2014.8~2018.11 挪威科技大学 海洋工程系 研究生(博士)毕业
2011.8~2013.6 挪威科技大学 海洋结构 研究生(硕士)毕业
2007.8~2011.7 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶与海洋工程 本科毕业
2019.1~至今 华中科技大学 讲师,硕士生导师
2014.8~2018.11 IKM Ocean Design AS,挪威科技大学(NTNU) 博士
2013.8~2014.7 IKM Ocean Design AS,特隆赫姆,挪威 水下结构工程师
1. 海底管道的结构稳定性及强度分析
2. 深海动态非粘结柔性立管及脐带缆的结构强度分析
3. 深海动态非粘结柔性立管及脐带缆的涡激振动响应
1. 在JIP umbilical Phase II项目中,开发新的摩擦模型,并集成在有限元软件UFLEX和BFLEX中,该摩擦模型现已经在工业界被推广应用。
2. Dai, Tianjiao; Saevik, Svein; Ye, Naiquan. (2017). “Friction models for evaluating dynamic stresses in non-bonded flexible risers”. Marine Structures. vol. 55. Impact Factor 2.052 (一区期刊)
3. Dai, Tianjiao; Saevik, Svein; Ye, Naiquan. (2018) “An anisotropic friction model in non-bonded flexible risers”. Marine Structures. vol. 59. Impact Factor 2.052 (一区期刊)
4. Dai, Tianjiao;Saevik, Svein; Ye, Naiquan. (2019) “Experimental and numerical study on dynamic stress and curvature in the steel tube umbilical”. Ocean Engineering. Submitted in Marine Structures. Impact Factor 2.052 (一区期刊)
5. Dai, Tianjiao; Ye, Naiquan.; Saevik, Svein. (2017) “The effect of stick stiffness in friction models on the bending behavior in flexible risers”.OMAE - International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering.
6. Dai, Tianjiao; Saevik, Svein; Ye, Naiquan. (2016) “Comparison study of umbilicals' curvature based on full scale tests and numerical models”. ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.
7. Wang, Howard; Ye, Naiquan; Dai, Tianjiao; Saevik, Svein. (2015) “Effect of Surface Contact Stiffness on Stress Analysis of Umbilicals”. ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.