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华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院副教授。他是北斗全球系统信号设计团队的核心成员之一,主要从事信号调制、复用及扩频码设计与优化工作;是中欧、中美、中俄卫星导航系统双边协调技术工作组成员,为北斗与Galileo、GPS、Glonass系统的兼容与互操作做出了重要贡献。主持和参与自然科学基金、重大专项、重点研发计划等项目10余项,在国内外期刊和会议发表论文40余篇,获得美国、欧洲、日本、中国等专利授权10余项,获教育部科技进步二等奖1项、军队科技进步二等奖1项。 承担课程 电子线路设计、测试与实验 卫星通信原理 卫星通信系统 空间通信系统设计与实验 主要科研项目 广东省重点领域研发项目(子课题),天基信息网络服务系统关键技术与验证,2019-2022; 国家重点研发计划项目(子课题),全天候关注目标检测追踪与理解技术,2018-2021; 中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项项目,导航信号专利体系,2018-2020; 中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项项目,新型导航信号体制技术,2015-2018; 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于 CPM 的高谱效恒包络导航信号调制方法,2015-2017; 中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项项目,新一代单载波多分量GNSS信号质量评估技术,2014-2016; 国家自然科学基金面上项目,异构网络中基于联盟共演化博弈的自治化资源管理方法,2013-2016; 中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项项目,地面试验验证系统性能评估软件,2013-2016; 中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项项目,全球导航系统下行导航信号结构设计及验证,2012-2016。 荣誉奖项 华中科技大学科技新星(GF),2016 军队科技进步奖一等奖,2013 教育部科技进步奖二等奖,2006




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Nie J, Wei J, Tang Z. Unsupervised Text Style Transfer Based on Variational Auto-Encoder[J]. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2020, 34(1003-0077(2020)34:7<79:JYBFZB>2.0.TX;2-H7): 79-88. [2] Wang B, Li T, Wei J, et al. A new unambiguous tracking algorithm for sine-BOC(m, n) signals[J]. GPS SOLUTIONS. 2019, 23(583). [3] Li T, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. Unambiguous Tracking Technique Based on Combined Correlation Functions for Sine BOC Signals[J]. JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION. 2019, 72(1): 140-154. [4] Li T, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. An Unambiguous Tracking Technique for Cosine-Phased BOC Signals with Low Complexity[J]. RADIOENGINEERING. 2018, 27(4): 1191-1198. [5] Xia X, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. Spectrally Efficient Constant Envelope Modulation for GNSS Signals[J]. RADIOENGINEERING. 2018, 27(3): 813-818. [6] Zhou Z, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. Phase-aligned Dual-frequency Constant Envelope Multiplexing Technique for GNSS Signals[J]. JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION. 2018, 71(4): 899-918. [7] Zhou Z, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. General Time-Division AltBOC Modulation Technique for GNSS Signals[J]. RADIOENGINEERING. 2018, 27(1): 256-269. [8] Li T, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. An Unambiguous Acquisition Technique for Sine BOC(m,n) Signals[M]. Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, 2018, 13-20. [9] Li T, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. An Optimizing Combined Unambiguous Correlation Functions for BOC Signals Tracking[M]. Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, 2017, 388-400. [10] Wang B, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. MTLL Comparison of Unambiguous Tracking Algorithms[M]. Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, 2017, 1196-1205. [11] Yan T, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. General AltBOC Modulation with Adjustable Power Allocation Ratio for GNSS[J]. JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION. 2016, 69(3): 531-560. [12] Yan T, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. Unambiguous Acquisition/Tracking Technique for High-Order Sine-Phased Binary Offset Carrier Modulated Signal[J]. WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2015, 84(4): 2835-2857. [13] Yan T, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. Unambiguous combined correlation functions for sine-BOC signal tracking[J]. GPS SOLUTIONS. 2015, 19(4): 623-638. [14] Yan T, Tang Z, Wei J, et al. A Quasi-constant Envelope Multiplexing Technique for GNSS Signals[J]. JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION. 2015, 68(4): 791-808. [15] Yu Z, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. A Research of Code Tracking Loop for Navigation Signal Based on DS/FH Modulation[M]. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Sun J, Liu J, Fan S, et al, 2015: 342, 535-543. [16] Xia X, Wei J, Tang Z, et al. A New Choice of Spreading Codes for Satellite Navigation System[M]. Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, 2015, 173-178.
