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学习经历: 2007-2011年,华中科技大学,图像识别与人工智能研究所,获工学博士学位; 2004-2007年,华中科技大学,图像识别与人工智能研究所,获工学硕士学位; 2000-2004年,华中科技大学,电子与信息工程系,获工学学士学位; 2000-2004年,华中科技大学,外语系,获文学学士学位; 工作经历: 2014-至今,华中科技大学,自动化学院,副教授、讲师 2013-2014年,新加坡南洋理工大学,媒体创新研究所,博士后研究员 2012-2013年,新加坡南洋理工大学,计算机学院,博士后研究员 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金项目“基于深层特征学习的RGB-D人体行为识别方法”; 2. 校企横向合作项目“基于视频监控的抛投行为检测技术开发”; 3. 校企横向合作项目“人脸识别技术研究与实现”; 4. 校企横向合作项目“地基云图像自动识别算法及软件开发”;




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Zhiwen Fang, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao (通讯作者), Lei Zhu, Junsong Yuan, “Adobe Boxes: locating object proposals using object adobes”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016, 25(9): 4116-4128; 2. Yang Xiao, Jianxin Wu and Junsong Yuan, “mCENTRIST: a multi-channel feature generation mechanism for scene categorization”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014, 23(2): 823-836; 3. Chunhua Deng, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao (通讯作者), Yin Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ruicheng Yan, “Recognizing the formations of CVBG based on multi-viewpoint context”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2015, 51(3): 1793-1810; 4. Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao, Zhiwen Fang, Yanjun Zhu, “Towards good practices for fine-grained maize cultivar identification with filter-specific convolutional activations”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016, 99: 1-13 5. Yanjun Zhu, Zhiguo Cao, Hao Lu, Yanan Li, Yang Xiao (通讯作者), “In-field automatic observation of wheat heading stage using computer vision”, Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 143: 28-41; 6. Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao, Wen Zhuo, Lei Zhu, Liang Ye, “mCLOUD: A multi-view visual feature extraction mechanism for ground-based cloud image categorization”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2016, 33(4): 789-801; 7. Zhiwen Fang, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao (通讯作者), Hao Lu, “Refine BING using effective cascade ranking,” Applied Soft Computing, (in press); 8. Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao (通讯作者), Zhiwen Fang, Yanjun Zhu, Ke Xian, “Fine-grained maize tassel trait characterization with multi-view representations”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2015, 118, 143-158; 9. Muzaffer Aslan, Abdulkadir Sengur, Yang Xiao, Haibo Wang, M. Cevdet Ince and Xin Ma, “Shape feature encoding via Fisher Vector for efficient fall detection in depth-videos”, Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 37: 1023-1028; 10. Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao and Junsong Yuan, “Entropic image thresholding based on GLGM histogram”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014, 40: 47-55; 11. Yang Xiao, Zhijun Zhang, Aryel Beck, Junsong Yuan and Daniel Thalmann, “Human-robot interaction by understanding upper body gestures”, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 2014, 23(2): 133-154; 12. Wen Zhuo, Zhiguo Cao and Yang Xiao, “Cloud Classification of Ground-based Images Using Texture-Structure Features”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2014, 31(1): 79-92; 13. Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao and Wen Zhuo, “Type-2 fuzzy thresholding using GLSC histogram of human visual nonlinearity characteristics”, Optics Express, 2011, 19(11) 10656-10672; 14. Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao and Sheng Zhong, “New entropic thresholding approach using gray-level spatial correlation histogram”, Optical Engineering, 2010, 49(12): 127007-1-127007-13; 15. Yi Zheng, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao, “Multi-spectral remote image registration based on SIFT”,Electronics Letters, 2008, 44(2): 107-108;


IJCV, IEEE JBHI, TVC, CVPR 2016, ICCV 2015, ACCV2016, ICME 2015, AAAI 2014, ICME 2014, IJCAI 2012特约审稿人
