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英国牛津大学大学环境变化研究所荣誉研究员。英国生态水文中心客座研究员。主要从事环境管理与规划、环境健康风险、环境数据分析与模型模拟等相关研究。近年来发表论文30余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Environmental Health Perspectives, Environmental Modelling & Software等SCI/SSCI期刊上发表学术论文19篇,中文论文3篇。作为技术负责人、项目骨干参与欧盟FP7环境风险管理、变化预测与应对管理类项目3项,参与撰写欧盟项目报告、政策手册6部。 主要学历 2009–2014:博士,地理学,比利时法语鲁汶大学 2007–2008:研究式硕士,地理信息科学,英国爱丁堡大学 2003–2007:学士,地理信息系统,中山大学 工作经历 2017年11月–今:副教授,华中科技大学 环境科学与工程学院 2014年05月–2017年09月:博士后,英国牛津大学 环境变化研究所 2010年10月–2014年05月:Aspirant Fellow,比利时国立科学研究基金委 2009年03月–2014年05月:研究助理,比利时法语鲁汶大学 地球与生命研究所 乔治·勒梅特地球与气候研究中心




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang G, Zheng D, Wu H, Wang J, Li S* (2020) Assessing the role of high-speed rail in shaping the spatial patterns of urban and rural development: A case of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135399. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135399 (SCI, JCR Q1) Zheng D, Zhang G, Shan H, Tu Q, Wu H, Li S* (2020). Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Morphology in the Yangtze River Middle Reaches Megalopolis, China. Sustainability, 12(5), doi: 1738. 10.3390/su12051738 (SCI, JCR Q2) Tian, Y., Wu H*, Zhang G, Wang L, Zheng D. Li S* (2020). Perceptions of ecosystem services, disservices and willingness-to-pay for urban green space conservation. Journal of Environmental Management, 260, 110140. (SCI, JCR Q1) Zhang G, Zheng D, Tian Y, Li S* (2019) A dataset of distribution and diversity of ticks in China, Scientific Data, 6:105, doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0115-5 (SCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Gilbert L, Vanwambeke SO, Yu J, Purse BV, Harrison PA (2019) Lyme disease risks in Europe under multiple uncertain drivers of change, Environmental Health Perspectives, 127 (6): 067010, doi: 10.1289/EHP4615 (SCI, JCR Q1) Jiu J, Wu H*, Li S* (2019) The implication of land-use/land-cover change for the declining soil erosion risk in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (10), 1865, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.038 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA (2018) Modelling regional cropping patterns under scenarios of climate and socio-economic change in Hungary, Science of the Total Environment, 622-623: 1611-1620, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.038 (SCI/SSCI, IF2016 = 4.900, JCR Q1) Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Trájer A, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA (2018) Lifestyle, habitat and farmers’ risk of exposure to tick bites in endemic area of tick-borne diseases in Hungary, Zoonoses and Public Health, 61(1):e248-e253, doi: 10.1111/zph.12413 (SCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Pedde S, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA (2017) Integrated modelling of urban spatial development under uncertain climate futures: A case study in Hungary, Environmental Modelling & Software, 96: 251-264, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.07.005 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Harrison PA, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA (2017) Relating farmer's perceptions of climate change risk to adaptation behaviour in Hungary, Journal of Environmental Management, 185: 21-30, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.051 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Harrison PA, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA (2016) Population and age structure in Hungary: A residential preference and age dependency approach to disaggregate census data, Journal of Maps, 12(S1):560-569, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1237898 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) Li S*, Gilbert L, Harrison PA, Rounsevell MDA (2016) Modelling the seasonality of Lyme disease risk and the potential impacts of a warming climate within the heterogeneous landscapes of Scotland, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(116):20160140, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0140 (SCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Colson V, Lejeune P, Vanwambeke SO (2016) On the distance travelled for woodland leisure via different transport modes in Wallonia, south Belgium, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 15:123-132, doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2015.12.007 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Colson V, Lejeune P, Speybroeck N, Vanwambeke SO (2015) Agent-based modelling of the spatial pattern of leisure visitation in forests: A case study in Wallonia, south Belgium, Environmental Modelling & Software, 71: 111-125, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.06.001 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Mackaness WA (2015) A multi-agent-based, semantic-driven system for decision support in epidemic management, Health Informatics Journal, 21(3): 195-208, doi: 10.1177/1460458213517704 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) Li S*, Vanwambeke SO, Liccope AM, Speybroeck N (2014) Impacts of deer management practices on the spatial dynamics of the tick Ixodes ricinus: A scenario analysis, Ecological Modelling, 276: 1-13, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.12.023 (SCI, JCR Q2) Li S*, Tao H, Xu Y, 2013, Abiotic determinants to the spatial dynamics of dengue fever in Guangzhou, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 25(3):239-247, doi:10.1177/1010539511418819 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) Li S*, Heyman P, Cochez C, Simons L, Vanwambeke SO (2012) A multi-level analysis of the relationship between environmental factors and questing Ixodes ricinus dynamics in Belgium, Parasites & Vectors, 5:149, doi:10.1186/ 1756-3305-5-149 (SCI, JCR Q1) Li S*, Hartemink N, Speybroeck N, Vanwambeke SO (2012) Consequences of landscape fragmentation on Lyme disease risk: A cellular automata approach, PLoS ONE, 7(6):e39612, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039612 (SCI, JCR Q1)


Nature Communications,Environmental Modelling & Software等20余部期刊审稿人
