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先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、教育部新教师基金和中央高校基本科研业务费专项,参加农业部公益性行业专项、国家自然科学基金、湖北省自然科学基金创新群体等科研项目;发表研究论文近40篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文14篇。为湖北省自然科学基金创新群体的骨干成员,任中国植物营养与肥料学会会员,Trends in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition编委。 教育工作经历: 1999.9-2003.6华中农业大学生命科学与技术学院生物技术专业本科 2002.9-2009.6华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室生化与分子生物学专业博士 2009.11-2012.12华中农业大学资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系讲师 2016.10-2017.9日本冈山大学资源植物科学研究所访问学者 2013.1-至今华中农业大学资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系副教授 讲授课程: 1.植物营养分子生物学技术 2.植物营养基因操作 3.农产品品质分析与安全 4.土壤肥料学 教改项目: 1.华中农业大学研究生课程建设:“植物营养基因操作”(2018-2019),主持。 2.华中农业大学在线开放课程建设:“植物营养学”(2017),参加。 3.华中农业大学校级教学研究改革项目:“农业资源与环境专业”综合改革(2014-2017),参加。 4.华中农业大学PPT美化:“农产品品质分析与安全”(2015),参加。 教改论文: 1.蔡红梅.新时期大学生社会实践活动的发展与创新.长江论丛,2012,3:160-161. 科学研究 1.华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目:植物营养生物学创新团队培育(2019-2021-2662019PY013),参加。 2.华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目:稻虾种养模式下水稻土壤肥力及养分吸收利用的变化规律(2019-2021,2662019FW011),主持。 3.国家重点研发计划项目子课题:水稻锌与氮磷协同增效机制及限量标准(2016-2020,2016YFD0200108),主持。 4.国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目:基于离子组学和基因组学技术揭示水稻重金属积累的分子机理(2016-2020,31520103914),参加。 5.华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目:优秀人才培育项目B类(2013-2015,2013PY041),主持。 6.国家自然科学基金:超量表达氮代谢途径关键基因对水稻碳-氮代谢平衡影响的研究(2011-2013,31000932),主持。 7.教育部高校博士点新教师基金项目:抑制表达OsGS2基因调控水稻碳-氮代谢平衡的功能研究(2011-2013,20100146120017),主持。 8.科研启动专项:水稻氨基酸转运蛋白基因家族的生物信息学和表达谱分析及其突变体鉴定(2010-2011,2009BQ078),主持。 9.公益性行业(农业)科研专项:南方低产水稻土改良技术研究与示范(2010-2014,201003016),参加。 10.华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目:作物微量元素营养与微肥施用(2011-2013,2011PY150),参加。 11.湖北省自然科学基金创新群体:作物微量元素营养与微肥施用,骨干成员。 专利: 1.基因OsGS1;2在提高水稻对除草剂Basta抗性中的用途;发明人:蔡红梅,练兴明,张启发;公开号:CN101381732 2.农作物根系动态观察试验装置;发明人:石磊、袁盼、张瑛、丁广大、蔡红梅、徐芳森;专利号:ZL 2013 2 0482649.2 3.土体植物根系角度观察测定试验装置;发明人:金可默、石磊、段贤杰、蔡红梅、丁广大、徐芳森;专利号:CN 201520914529.4 获奖: 1. 2010年度华中农业大学教学质量优秀奖三等奖 2. 2011年度资源与环境学院青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖 3. 2014年度华中农业大学教学质量优秀奖三等奖 4. 2014年指导包爱丽获华中农业大学优秀学术硕士学位论文奖 5. 2015年指导硕士研究生梁志君获国家奖学金 6. 2016年指导硕士研究生李海星获国家奖学金 7. 2018年指导李海星获华中农业大学优秀学术硕士学位论文奖 著作教材 1、参编《低产水稻土改良与管理--理论•方法•技术》,科学出版社,2014年。





查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.HongmeiCai, Sheng Huang, Jing Che, Naoki Yamaji, Jian Feng Ma*. A tonoplast-localized OsHMA3 plays an important role in maintaining Zn homeostasis in rice. J ExpBot, 2019,70(10): 2717-2725. 2.Jingli Ding, Chenchen Ji,HongmeiCai*. Membrane transporter families of metal microelements make plants grow better and healthier. Asian J Plant Sci Res, 2017, 7(6): 74-100. 3.Haixing Li, Zhijun Liang, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu,HongmeiCai*. A natural light/dark cycle regulation of carbon-nitrogen metabolism and gene expression in rice shoots. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 1318. 4.Haixing Li, AiliBao, Zhijun Liang,HongmeiCai*. The effect of glutamine on growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolism inOryza sativaevJaponica. Bangladesh J Bot, 2016, 45(1): 69-74. 5.Zhijun Liang, AiliBao, Haixing Li,HongmeiCai*. The effect of nitrogen level on rice growth, carbon-nitrogen metabolism and gene expression. Biologia, 2015, 70(10): 1340-1350. 