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主讲本科生课程《材料力学》,研究生课程《壳体力学》,主持了多项国家自然科学基金和其它预研基金项目,在国内外权威学术刊物如IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION、Composites Part B: Engineering、Marine structures、Material & Design、Shock and Vibration、International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics、固体力学学报、工程力学、船舶力学等发表多篇论文。 教育及工作经历: 2000.09—2004.06,华中科技大学交通科学与工程学院船舶与海洋工程专业,获工学学士学位 2004.09—2009.07,华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院船舶与海洋工程专业,获工学博士学位 2009.07-至今,华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院,讲师、副教授 科研项目: 1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“水下远场爆炸下功能梯度波纹夹层板动态响应与冲击防护机理研究” (51679098),2017-2020 2. 主持国家自然青年科学基金项目“空中近场爆炸下金属波纹夹层结构动态响应与失效机理研究”(51209099),2013-2015 3. 参与国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“空中爆炸载荷下含泡沫填充物杂交夹层结构失效机理研究”(51509096), 2016-2018 4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“流-固冲击作用下轻质金属夹层结构非线性力学行为及失效机理研究”(51079058),2011-2013; 5. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“典型波纹夹芯杂交夹层结构非线性动态力学行为及失效机理研究”(51279065),2013-2016 6. 主持和参与多项国家“十一五”、“十二五”纵向预研项目、中国船舶重工集团公司基金项目、研究所、企业的应用研究项目 所获荣誉和奖励: 1. 2013年获得学校教学竞赛二等奖; 2. 2013年获得学校教学质量二等奖;


结构分析与轻量化设计 结构振动与抗冲击分析



查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li Z, Chen GC, Liu MX, Liu J, Cheng YS, Zhang P. Numerical study on the performance of new type multi-layer protective structures subjected to contact underwater explosion. In: 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2018 Sapparo, June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018. 2. Li MH, Zhang P, Liu J, Cheng YS. A methodology for wave load prediction of damaged ship based on Kriging model. In: 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2018 Sapparo, June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018. 3. YU EE, Liu J, Zan DW, Qian JC, Zhang P, Cheng YS. A Maximum Space Distance-based Adaptive Sampling Surrogate Model for Prediction of Strength of a Ship Grillage. In: 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2018 Sapparo, June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018. 4. Zhou TY, Zhang P, Cheng YS, Liu MX, Liu J. Numerical study on the response of functionally graded PVC foam core sandwich panels subjected to non-contact underwater explosion. In: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2018 Madrid, June 17, 2018 - June 22, 2018. 5. Cai SP, Liu J, Cheng YS, Hao WW, Zhang P. Numerical investigation into the effect of stand-off distance on the blast performance of metallic corrugated-core sandwich panels. In: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2018 Madrid, June 17, 2018 - June 22, 2018. 6. Yang HF, Cheng YS, Zhang P, Chen K, Liu J.Experimental investigation into the effect of impact loading on the response of metallic trapezoidal corrugated-core sandwich panels. In: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2018 Madrid, June 17, 2018 - June 22, 2018. 7. Cheng Yuansheng, Liu Manxia, Zhang Pan, Xiao Wei, Zhang Changzai, Liu Jun, Hou Hailiang. The effects of foam filling on the dynamic response of metallic corrugated core sandwich panel under air blast loading – Experimental investigations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2018;145:378-88. 8. Zhan Dawei,QianJiachang,Liu Jun,Cheng Yuansheng. Pseudo Expected Improvement Matrix Criteria for Parallel Expensive Multi-objective Optimization. In book: Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-67988-4_12. 9. 李勇, 肖伟, 程远胜, 刘均, 张攀. 冲击波与破片对波纹杂交夹层板的联合毁伤数值研究. 爆炸与冲击 , 2018 , 38 (2) :279-288. 10. 李春鹏, 张攀, 刘均, 程远胜. 空爆载荷下功能梯度泡沫铝夹层板动响应数值仿真. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13 (3): 77-84. 11. 朱广纪, 贺远松, 万琪, 刘均, 程远胜. 轮印载荷下多跨梁装载方案聚类分级方法. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13 (2): 97-102. 12. 宋晓飞,肖伟, 何其健, 刘均, 程远胜. 加筋圆柱壳开孔围栏肘板拓扑优化设计. 中国舰船研究, 2018,13 (1): 46-52. 13. 刘东, 王春旭, 刘均, 张攀, 程远胜. 纵横加筋圆锥壳振动特性多目标优化设计. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13 (1): 24-30. 14. 陈凯, 刘均, 张攀, 程远胜. 低速碰撞载荷下钢制波纹夹层板动态响应研究. 舰船科学技术, 2018,40(1): 27-34. 15. Cheng YS, Zhou TY, Wang H, Li Y, Liu J, Zhang P.Numerical investigation on the dynamic response of foam-filled corrugated core sandwich panels subjected to air blast loading.Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials; DOI: 10.1177/1099636217700350. (IF=2.933) 16. Liu M, Liu J, Cheng Y. High-order free vibration analysis of FGM sandwich plates with non-monotonically graded flexible core. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1099636216680397. (IF=2.933) 17. Dawei Zhan, Yuansheng. Cheng, Jun. Liu. Expected Improvement Matrix-based Infill Criteria for Expensive Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 2017, 21(6): 956-975. ( IF=10.6) 18. Zhang Changzai, Cheng Yuansheng, Zhang Pan, Duan Xinfeng, Liu Jun, Li Yong. Numerical investigation of the response of I-core sandwich panels subjected to combined blast and fragment loading. Engineering Structures, 2017, 151:459-471. 19. 刘聪,程远胜,张攀,刘均. 加筋板轮印载荷分布特性的试验与数值分析. 海洋工程, 2017,35(4):84-93 20. 李勇, 程远胜, 张攀, 刘均. 空中爆炸载荷下梯度波纹夹层板抗爆性能仿真研究. 兵工学报2017, 38(06):1131-1139. 21. 刘国仓, 伍莉, 吕家龙, 吴医博, 刘均, 程远胜. 玻璃纤维增强乙烯树脂复合材料层合板锥形冲头碰撞试验研究. 舰船科学技术, 2017, 39(1): 63-67. 22. Chen Ganchao, Liu Jun, Zhou Tianyu, Cheng Yuansheng, Zhang Changzai, Zhang Pan. Performance Evaluation of Air-Backed Metallic Circular Plates Subjected to Close-In Underwater Explosion. Conference Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim, