Sun, Y. Jiang, S. Lin, Mitigation of N2O emissions from urine treated acidic soils by liming, Environmental Pollution, 255 (2019) 113237.
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[16] Y.P. WU, M. SHAABAN, Q.A. PENG, A.Q. ZHOU, R.G. HU*, Impacts of earthworm activity on the fate of straw carbon in soil: a microcosm experiment, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, (2018) 11054-11062.
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[18] L. Wu, X. Wu, S. Lin, Y. Wu, S. Tang, M. Zhou, M. Shaaban, J. Zhao, R. Hu, Y. Kuzyakov, J. Wu, Carbon budget and greenhouse gas balance during the initial years after rice paddy conversion to vegetable cultivation, Science of the Total Environment, 627 (2018) 46-56.
[19] M. Shaaban, Y. Wu, Q. Peng, L. Wu, R. Hu, The interactive effects of dolomite application and straw incorporation on soil N2O emissions: Nitrousoxide emissions from an acidic soil, European Journal of Soil Science, 69 (2018) 502-551.
[20] M. Shaaban, Y. Wu, M.S. Khalid, Q.-a. Peng, X. Xu, L. Wu, A. Younas, S. Bashir, Y. Mo, S. Lin, M. Zafar-ul-Hye, M. Abid, R. Hu, Reduction in soil N2O emissions by pH manipulation and enhanced nosZ gene transcription under different water regimes, Environmental Pollution, 235 (2018) 625-631.
[21] Y.B. JIANG, J. WANG, M. Shaabana, A.Q. ZHOU, R. HAO, Y.P. WU*, How do earthworms affect decomposition of residues with different quality apart from fragmentation and incorporation? , Geoderma 326 (2018) 68-75.
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[28] Y.P. WU, M. SHAABAN, C.J. DENG, Q.A. PENG, R.G. HU*, Changes in the soil N potential mineralization and nitrification in a rice paddy after 20 yr application of chemical fertilizers and organic matter, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 97 (2017) 290-299.
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[36] M. Shaaban, Y. Wu, Q.-a. Peng, S. Lin, Y. Mo, L. Wu, R. Hu, W. Zhou, Effects of dicyandiamide and dolomite application on N2O emission from an acidic soil, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (2016) 6334-6342.
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2. 万小琼, 史志华, 伍玉鹏, 肖乃东, 胡金龙, 张海涛, 华玉妹, 王昭, 环境生态工程专业生态规划与设计课程实习纲要探讨, 教育现代化, 7 (2020) 132-134.
3. 伍玉鹏, 胡荣桂, 赵劲松, 姜炎彬, 唐铁军*, “生态学基础”课程思政改革探索, 科教文汇(中旬刊), (2019) 89-91.
4. 伍玉鹏, 胡荣桂, 万小琼, 赵劲松, 赵小虎, 姜炎彬, 唐铁军*, 环境生态工程综合实习课程的改革与建设, 安徽农业科学, 46 (2018) 223-224.
5. 姜炎彬, 伍玉鹏, 胡荣桂, 赵小虎, 赵劲松, “生态学”课程的“三元一体”实践教学体系建设探讨, 当代教育理论与实践, 10 (2018) 54-57.
6. 伍玉鹏, 王佳, 赵小虎, 谭中欣, 硕士研究生教育过程中科研实践与课程教学互动模式探索——以《现代生态学》课程为例, 安徽农业科学, 44 (2016) 340-341+344.
7. 谭中欣, 何建荣, 伍玉鹏, 赵慧, 唐铁军, 唐仁华, 农业院校环境科学专业认识实习课程教学改革, 安徽农业科学, 44 (2016) 241-242.
8. 伍玉鹏, 万田英, 农业院校《环境生态学》选修课教学过程中的问题及优化实践, 教育教学论坛, (2015) 139-141.