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School of Electronic Information and Communications Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei, 430074 P.R. China Biography Dr. Haojun Huang is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. He received his BS degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT), in 2005, and PhD degree from the School of Communication and Information Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), in 2012. He worked as a postdoctor in the Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University (THU), from 2012 to 2015, a visiting scholar in computing science at the University of Exeter (UNEXE) from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2015, an assistant professor in communication engineering within the College of Electronic Information Engineering at Wuhan University (WHU) from 2015 to 2017, and a professor in the Department of Network Engineering within the College of Computer at the China University of Geosciences (CUG) in 2018. His current research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for networking. He has established a solid track record in publications in international journals and at reputable conferences, and been invited to give more than 8 talks in international conferences and reputable universities. So far, his research has resulted in 20 refereed journal papers (with 10 papers published or accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions or Journals), 5 refereed conference papers, 2 scientific books, and 1 patent. He has co-authored research publications with excellent researchers from 12 different universities, and has been invited to contribute four overview articles published in IEEE Communications Magazine (IF=10.356) and IEEE Networks (IF=7.503). He has been serving as an executive associate editor for Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications from 10/10/2013, guest editor for ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications Special Issue on Deep Learning for Big Data Analytics in 2018, and also serving as a TPC Vice Chair for IEEE IUCC 2017 and GreenCom 2017. Besides, he has served as a TPC member for several important conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM 2018/2017/2015, HPCC 2019/2018, DSS 2018, ICC 2018/2017/2013, GLOBECOM 2019/2016, IUCC 2019/2018/2017, CIT 2017/2016/2015, CPSCom 2017, SmartData 2018/2017, GreenCom 2017, and WNM-2015, and as a reviewer for more than 20 various prestigious journals, including IEEE/ACM JSAC, TMC, TSC, TII, TSUSC, and ToN, etc. Dr. Huang is currently looking for highly self-motivated PhD/MS/undergraduate students who are strongly committed to multi-disciplinary research on AI, NFV, SDN, IoT, and Future Networks. Candidates are expected to have solid background in programming, mathematics and writing in English. If you are interested and have the right background, please feel to contact Dr. Huang via email hjhuang@hust.edu.cn. Research Grants Data-driven Network Distance Prediction, PI, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Success ratio=9%), 2017-2018 Redundant Secure Communication Mechanism in Internet of Things, PI, Science Foundation of Department of Communications of China, 2016-2016 Data-driven Network Measurement in NFV-based Networks, PI, Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation, 2017-2018 Network Distance Prediction in the Non-Euclidean Space, PI, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Success ratio=15%), 2016-2016 3D Geographic Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Deployed in the Complicate Environment, PI, Natural Science Foundation of China (Success ratio=16.2%), 2014-2017 Experiment Demonstration of 3D Geographic Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks, PI, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Success ratio=9%), 2014-2016 QUICK: Quality-of-Experience Improvement for Mobile Multimedia across Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Co-PI, European FP7, 2014-2018 Selected Publications H. Huang, W. Miao, G. Min, C. Huang, X. Zhang, and C. Wang, Resilient Range-based d-dimensional Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks, to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020. H. Huang, W. Miao, G. Min, C. Huang, J. Tian, and A. Alamri, NFV-enabled 5G for URLLC in Industry: Architecture and Performance Evaluation, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020. J. Zhang, H. Huang*, G. Min, W. Miao and D. Oliver Wu, Social-aware Routing in Mobile Opportunistic Networks, to appear in IEEE Wireless Communications, 2020. C. Wang, G.Liu, H. Huang*, W. Feng, K. Peng, and L. Wang, MIASec: Enabling Data Indistinguishability Against Membership Inference Attacks in MLaaS, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 5(3):365-376, 2020. X. Zhang, H. Yin, D. Wu, H. Huang, G. Min, and Y. Zhang, SSL: A Surrogate-based Method for Large-scale Statistical Delay Measurement, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020. Q. Fan, H. Yin, L. Jiao, Y. Lv, H. Huang, and X. Zhang, Towards Optimal Request Mapping and Response Routing for Content Delivery Networks, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020. W. Miao, G. Min, Y. Wu, H. Huang, Z. Zhao, and C. Luo, Stochastic Performance Analysis of Network Function Virtualization in Future Internet, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37(3):613-626, 2019. X. Zhang, H. Huang*, H. Yin, D. Wu, G. Min, and Z. Ma, Resource Provisioning in the Edge for IoT Applications with Multilevel Services, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3):4262-4271, 2019. P. Zhao, H. Jiang, C. