2005.09 - 2009.07,就读于山东大学土建与水利学院土木工程专业,获工学学士学位。
2009.09 - 2015.04,在大连理工大学建设工程学部结构工程专业硕博连读,获工学博士学位。
2015.06 - 2021.12,任职于中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系,担任讲师。
2015.07 - 2018.06,在中国海洋大学工程学院水利工程从事博士后研究。
2018.07 - 至今,在中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系担任硕士生导师。
2022.01 - 至今,在中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系担任副教授。
Guoxi Fan, Jing Yang, Ye Wang, Qiyi Zhang, Jing Jia, Wanpeng Cheng. Dynamic behavior of a precast and partial steel joint under various shear span - to - depth ratios. Materials, 2021, 14(9), 2162. (SCI&EI)
Peng Li, Chengqian Wang, Guoxi Fan, Yong Liu, Juncheng Xiong. Study on time - varying viscosity of cement and sodium silicate grout under seawater condition. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 269, 121223. (SCI&EI)
Guoxi Fan, Fantong Lin, Peng Li, Jigang Han, Huaishuai Shang, Ye Wang, Han Zheng. Strain conditions monitoring on corroded prestressed steel strands in beams based on fiber bragg grating sensors. Sensors, 2020, 20(8): 2288. (SCI&EI)
杨天戈,范国玺,王也,王德斌,商怀帅。快速加载下轴压比对 RC 梁柱节点抗震性能的影响。振动与冲击,2019, 38 (11): 271 - 278. (EI)
王德斌,李宏男,范国玺。钢筋混凝土柱动态加载试验及数值模拟。应用基础与工程科学学报,2019, 27 (4): 878 - 889. (EI)
Guoxi Fan, Debin Wang, Jing Jia. Improvement, analytical verification and application of RC frame beam - column joint models. Earthquakes and Structures, 2018, 14(3): 273 - 283. (SCI&EI)
Guoxi Fan, Debin Wang, Yuhong Diao, Huaishuai Shang, Xiaocheng Tang, Hai Sun. Improvement and application of the softened strut - and - tie model. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 269. (EI)
Debin Wang, Guoxi Fan. Influence of torsion effect on the mechanical characteristics of reinforced concrete column. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 269. (EI)
DebinWang, Guoxi Fan. Effect of strain rate on reinforced concrete columns. Advances in Engineering Research, 2017, 112: 473 - 477
Guoxi Fan, Haiyan Guo, ShutongYang, DebinWang, Hao Zhang. Dynamic loading test and numerical simulation on reinforced concrete members. Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges, 2016: 1019 - 1024. (EI)
王德斌,李宏男,范国玺。不同加载速率下钢筋混凝土柱受力性能试验研究。建筑结构学报,2016, 37 (8): 76 - 81. (EI)
王德斌,范国玺,张皓。多维动力加载条件下钢筋混凝土柱力学性能的研究。振动与冲击,2016, 35 (4): 35 - 41. (EI)
范国玺,宋玉普,王立成。钢筋混凝土框架结构梁柱中节点动态力学性能试验研究。振动与冲击,2015, 34 (12): 58 - 64, 100. (EI)
范国玺,王德斌,杨树桐,郭海燕,宋玉普。不同加载速率下梁柱边节点的抗震性能。哈尔滨工程大学学报,2015, 36 (10): 1326 - 1330, 1334. (EI)
Licheng Wang, Guoxi Fan, Yupu Song.Effect of loading velocity on the seismic behavior of RC joints. Earthquakes and Structures, 2015, 8(3): 665 - 679. (SCI&EI)
王立成,范国玺,秦全,宋玉普。考虑应变率效应的钢筋混凝土框架节点抗震性能试验研究。建筑结构学报,2014, 35 (2): 38 - 45. (EI)
范国玺,宋玉普,王立成,王德斌。应变率对钢筋混凝土梁柱中节点动态性能影响的试验研究。土木工程学报,2014, 47 (11): 11 - 18. (EI)
Guoxi Fan, Yupu Song, Licheng Wang. Experimental study on the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete beam - column joints under various strain rates. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2014, 33(7): 601 - 618. (SCI&EI)
Guoxi Fan, Yupu Song. Effect of axial compression ratio on dynamic mechanical properties of RC beam–column joints.Magazine of concrete research, 2014, 66(23): 1219 - 1236. (SCI&EI)
1.《International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials》等审稿人