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Cell adhesion molecules in neuronal precursor migration


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Helyer, R, Cacciabue-Rivolta, D, Davies, D, Rivolta, M, Kros, C & Holley, M, 2007, ‘A model for mammalian cochlear hair cell differentiation in vitro: effects of retinoic acid on cytoskeletal proteins and potassium conductances’. European Journal of Neuroscience, vol 25 (4)., pp. 957 - 973 Davies, D, 2007, ‘Temporal and spatial regulation of α6 integrin expression during the development of the cochlear-vestibular ganglion’. Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol 502 (5)., pp. 673 - 682 Davies, D, Magnus, C & Corwin, J, 2007, ‘Developmental changes in cell-extracellular matrix interactions limit proliferation in the mammalian inner ear’. European Journal of Neuroscience, vol 25 (4)., pp. 985 - 998 Helyer, R, Kennedy, H, Davies, D, Holley, M & Kros, C, 2005, ‘Development of outward potassium currents in inner and outer hair cells from the embryonic mouse cochlea’. Audiology and Neurotology, vol 10 (1)., pp. 22 - 34 Lawoko-Kerali, G, Milo, M, Davies, D, Halsall, A, Helyer, R, Johnson, C, Rivolta, M, Tones, M & Holley, M, 2004, ‘Ventral otic cell lines as developmental models of auditory epithelial and neural precursors’. Developmental Dynamics, vol 31., pp. 801 - 814 Davies, D & Holley, M, 2002, ‘Differential expression of α3 and α6 integrins in the developing mouse inner ear’. Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol 445 (2)., pp. 122 - 132 Hackett, L, Davies, D, Helyer, R, Kennedy, H, Kros, C, Lawlor, P, Rivolta, M & Holley, M, 2002, ‘E-cadherin and the differentiation of mammalian vestibular hair cells’. Exp. Cell. Res, vol 278., pp. 19 - 30 Hackett, L, Lawlor, P, Helyer, R, Rivolta, M, Kennedy, H, Davies, D & Holley, M, 2001, ‘The function of E-cadherin in the diffentiation of mammalian vestibular hair cells in vitro’. in: Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Supplement, 24th Annual Midwinter Meeting., pp. 585 - 585 Davies, D, Spicel, B, Smith, H & Haynes, L, 1994, ‘The effect of capsaicin on peptide-containing primary afferent nerve fibres, eosinophil distribution and hyperresponsiveness in rat lung tissue following experimentally-induced eosinophilia’. Neuroimmuno Modulation, vol 1., pp. 308 - 314 Davies, D, Medgiroz, M, Keen, J, Turner, A & Haynes, L, 1992, ‘Endopeptibase 24.11 Cleaves a Chemotactic Factor From CGRP - X’. Biochem.Pharmacol, vol 43., pp. 1753 - 1756