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Yang, and G. Liu, On the Performance of K-anonymity against Inference Attacks with Background Information, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(1):808-819, 2019. H. Huang*, S. Pang, G. Min, and J. Zhang, Multipath Routing Identification Approach for Internet Built on End-to-End Packet Order, to appear in Wireless Networks, 2019. J. Zhang, H. Huang*, C. Yang, J. Liu, Y. Fan, and G. Yang, Destination-aware Metric based Social Routing for Mobile Opportunistic Networks, to appear in Wireless Networks, 2019. X. Zhang , H. Chen, Y. Zhao, Z. Ma, Y. Xu, H. Huang, Y. Hao, and D. Wu, Improving Cloud Gaming Experience through Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Wireless Communications, 26(4):178-183, 2019. H. Huang*, H. Yin, G. Min, X. Zhang, and J. Zhang, Energy-aware Dual-path Geographic Routing to Bypass Routing Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 17(6):1339-1352, 2018. H. Huang*, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, B. Yi, Q. Fan, and F. Li, EMGR: Energy-aware Multicast Geographic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Computer Networks, 129:51-63, 2018. H. Huang*, H. Yin, G. Min, H. Jiang, J. Zhang, and Y. Wu, Data-driven Information Plane in Software-Defined Networking, IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(6):218-224, 2017. H. Huang*, H. Yin, G. Min, X. Zhang, W. Zhu, and Y. Wu, Coordinate-assisted Routing Approach to Bypass Routing Hole in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(7):180-185, 2017. H. Huang*, H. Yin, Y. Luo, X. Zhang, G. Min, and Q. Fan, Three-dimensional Geographic Routing in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, IEEE Networks, 30(2):82-90, 2016. H. Huang*, H. Yin, G. Min, D. Wu, Y. Wu, and K. Li, Network Distance Prediction for Enabling Service-oriented Applications over Large-scale Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(8):166-174, 2015. Honors and Awards 100 Representative Grantees, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2017 Graduate Academic Innovation Award, UESTC, 2012 Excellent Graduate Scholarship, UESTC, 2008-2012 Courses ECE 4893: Digital Networking Spring'20 ECE 4823/6823: Digital Communications Fall'12|Spring'18 ECE 8823: Wireless Networks Spring'12|Fall'13|Fall'14|Fall'15|Fall'16


Membership IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM): 2018, 2017, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA): 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC): 2019, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity), 2018, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC):2017 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC): 2019, 2018, 2017 IEEE Green Computing and Communications Conference (GreenCom): 2017 IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM): 2019, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): 2018, 2017, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings): 2017, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom):2017, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData): 2017 IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements Conference (WNM): 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT): 2017, 2016, 2015 Workshop Chair, IEEE HPCC 2018, Exeter, UK, 28-30/6/2018 Poster Chair, IEEE SECON 2013, New Orleans, LA, 24-27/6/2013 Web Chair, IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, FL, 25-30/3/2012 Editorial Board Member Executive Associate Editor (EAE), Springer, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 8/10/2013 - present Guest Editor, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Deep Learning for Big Data Analytics, 2018 Technical Program Committee Vice Chair Ubiquitous Communications Track, IEEE Ubiquitous Computing and Communications Conference (IUCC), Guangzhou, China, 1-15/12/2017 Green Computing and Communication Technologies Track, IEEE Green Computing and Communications Conference (GreenCom), Exeter, UK, 21-23/6/2017 Selected Invited Talks SDN-based Information Plane in Future Networks, HUST, Wuhan, China, 3/4/2017. 3D Geographic Routing in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks--Wireless Communications and Networking, ChinaCom 2016, ChongQing, China, 25/9/2016. Book Editing Blockchains in Networks: Principles, Technologies, and Applications (In press),H. Huang (HUST, China), L. Wang (CUG, China), Y. Wu (UNEXE, UK), and K. R. Choo (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA), IET/SciTech, ISBN: 9781785618734, 2020. 5G-Enabled Internet of Things (In press), Y. Wu (UNEXE, UK), H. Huang (HUST, China), C. Wang (Heriot-Watt University, UK), and K. R. Choo (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA), Taylor & Francis, CRC, ISBN: 9780367190101, 2019. Journal Reviewer IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE Transactions on Services Computing IEEE Communications IEEE Network Magazine IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems IEEE Internet of Things Journal Computer Communications Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Wireless Networks Future Generation Computer Systems China Communications
