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工作经历 2006.05-2009.05:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师; 2009.06-2016.11:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师,硕士生导师; 2016.12-至今:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师; 教育背景 1996.09-2000.07:中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,水文地质与工程地质专业,本科生; 2000.09-2003.01:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,硕士研究生; 2003.03-2006.07:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,博士研究生;


纳米材料在多孔介质中的迁移沉积机制 地下水硝酸盐污染修复技术 海水入侵水敏感性 河口湿地地表水与地下水污染的数值模拟


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.G.Q. Lin, T.J. Wang, X.L. Zheng. Assessing effects of soil hydraulic properties on the temporal stability of absolute soil moisture content and soil moisture anomaly under different climatic conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences .75(2) (2016). (SCI) 2.J. Zhou, L.X. Qiu, G.Q. Lin*, X.Y. Yan, X.L. Chen, H.L. Pang. Chemical Mechanism of Flocculation and Deposition of Clay Colloids in Coastal Aquifers, Journal of Ocean University of China 15(5) (2016) 847-852. (SCI). 3.J. Zhou, G.Q. Lin*, J.B. Liu, P.D. Zhang, L. Gong. A laboratory column study on particles release in remediation of seawater intrusion region, Journal of Ocean University of China 14(6) (2015) 1013-1018. (SCI) 4.Guoqing Lin, Yanran Zhang, Xilai Zheng. Optimal Design of Wetland Ecological Water in the Shuangtaizi Estuary, Panjin. Procedia Environmental Sciences.1404-1410. 5.Guoqing Lin, xiaoyu Miao, Xilai Zheng. Temporal Evolution of Water Quality in the Typical Semi-arid Region. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 1411-1418. 6.Guoqing Lin, Xilai Zheng, Xiaoyu Miao, Jidong Ding. A Critical Salt Concentration of Illite Clay for Particle Release in Aquifer Media. ICBBE2010, IEEE. 7.Guoqing Lin, Jidong Ding, Xilai Zheng,Xiaoyu Miao. Changes of Hydraulic Conductivity in Coastal Aquifers with the existence of illites. ICBBE2010, IEEE. 8.Guoqing Lin, Xueqing Wu, Heng Cui. Study on Oil-Contaminated Soils near the Highways of Qingdao. Proceedings of 2010 International Workshop on Diffuse Polltion-management Measures and Control Technique. 9.Guoqing Lin,Xilai Zheng, Simulation of recovery options of brackish water aquifer in the Dagu River area,China.The 2st International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health, EPPH2008. 10.Guoqing Lin,Xilai Zheng,Vulnerability Mapping of a Coastal Aquifer in Qingdao City, China, Using Mapinfo and the DRASTIC approach.The 2st International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health, EPPH2008. 11.Guoqing Lin, Xilai Zheng, Xiaolong Zhang, Groundwater modeling and management of a coastal aquifer in eastern China, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005,12. 13-18. 12.Xilai Zheng, Guoqing Lin, Xiaohui, Zhang. Permeability variations of porous media at the seawater-freshwater interface. Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences, 559-562, 2007. 13.Jun Zhou, Markus Flurry, Xilai Zheng, Guoqing Lin. Permeability changes during remediation of an aquifer affected by sea-water intrusion: A laboratory column study. Journal of Hydrology, 2009, 376:557-566. 14.张嫣然,林国庆. 水利工程影响下双台子河上溯潮水分流比的响应机制. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2012,42(10),106-1. 15.林国庆,伍成成. 双台子河橡胶坝对支流绕阳河纳潮的影响. 海洋环境科学.2011:668-673. 16.武桂芝,郑西来,林国庆; 郝鹏. 季节性河道渗漏野外试验研究. 干旱区研究. 2011(1):74-78. 17.伍成成,郑西来,林国庆. 双台子河口感潮段纳潮量研究. 水资源与水工程学报. 2010(8):105-110. 18.林国庆,郑西来,李海明. 地下水库人工补给的模型研究—以大沽河地下水库为例,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2005,35(5),745-750.


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