1.Zhang, J., Hou, W., Ren, T., Cong, R., Zhao, Z., Lu, J., & Li, X.* (2021). Applying potassium fertilizer improves sheath rot disease tolerance and decreases grain yield loss in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Crop Protection, 139, 105392.
3.Ye, T., Xue, X., Lu, J., Hou, W., Ren, T., Cong, R., & Li, X.* (2020). Yield and Potassium Uptake of Rice as Affected by Potassium Rate in Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Agronomy Journal, 112(2), 1318-1329.
4.Hou, W., Tränkner, M., Lu, J., Yan, J., Huang, S., Ren, T., Cong, R., & Li, X.* (2020). Diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition in rice leaves influenced by potassium levels. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 165.
5.Wang, Y., Lu, J., Ren, T., Li, P., Liu, Q., & Li, X.* (2020). Effects of exogenous cytokinin on photosynthesis, senescence, and yield performance of inferior rice tillers grown under different nitrogen regimes. Photosynthetica, 58(1): 137-145
6. Zhu, D., Lu, J., Cong, R., Ren, T., Zhang, W., & Li, X.* (2020). Potassium management effects on quantity/intensity relationship of soil potassium under rice-oilseed rape rotation system. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 66(9): 1274-1287
7. Zhang, J., Lu, Z., Pan, Y., Ren, T., Cong, R., Lu, J., & Li, X.* (2019). Potassium deficiency aggravates yield loss in rice by restricting the translocation of non-structural carbohydrates under Sarocladium oryzae infection condition. Physiologia plantarum, 167, 352-364 (Cover article)
8. Hou, W., Khan, M. R., Zhang, J., Lu, J., Ren, T., Cong, R., & Li, X.* (2019). Nitrogen rate and plant density interaction enhances radiation interception, yield and nitrogen use efficiency of mechanically transplanted rice. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 269, 183-192
9. Zhu, D., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Muhammad, R. K., Lu, J., & Li, X.* (2019). Soil available potassium affected by rice straw incorporation and potassium fertilization under a rice-oilseed rape rotation system. Soil Use and Management, 35, 503-510.
10. Hou, W., Tränkner, M., Lu, J., Yan, J., Huang, S., Ren, T., Cong, R., & Li, X.* (2019). Interactive effects of nitrogen and potassium on photosynthesis and photosynthetic nitrogen allocation of rice leaves. BMC plant biology, 19(1), 302.
11. Ye, T., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Hou, W., Zhou, W., Lu, J., Xing, Y., & Li, X.* (2019). Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization affects the flowering time of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Global Ecology and Conservation, 20, e00753.
12. Zhang, J., Pan, Y., Li, Y., Ren, T., Cong, R., Lu, J., & Li, X.* (2019). Low grain sink activity imposed by potassium deficiency aggravates loss in quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) infected with natural sheath rot disease. Journal of Cereal Science, 87, 31-38.
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