2002.09 - 2006.06,山东大学土木工程专业,获工学学士(其间于吉林大学访学)。
2006.09 - 2011.06,山东大学岩土工程专业,获工学博士。
2011.07 - 2013.12,河海大学岩土工程学科,讲师、硕导。
2014.01 - 2015.12,河海大学岩土工程学科,副教授、硕导(其间于多伦多大学土木与矿业工程学院访问学者)。
2015.12 - 2018.12,中国海洋大学海洋工程系,副教授、硕导。
2019.01 - 至今,中国海洋大学海洋工程系,教授、博导。
海上风电场冲刷致灾的预测 - 监测 - 防护 - 治理。
Chen Xuguang*, LiuXixi, Zhang Fengpeng, Zhang Xian, Li Kehu. Effects of seabed geotechnical properties on scour mechanism at the pile in non - cohesive soils: Experimental study [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 254:111032. (SCI: 1区)
Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Fengpeng, Liu Xixi, Li Hui, et al. Evolution process and hardening mechanism of consolidated silt in silty seabed subject to waves [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 125: 103214. (SCI: 2区)
Chen Xuguang*, Liu Jinzhong. Three - dimensional scour hole model and scour effects on the ultimate capacity of lateral loaded rigid piles [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 121:103115. (SCI: 2区)
Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Qiangyong, Li Shucai and Liu Dejun. Geo - Mechanical Model Testing for Stability of Underground Gas Storage in Halite During the Operational Period [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49 (7): 2795 - 2809. (SCI: 2区)
Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Ning, Ma Tianchi, et al. Energy - Based Forming and Anchoring Mechanism and Criterion for Zonal Disintegration [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 97:349 - 356. (SCI: 2区)
Chen Xuguang*, Li Tianbin, Xu Jianpeng, et al. Mechanism of Zonal Disintegration Phenomenon (ZDP) and Model Test Validation [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 88:39 - 50. (SCI: 2区)
Chen Xuguang*, Niu Xiaodong, Xu Qiyu; Qiu Zhenhua; Lu Guangkun; Xie Anqi. Method for Monitoring Scour Depth of Pile Foundations Based on Modal Identification [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30 (7): 075008. (SCI: 2区)
Liu Jinzhong, Chen Xuguang*, Liu Xixi. A test method to study scour effects on the lateral response of rigid piles in sand under real scour conditions [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112292.(SCI: 1区)
Niu Xiaodong, Chen Xuguang*, Qiu Zhenhua, et al. Effects of Scour on the First Natural Frequency of Monopile in Different Layered Foundations [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022.(SCI: 1区)
Liu Xixi, Chen Xuguang *, Wang Ling, et al. Investigation on the ScourProperties of Pile Under the Current Considering the Geomechanical Parameters of Seabed: Time Scale [J], Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112175. (SCI: 1区)
Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao, et al. Experimental study of grouting protection against local scouring of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 258: 111798. (SCI: 1区)
Zhang Ning, Ma Ning, Yin Shiyang, Chen Xuguang*, Zhao Ming. Three - dimensional stress path in deep - sea sediment under the driving load of a nodule collector [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 253: 111312. (SCI: 1区)
Niu Xiaodong, Lu Guangkun, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Huapeng. A method for structural damage detection considering scour depth under the pile - soil interaction [J]. Marine Structures, 2023, 88: 103365.(SCI: 1区)
LiuXixi, Jin Shuai*, Li Hui, Chen Xuguang*. Sediment incipient motion on sandy seabed considering relative density effect: Laboratory experiments and mathematical analysis, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 289: 116298.(SCI: 1区)
Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao, Zhang Yangyang. Experimental investigation of the horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind - turbine monopiles with grouting protection against scouring [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 280: 114848.(SCI: 1区)
Luan Lubao, Chen Xuguang*, George Kouretzis, Xuanming Ding. Dynamic seabed stresses due to moving deep - sea mining vehicles [J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2023,157: 105356.(SCI: 1区)
Wang Ling, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Lizhen, Li Zhigang, Yang Wendong. Mechanical properties and soil failure process of interface between grouser of tracked mining vehicle and deep - sea sediment [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285:115336.(SCI: 1区)
Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Yan Jiahao, Gao Xingzheng.Countermeasures for local scour around offshore wind turbine monopile foundations: A review [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2023, 141:103764.(SCI: 2区)
Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao, Zhang Yangyang, Guan Jinyang. Method to determine the ultimate horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind turbine monopiles with grouting protection against scouring [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286:115638.(SCI: 1区)
Jin Shuai, Chen Xuguang*, Liu Xixi, et al. Research on benthic plume sedimentation characteristics and temperature effect in deep - sea nodule mining operation [J]. Marine Geology, 2023, 464: 107141.(SCI: 2区)