2001.09 - 2005.06,中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系,本科,获工学学士学位。
2005.09 - 2010.06,中国海洋大学工程学院海洋工程系,博士研究生,获博士学位。
2010.07 - 2018.12,中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系,讲师。
2012.09 - 至今,中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系,硕士生导师。
2019.01 - 至今,中国海洋大学工程学院土木工程系,副教授,现任系主任。
Honglu Gu, Haiyan Guo, Fengtao Bai, Xiaomin Li, Fuheng Li. Study on the collision probability of vertical risers considering the wake interference effect[J].OCEAN ENGINEERING,2022(245): 110583
张宸鑫;李效民。一种新型附加稳定链锚泊系统的静动力特性分析 [J]. 船舶力学,2022 (07):1064-1076.
Honglu Gu, Haiyan Guo, Xiaomin Li, Fuheng Li.Static behaviors and collision onset criterion of two adjacent vertical risers[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures,2022.
GU Honglu, LI Xiaomin, GUO Haiyan, LI Fuheng, LIU Zhen.Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis and Fatigue Study of Steep Wave Riser Under Irregular Load[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China,2022,21(3):669-680.
Fuheng Li, Haiyan Guo, Xiaomin Li, Honglu Gu, Runbo Liu, Chengjie Zhao,Experimental investigation on flow-induced vibration con trol of flexible risers fitted with new configuration of splitter plates,Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266(1):112597.
Honglu Gu, Haiyan Guo, Xiaomin Li , Fuheng Li.FIV of tandem unequal-diameter flexible cylinders at different gap ratios[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022.
李效民;李胜;顾洪禄;郭海燕。段塞流作用下海底悬跨管道涡激振动特性分析 [J]. 振动与冲击,2022 (06): 37-43+146.
顾洪禄;李效民;郭海燕;崔鹏;刘震;李福恒。随机荷载下陡波形立管的非线性动力分析 [J]. 振动与冲击,2022 (03):316-324.
Li Xiaomin; Chen Dianpeng; Gu Honglu; Bai Fengtao.Three-dimensional vortex-induced vibration analysis of catenary-type risers under flow with different incident angles[J].OCEAN ENGINEERING,2021, 240(15): 109978.
Bai Fengtao; Sun Youkun; Liu, Xixi; Li Xiaomin.A theoretical perspective on the effective distribution of shear connectors in sandwich structures[J].COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2021, 272(15):114139.
Li, Xiaomin; Wei, Wenfei; Bai, Fengtao.A full three-dimensional vortex-induced vibration prediction model for top-tensioned risers based on vector form intrinsic finite element method[J].OCEAN ENGINEERING,2020,218(15):108140.
李效民;孙翠梅;马维林;郭海燕。坠物撞击下裸置海底管道凹陷损伤数值模拟研究 [J]. 船舶力学,2020 (11):1479-1486.
李效民;郝兴龙;李朋。浅海竖 L 型悬空管道三维动力响应分析 [J]. 振动与冲击,2020 (20):47-54+66.
李效民;孙宏伟;王乐瑶;李朋。内孤立波作用下柔性跨接管动力性能研究 [J]. 海洋工程,2020 (03):75-84.
李效民;张宸鑫;刘震;孟丹。串联浮筒锚泊系统的静力位形及内力分析 [J]. 船舶工程,2020 (01):128-134.