6.AiliBao, Zhuqing Zhao, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu,HongmeiCai*. The stable level ofglutamine synthetase 2plays an important role in rice growth and in carbon-nitrogen metabolic balance. Int J MolSci, 2015, 16: 12713-12736. 7.AiliBao, Zhijun Liang, Zhuqing Zhao,HongmeiCai*. Overexpressing ofOsAMT1-3, a high affinityammonium transportergene, modifies rice growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolic status. Int J MolSci,2015, 16: 9037-9063. 8.AiliBao, Zhuqing Zhao, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu,HongmeiCai*. Accumulated expression level of cytosolicglutamine synthetase 1gene (OsGS1;1orOsGS1;2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. PLoS ONE, 2014,9(4): e95581. 9.HongmeiCai*, Weibo Xie, XingmingLian. Comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in rice under nitrogen and phosphorus starvation stress conditions. Plant MolBiol Rep, 2013, 31: 160-173. 10.HongmeiCai, Weibo Xie, Tong Zhu, XingmingLian*. Transcriptome response to phosphorus starvation in rice. ActaPhysiol Plant, 2012, 34(1): 327-341. 11.HongmeiCai, Yongen Lu, Weibo Xie, Tong Zhu and XingmingLian*. Transcriptome response to nitrogen starvation in rice. J Biosci, 2012, 37(4): 731-747. 12.Yongen Lu, Zhiyong Song, Kai Lü, XingmingLian,HongmeiCai*. Molecular characterization, expression and functional analysis of theamino acid transportergene family (OsAATs) in rice. ActaPhysiol Plant, 2012, 34(5): 1943-1962. 13.HongmeiCai, Zhiyong Song, XingmingLian*. Sequence and expression analysis ofCCR4-associated factor 1(OsCAF1) gene family in rice. J Plant MolBiolBiotechnol, 2011, 2(1): 47-64. 14.HongmeiCai, Jinghua Xiao, Qifa Zhang and XingmingLian*. Co-suppressedglutamine synthetase 2gene modifies nitrogen metabolism and plant growth in rice. Chinese SciBul, 2010, 55: 823-833. 15.HongmeiCai, Ying Zhou, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang and XingmingLian*. Overexpressedglutamine synthetase 1gene modifies nitrogen metabolism and abiotic stress responses in rice. Plant Cell Rep, 2009, 28: 527-537. 16.冯洋,陈海飞,胡孝明,周卫,徐芳森,蔡红梅*.我国南方主推水稻品种氮效率筛选及评价.植物营养与肥料学报,2014, 20(5): 1051-1062. 17.陈海飞,冯洋,徐芳森,蔡红梅*,周卫,刘芳,庞再明,李登荣.秸秆还田下氮肥管理对中低产田水稻产量和氮素吸收利用影响的研究.植物营养与肥料学报,2014, 20(3): 517-524. 18.田飞,徐芳森,石桃雄,赵尊康,石磊,蔡红梅*,马朝芝,孟金陵.白菜型、芥菜型和甘蓝型油菜对低氮低磷胁迫反应差异的评价.华中农业大学学报,2012,31(6): 725-730. 19.蔡红梅,肖景华,张启发,练兴明*.抑制表达谷氨酰胺合成酶基因对水稻氮代谢和生长发育的影响.科学通报,2010, 55: 875-886. 其他参与发表的论文: 1.Haifei Chen, Quan Zhang,HongmeiCai, Wei Zhou, Fangsen Xu*. H2O2mediates nitrate-induced iron chlorosis by regulating iron homeostasis in rice. Plant Cell Environ, 2018, 1-15. 2.Haifei Chen, Quan Zhang,HongmeiCai, Fangsen Xu*. Ethylene mediates alkaline-induced growth inhibition by negatively regulating plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity in roots. Front Plant Sci, 2017, 8: 1869. 3.Quan Zhang, Haifei Chen, Mingliang He, Zhuqing Zhao,HongmeiCai, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*.The boron transporter BnaC4.BOR1;1c is critical for inflorescence development and fertility under boron limitation inBrassica napus. PlantCell Environ, 2017, 40: 1819-1833. 4.Xiaohua Wang, Yan Long, Nian Wang, Jun Zou, Guangda Ding, Martin R. Broadley, Philip J. White, Pan Yuan, Qianwen Zhang, Ziliang Luo, Peifa Liu, Hua Zhao, Ying Zhang,HongmeiCai,Graham J. King, Fangsen Xu, JinlingMeng, Lei Shi*. Breeding histories and selection criteria for oilseed rape in Europe and China identified by genome wide pedigree dissection. Sci Rep, 2017, 7: 1916. 5.Pan Yuan; Guang-Da Ding;Hong-Mei Cai; Ke-Mo Jin; Martin Roger Broadley; Fang-Sen Xu; Lei Shi*.A novel Brassica-rhizotron system to unravel the dynamic changes in root system architecture of oilseed rape under phosphorus deficiency.Annals of Botany, 2016, 118(2): mcw083. 6.Ying Zhang, Catherine L. Thomas, Jinxia Xiang, Yan Long, Xiaohua Wang, Jun Zou, Ziliang Luo, Guangda Ding,HongmeiCai,Neil S. Graham, John P. Hammond, Graham J. King, Philip J. White, Fangsen Xu, Martin R. Broadley, Lei Shi*, JinlingMeng. QTL meta-analysis of root traits inBrassica napusunder contrasting phosphorus supply in two growth systems. 2016, Sci Rep, 6: 33113. 7.Jie Ma,HongmeiCai, Congwu He, Wenjun Zhang, Lijun Wang*. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon inhibits cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells. New Phytol, 2015, 206: 1063-1074. 8.Shuisen Chen, Guangda Ding, Zhenhua Wang,HongmeiCai, Fangsen Xu*. Proteomic and comparative genomic analysis reveals adaptability ofBrassica napusto phosphorus-deficient stress. J Proteom, 2015, 117: 106-119. 9.Gaili Wang, Guangda Ding, Fangsen Xu,HongmeiCai, Jun Zou, Xiangsheng Ye*. Genotype differences in photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen efficiency of new-type oilseed rape responding to low nitrogen stress. J AgriSci, 2015, 153(6): 1030-1043. 10.Gaili Wang, Guangda Ding, Liang Li,HongmeiCai, Xiangsheng Ye, Jun Zou, Fangsen Xu*. Identification and characterization of improved nitrogen efficiency in interspecific hybridized new-typeBrassica napus. Ann Bot, 2014, 114: 549-559. 11.Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Hua Zhao,HongmeiCai, Kede Liu, Fangsen Xu*. Genetic analysis of seed mineral accumulation affected by phosphorus deprivation inBrassica napus. Euphytica, 2013, 193: 251-264. 12.Yang Guangzhe, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi,HongmeiCai,Fangsen Xu*. Characterization of phosphorus starvation-induced geneBnSPX3inBrassicanapus. Plant Soil, 2012, 350: 339-351. 13.Peng Lishun, Changying Zeng, Lei Shi,HongmeiCai, Fangsen Xu*.Transcriptional profiling reveals the adaptive responses to boron deficiency stress inArabidopsis. Z Naturforsch C, 2012, 67c: 510-524. 14.Zeng Xiangming, Baoji Han, Fangsen Xu, Jianliang Huang,HongmeiCai, Lei Shi*. Effects of modified fertilization technology on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of midseason rice. Field Crops Res, 2012, 137: 203-212. 15.Ying Zhou,HongmeiCai, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang and XingmingLian*. Over-expression ofaspartate aminotransferasegenes in rice resulted in altered nitrogen metabolism and increased amino acid content in seeds. Theo App Gen, 2009, 118: 1381-1390. 16.董旭,王雪,石磊,蔡红梅,徐芳森,丁广大*.植物林转运子PHT1家族研究进展.植物营养与肥料学报,2017, 23(3): 799-810. 17.陈海飞,冯洋,蔡红梅,徐芳森*,周卫,刘芳,庞再明,李登荣.氮肥与移栽密度互作对低产田水稻群体结构及产量的影响.植物营养与肥料学报,2014, 20(6): 1319-1328. 18.冯洋,陈海飞,胡孝明,蔡红梅,徐芳森*.高、中、低产田水稻适宜施氮量和氮肥利用率的研究.植物营养与肥料学报,2014, 20(1): 7-16. 19.张瑛,丁广大,蔡红梅,徐芳森,石磊*.不同栽培方式对油菜根系形态构型和产量的影响.华中农业大学学报,2014,33(4): 25-32. 20.丁广大,陈水森,石磊,蔡红梅,叶祥盛*.植物耐低磷胁迫的遗传调控机理研究进展.植物营养与肥料学报,2013, 19(3): 733-744. 21.曾祥明,韩宝吉,徐芳森,黄见良,蔡红梅,石磊*.不同基础地力土壤优化施肥对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响.中国农业科学,2012, 45(14): 2886-2894.
