2003.09 - 2007.06,中国海洋大学船舶与海洋工程专业,获工学学士学位。
2007.09 - 2010.06,中国海洋大学港口、海岸及近海工程专业,获工学硕士学位。
2014.09 - 2020.01,中国海洋大学港口、海岸及近海工程专业,获工学博士学位 。
2011.07 - 2021.02,山东省科学院海洋仪器仪表研究所,助理研究员。
2021.03 - 2023.12,中国海洋大学工程学院,讲师。
2024.01 - 至今,中国海洋大学工程学院,副教授,现任海洋工程装备基础科学研究中心副主任 。
[1]Wei Tao; Jinwei Sun1; Shuqing Wang; Shixuan Liu; Linqiang Zhang; Yunming Han. Coupled dynamic analysis of moored floating structures by a hybrid Laplace-time domain method, Ocean Engineering, 2025, 317: 120022.
[2]Shixuan Liu; Jinwei Sun*; Meng Shao; Shuai Cong; et al. Analytical solutions for instantaneous power of heaving-buoy wave energy converters in irregular waves, Applied Ocean Research, 2025, 154: 104381.
[3]Wei Tao; Jinwei Sun1; Shuqing Wang; Jupeng Che; Yuhao Wei. Hybrid Laplace-time domain model for coupled dynamic analysis of multibody mating system in topside float-over installations, Ocean Engineering, 2025, 316: 119918.
[4]Wei Tao; Shuqing Wang; Jinwei Sun*; Linqiang Zhang. An efficient hybrid Laplace-time domain method for dynamic analysis of nonlinear floating systems, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 306: 118143.
[5]Jinwei Sun; Sau-Lon James Hu*; Huajun Li; Nonstationary response of floating structures to random waves, Marine Structures, 2023, 90: 103434.
[6]Jinwei Sun; Sau-Lon James Hu; Huajun Li*; An efficient frequency-domain method for computing transient responses of floating structures to irregular waves, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112465.
[7]Jinwei Sun; Sau-Lon James Hu*; Huajun Li; Nonlinear roll damping parameter identification using free-decay data, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 219: 108425.
[8]Jinwei Sun; Sau-Lon James Hu*; Huajun Li; Computing free motion of floating structures by pole-residue operations, Applied Ocean Research, 2021, 109: 102558.
[9]Jinwei Sun; Sau-Lon James Hu*; Huajun Li; Laplace domain method for computing the transient response of floating structures to irregular waves, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 203: 107200.
[10]Jinwei Sun; Meng Shao*; Estimation of Nonlinear Roll Damping by Analytical Approximation of Experimental Free-Decay Amplitudes, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2019, 18 (4): 812-822.
[11]Meng Shao; Zhimou Mao; Jinwei Sun* et al.; Multi-scale offshore wind farm site selection decision framework based on GIS, MCDM and meta-heuristic algorithm,Ocean Engineering, 2025, 316: 119921.
[12]Meng Shao; Zhixin Han; Jinwei Sun* et al.; A review of multi-criteria decision making applications for renewable energy site selection, Renewable Energy, 2020, 157: 377-403.
[13]Meng Shao; Yuanxu Zhao; Jinwei Sun* et al.; A decision framework for tidal current power plant site selection based on GIS-MCDM: A case study in China, Energy, 2023, 262: 125476.
[14]Meng Shao; Shulei Zhang; Jinwei Sun* et al.; GIS-MCDM based approach to site selection of wave power plants for islands in China, Energies, 2022, 15: 4118.
[15]Meng Shao; Zhixin Han; Jinwei Sun* et al.; A GIS-MCDM combination for the site assessment of wave energy power station in Qingdao, Eastern China, the 30th ISOPE Conference, 2020.
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