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工作经历 2006.06-今:中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院 教育背景 1995.09-1999.07:青岛大学,环境规划与管理专业,本科; 2000.09-2003.01:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,生态学专业,硕士; 2003.03-2006.03:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,生态学专业,博士。


海岸带生态环境的时空变化研究; 海岸带生态安全与风险评估研究; 基于RS和GIS的区域生态系统评估研究。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Ge Yu, Jing Chen, Xueqing Zhang, et al. Comprehensive analysis of an ecological risk assessment of the DaliaoRiver estuary,China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185(8) 2.Ge Yu, Peng Sun, Guangxing Liu, et al. Diagnostic model construction and example analysis of habitat degradation in enclosed bay: I. diagnostic model construction. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014,32(3):626-635 3.Ge Yu, Peng Sun, Guangxing Liu, et al. Diagnostic model construction and example analysis of habitat degradation in enclosed bay: II. Spatiotemporal variations in habitat degradation in Sansha Bay. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014,32(3):636-644 4.Peng Sun, Ge Yu, Zhaozhang Chen, et al. Diagnostic model construction and example analysis of habitat degradation in enclosed bay: III. Sansha Bay habitat restoration strategy. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2015,33(2):477-489 5.Ge Yu, Junyan Zhang. Analysi of the impact on ecosystem and environment of marine reclamation - A case study in JiaozhouBay. Energy Procedia, 2011,5 6.Chunxia Lu, Ge Yu, Gaodi Xie, et al. Wind tunnel simulation and evaluation of soil conservation of Alpine Grassland in Qinghai-Tibet. Ecological Economics, 2013,86 7.Ge Yu, Junyan Zhang. An analysis on land use changes and impacts on regionally sustainable development in JiaozhouBay. The International Workshop on EngineeringEnergy and Environment Engineering, 2010 8.Ge Yu, Chunxia Lu, Gaodi Xie. Water content of grassland ecosystem and its economic valuation in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on Rs and GIS. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, 2008 IGC/IRC Conference, 2008 9.于格,刘光兴,高会旺. 中国东部陆架海及沿岸地区生态安全评价. 资源科学. 2011,33(11) 10.张军岩,於俐,于格,等. 胶州湾地区近50年气候变化特征分析及未来趋势预估. 资源科学. 2011,33(10)


中国自然资源学会会员 中国海洋大学学报审稿人
