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北京大学光华管理学院博士后。韩国延世大学(Yonsei University)管理学博士研究生毕业,管理学博士;韩国首尔市政府经济事务担当官;韩国首尔国立大学客座教授;江西师范大学商学院市场营销系主任、市场营销专业网络营销方向带头人。 现任国际经营教育学会常务理事、中国高校市场学研究会理事、韩国经营教育学会理事、江西省管理学会常务理事,同时担任多个国内外权威核心期刊编委、审稿专家。 曾获得韩国教育部与权威管理学学会颁发的“国际学术交流贡献奖”、“管理学优秀学者奖”、“精英人才奖”等奖项,并多次获得管理学国际权威学会年度最佳论文奖。 曾作为韩国首尔市政府历史上的首位正式外国人公务员,多次接受韩国国家电视台新闻采访及人物专访,任职韩国经济振兴部,担任经济事务担当官,负责外资创业、企业管理顾问等工作。 近年在国内外核心A类及权威外文国际学术期刊发表论文40余篇;主持承担国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后科学基金项目、省社科规划项目、省高校人文项目、政府及企业委托项目等十余项学术研究课题,参研国家自然科学基金重点项目等课题近十项;撰写学术专著三部;并为韩国三星、LG等数家上市公司总部进行培训和管理咨询工作,具有丰富的教学与实践经验。 主持科研项目(近三年): 主持国家自然科学基金项目两项,主持中国博士后科学基金第62批面上项目、江西省社会科学“十二五”规划项目、江西省高校人文社科项目等省部级科研项目、政府及企业委托项目等十余项课题。参研国家自科基金重点项目等近十项课题。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) A Study on Factors Influencing Relationship Characteristics and Purchasing Intention of the Franchising Industry, Korean Business Education Review, 2011, Vol.26, No.3(KCI, Korea Cite index). 2) A Study on Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty of the Chinese Internet Shopping Mall, International Business Education Review, 2011, Vol.8, No.2(KCI, Korea Cite index). 3) The Trends and Prospects of Art Management in China, International Business Education Review, 2011, Vol.8, No.3 (KCI, Korea Cite index). 4) A Study on Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty of the Chinese Internet Shopping Mall, 2011 Korea Academy of International Business Education, 2011, Seoul, Korea. 5) The Effect of Control Mechanism on Relational Performance in China's Petrochemical Industry: Focusing on Korean supplier, The 15th KEA(SSCI) International Conference: Prospects for the Future: Shaping New Approaches and Issues in Economics, 2012, Seoul, Korea. 6) A Study on the Highway Industry Administration and Enforcement of Laws in China Shandong, Journal of Regional Industry Review, 2012,Vol.35, No.2 7) The Influence of Relationship Strength between the Buyer and the Supplier on Cooperation and Relational Performance, International Business Education Review, 2012, Vol.9, No.4 (KCI, Korea Cite index). 8) The Effect of the Dimension of Justice on Relational Quality and Relational Performance in the Chinese Market, Korean Business Education Review, 2012.10, Vol.27, No.5(KCI, Korea Cite index). 9) A Study on the Current Situation and Prospects of the Cosmetic Market in China, 2013 Korea Academy of International Business Education, 2013, Seoul, Korea. 10) Customer Participation Behaviors and Brand Loyalty Based on the Media Characteristics of WeChat, 2014 International Conference on E-Management and E-Education, Beijing, China, 2014 (SCI论文) 11) The Effect of Control Mechanism on Relational Performance in China’s Petrochemical Industry, 2014 International Conference on E-Management and E-Education, Beijing, China, 2014 (SCI论文) 12) An Analysis on the Current Situation and Brand Development Prospects of the Cosmetic Market in China, International Business Education Review, 2014, Vol.11, No.1(KCI, Korea Cite index). 13) The Effect of Control Mechanism on Relational Commitment, The Journal of Business Education, 2014, Vol.28, No.5 (KCI, Korea Cite index). 14) 企业社会责任履行中的顾客参与综述:基于移动SNS的研究, The Business Education Journal,2015,Vol.26, No.1 (KCI, Korea Cite index). 15) A Study on the Effect of Circle Trust on Online WOM in Chinese Mobile SNS, The Journal of Business Education, 2015, Vol.29, No.3 (KCI, Korea Cite index). 16) 我国跨境电子商务的发展模式与策略建议,宏观经济研究,2015年第9期(A类学术期刊)。 17) Factors Influencing Customer Participation in Mobile SNS: Focusing on WeChat in China, Indian Journal of Science & Technology, 2015.10, Vol.8 (SCOPUS收录期刊). 18) A Study on Factors Influencing Customer Participation and Word-of-Mouth in Mobile SNS: Focusing on WeChat in China, The 5th International Conference on Convergence Technology, 2015, Japan. 19) Factors Influencing Wechat User' Knowledge Sharing Intention, The 5th International Conference on Convergence Technology, 2015, Japan. 20) A Study on Offline Factors that Affect Customer Participation Behavior on Mobile Social Platform: Based on WeChat, 2015 International Conference on Information Engineering and Innovation Project Management, 2015, China. 21) The Effects of Consumer Characteristics on Participation Behavior in Wechat: Using Multi-group SEM Analysis, The 3rd International Conference on Digital Policy & Management, 2016. 22) Media and User Features that Affect Knowledge Sharing Behaviors and Knowledge Acquisition on Wechat, The 3rd International Conference on Digital Policy & Management 2016. 23) A Study on the Connotation, Measuring Dimensions and Influence Factors of Sense of Circle in Mobile Social Networks, International Conference on Convergence Technology, 2016, Korea. 24) The Effects of Consumer Characteristics on Information Searching Behavior in Wireless Mobile SNS: Using SEM Analysis, Wireless Personal Communications, 2016 (SCI收录期刊). 25) 基于移动社交网络营销的顾客参与行为及其对口碑传播的影响:以微信为例,宏观经济研究,2016年第8期(A类学术期刊)。 26) A Study on the Connotation, Measuring Dimensions and Influence Factors of Sense of Circle in Mobile Social Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 2017(SCI收录期刊).
