2012.08,获 Texas Tech University 地球物理学博士学位
2012.09 - 2013.08,Texas Tech University,Research Associate
2013.09 - 2014.05,Texas Tech University,Visiting Assistant Professor
2014.06 - 至今,中国海洋大学,副教授、教授
2017.03 - 至今,海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室,主任助理
2017.07 – 2023.12,中国海洋大学,地球探测与信息技术系主任
2023.12 - 至今,中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,院长助理
地球关键带深层构造的地震探测:采用地震成像方法处理实际资料,对海陆复杂断裂带系统、沉积盆地构造、俯冲系统等关键区域的地壳深层结构建模,揭示其精细结构和地震稳定性 。
1.王朝麟(s),邹志辉*,姚刚*,孙文亮(s),韩明亮(s)等,2024. 地震测线-稀疏节点联合初至层析深层速度建模,地球物理学报,(已录用).
2.许祥(s),邹志辉*,韩明亮(s),贾冬顺、周华伟、裴建新*、马锐(s),2023. 联合地震初至走时与早至波形的深度学习速度建模,地球物理学报,66(12): 5107-5122.
3.Wang, Yibo, Yang Liu, Zhihui Zou, Qianzong Bao, Feng Zhang, Zhaoyun Zong, 2023. Editorial: Recent advances in theory and technology of oil and gas geophysics, Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 9(1): 1-4.
4. Xu Song, Zhihui Zou, 2023. Supervirtual interferometry as a tool for slowness estimation of logging-while-drilling multipole acoustic data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3274517. (已录用)
5. Xu Song, Zhihui Zou, Xiaoming Tang, 2022. Estimation of elastic wave velocity from logging-while-drilling measurement in unconsolidated formation of accretionary wedge in Nankai Trough, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3219083. (SCI)
6. 高福建(s),邹志辉*,王永红,2022. 基于地震层析速度模型分析海滩地下结构:以青岛石老人海水浴场为例. 地学前缘, 29(5): 275-284. (EI)
7.余文斌(s),邹志辉*,郭振波,李培明,2022. 基于方位角和偏移距联合约束的三维超虚折射干涉法. 中国海洋大学学报,52(7):118-131.(核心)
8. Liu, Nengchao, Gang Yao*, Zhihui Zou*, Shangxu Wang*, Di Wu, Xiang Li, Jianye Zhou, 2022. Two Improved Acquisition Systems for Deep Subsurface Exploration, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 850766.(SCI)
9. Zou, Zhihui*, Hua-Wei Zhou, Fansheng Lin(s), Lihua Fang, Sanzhong Li, 2022. High-resolution teleseismic tomographic crustal imaging for potential seismogenic segment of the central Tan-Lu Fault Zone, East China, Tectonophysics, 823, 229196. (SCI)
10.周华伟,邹志辉*,李哲豪,2021. 浅谈地震剖面的假象识别. 地球与行星物理论评,52(1): 45-53.
11. 韩明亮(s),邹志辉*,马锐(s),2021. 利用反射地震资料和多尺度训练集的深度学习速度建模. 石油地球物理勘探,56(5): 935-946.(EI)
12. 宋龙龙(s),邹志辉*,黄忠来,2019. 基于相邻虚拟道叠加的超虚折射干涉法及其在广角OBS折射波增强中的应用,地球物理学报,62(3): 993-1006. (SCI)
13. 马锐(s),邹志辉*,芮拥军,贾冬顺,2018. 基于SPML和海绵边界的伪谱法弹性波模拟复合吸收边界条件, 石油物探, 57(1): 94-103。(核心)
14. Zou, Zhihui*, Hua-Wei Zhou, Aifei Bian, et al., 2018. Impact and solutions of seawater heterogeneity on wide-angle tomographic inversion of crustal velocities in deep marine environments — numerical studies, Journal of Earth Science, 29(6), 1380-1389.(SCI)
15. Zhou, Hua-Wei, Hao Hu, Zhihui Zou*, Yukai Wo, Oong Youn, 2018. Reverse time migration: A prospect of seismic imaging methodology, Earth-Science Reviews, 179, 207-227.(SCI)
16. 林凡生(s),邹志辉*,2017. 基于波形相似性的远震初至拾取方法的进展与对比研究,地球物理学进展,32(4),1597-1606。(核心)
17. 芮拥军,邹志辉*,王胜阁,尚新民,张一鸣(s),马锐(s),2017. 基于高低频联测的常规检波器数据低频振幅和相位同时恢复方法,石油地球物理勘探,52(4): 631-643.(EI)
18. Zou, Zhihui, Kai Liu, Weina Zhao(s), et al., 2016. Upper crustal structure beneath the northern South Yellow Sea revealed by wide-angle seismic tomography and joint interpretation of geophysical data,Geological Journal,51, 108-122.(SCI)
19. 邹志辉,张翊孟,卞爱飞*,周华伟,倪宇东,李培明,2016. 常规检波器数据低频的评价与恢复及在地震成像中的应用,石油地球物理勘探,51 (5): 841 - 849。(EI).
20. Gurrola, Harold, Zhihui Zou, Nick Talavera, 2015. Using a Three- Component Distributed Array of Mixed, Horizontal, and Vertical Single-Component Seismometers to Produce a Receiver Function from a Short Deployment, Seismological Research Letters. 86(1), 158-164. (SCI, EI)
21. 邹志辉,周华伟,张建中,2015. 三峡地区上地壳结构的远震虚震源反射地震成像. 地球物理学报, 58(2): 411-423.(SCI)
22. Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Aifei Bian, et al., 2015. An evaluation of reverse-time imaging of clustering earthquakes, Journal of Earth Science, 26(4), 548–555.(SCI)
23. Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Harold Gurrola, 2014. Reverse-time imaging of a doublet of microearthquakes in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, Geophysical Journal International, 196 (3): 1858-1868.(SCI, EI)
24. Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Harold Gurrola, 2014. Teleseismic virtual- source imaging of the basin structures in the Three Gorges region, China, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(4), 2142-2147. (SCI, EI)
25. Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Wulin Liao, 2011. Crustal and upper-mantle seismic reflectors beneath the Three Gorges Reservoir region, Journal of Earth Science, 22 (2): 205-213. (SCI)
26. Zou, Zhihui and Wenhui Yu, 2006. Wave field forward modeling and theoretical analysis of weaken in discrete media, Applied Geophysics, 3(2): 75-81.
《Tectonics》、《Journal of Earth Science》、《Geological Journal》、《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》、《Journal of Ocean University of China》、《Applied Geophysics》、《地球物理学报》、《石油地球物理勘探》、《中国海洋大学学报》、《地球科学》、《石油物探》、SEG Annual Meeting(2016-2021)等期刊和会议审稿专家。
《Tectonics》、《Journal of Earth Science》、《Geological Journal》、《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》、《Journal of Ocean University of China》、《Applied Geophysics》、《地球物理学报》、《石油地球物理勘探》、《中国海洋大学学报》、《地球科学》、《石油物探》、SEG Annual Meeting(2016-2021)等期刊和会议审稿专家。