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Understanding trends in atmospheric greenhouse gases


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McNorton, J, Chipperfield, MP, Gloor, M, Wilson, C, Feng, W, Hayman, GD, Rigby, M, Krummel, PB, O'Doherty, S, Prinn, RG, Weiss, RF, Young, D, Dlugokencky, E & Montzka, SA, 2016, ‘Role of OH variability in the stalling of the global atmospheric CH4 growth rate from 1999 to 2006’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 16., pp. 7943-7956 Say, DS, Manning, AJ, O'Doherty, S, Rigby, M, Young, D & Grant, A, 2016, ‘Re-Evaluation of the UK’s HFC-134a Emissions Inventory Based on Atmospheric Observations’. Environmental Science and Technology. Lunt, M, Rigby, M, Ganesan, A & Manning, AJ, 2016, ‘Estimation of trace gas fluxes with objectively determined basis functions using reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo’. Geoscientific Model Development, vol 9., pp. 3213-3229 Trudinger, CM, Fraser, PJ, Etheridge, DM, Sturges, WT, Vollmer, MK, Rigby, M, Martinerie, P, Mühle, J, Worton, DR, Krummel, PB, Steele, LP, Miller, BR, Laube, J, Mani, FS, Rayner, PJ, Harth, CM, Witrant, E, Blunier, T, Schwander, J, O'Doherty, S & Battle, M, 2016, ‘Atmospheric abundance and global emissions of perfluorocarbons CF4, C2F6 and C3F8 since 1800 inferred from ice core, firn, air archive and in situ measurements’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 16., pp. 11733-11754 Vollmer, MK, Mühle, J, Trudinger, CM, Rigby, M, Montzka, SA, Harth, CM, Miller, BR, Henne, S, Krummel, PB, Hall, BD, Young, D, Kim, J, Arduini, J, Wenger, A, Yao, B, Reimann, S, O'Doherty, S, Maione, M, Etheridge, DM, Li, S, Verdonik, DP, Park, S, Dutton, G, Steele, LP, Lunder, CR, Rhee, TS, Hermansen, O, Schmidbauer, N, Wang, RHJ, Hill, M, Salameh, PK, Langenfelds, RL, Zhou, L, Blunier, T, Schwander, J, Elkins, JW, Butler, JH, Simmonds, PG, Weiss, RF, Prinn, RG & others 2016, ‘Atmospheric histories and global emissions of halons H-1211 (CBrClF2), H-1301 (CBrF3), and H-2402 (CBrF2CBrF2)’. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol 121., pp. 3663-3686 Simmonds, PG, Rigby, M, Manning, AJ, Lunt, M, O'Doherty, S, McCulloch, A, Fraser, PJ, Henne, S, Vollmer, MK, Mühle, J, Weiss, RF, Salameh, PK, Young, TDS, Reimann, S, Wenger, A, Arnold, T, Harth, CM, Krummel, PB, Steele, LP, Dunse, BL, Miller, BR, Lunder, CR, Hermansen, O, Schmidbauer, N, Saito, T, Yokouchi, Y, Park, S, Li, S, Yao, B, Zhou, LX, Arduini, J, Maione, M, Wang, RHJ, Ivy, D & Prinn, RG, 2015, ‘Global and regional emissions estimates of 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC-152a, CH3CHF2) from in situ and air archive observation’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 16., pp. 365-382 Vollmer, MK, Rigby, M, Laube, J, Henne, S, Rhee, T, Gooch, L, Wenger, A, Young, TDS, Steele, L, Langenfelds, R, Brenninkmeijer, C, Wang, J-L, Ou-Yang, C-F, Wyss, S, Hill, M, Oram, D, Krummel, P, Schoenenberger, F, Zellweger, C, Fraser, P, Sturges, W, O’Doherty, S & Reimann, S, 2015, ‘Abrupt reversal in emissions and atmospheric abundance of HCFC-133a (CF3CH2Cl)’. Geophysical Research Letters, vol 42., pp. 8702-8710 McNorton, J, Chipperfield, MP, Gloor, M, Wilson, C, Feng, W, Hayman, GD, Rigby, M, Krummel, P, O'Doherty, S, Prinn, RG, Weiss, RF, Young, D, Dlugokencky, E & Montzka, SA, 2015, ‘Role of OH variability in the stalling of the global atmospheric CH4 growth rate from 1999 to 2006’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 17. Schoenenberger, F, Vollmer, MK, Rigby, M, Hill, M, Fraser, PJ, Krummel, PB, Langenfelds, RL, Rhee, TS, Peter, T & Reimann, S, 2015, ‘First observations, trends, and emissions of HCFC-31 (CH2ClF) in the global atmosphere’. Geophysical Research Letters, vol 42., pp. 7817-7824 Lunt, MF, Rigby, M, Ganesan, AL, Manning, AJ, Prinn, RG, O'Doherty, S, Mühle, J, Harth, CM, Salameh, PK, Arnold, T, Weiss, RF, Saito, T, Yokouchi, Y, Krummel, PB, Steele, LP, Fraser, PJ, Li, S, Park, S, Reimann, S, Vollmer, MK, Lunder, C, Hermansen, O, Schmidbauer, N, Maione, M, Arduini, J, Young, D & Simmonds, PG, 2015, ‘Reconciling reported and unreported HFC emissions with atmospheric observations’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vollmer, MK, Rhee, TS, Rigby, M, Hofstetter, D, Schoenenberger, F & Reimann, S, 2015, ‘Modern inhalation anesthetics: Potent greenhouse gases in the global atmosphere’. Geophysical Research Letters. Ganesan, AL, Rigby, M, Zammit-Mangion, A, Manning, AJ, Prinn, RG, Fraser, PJ, Harth, CM, Kim, K-, Krummel, PB, Li, S, Muehle, J, O'Doherty, SJ, Park, S, Salameh, PK, Steele, LP & Weiss, RF, 2014, ‘Characterization of uncertainties in atmospheric trace gas inversions using hierarchical Bayesian methods’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 14., pp. 3855-3864
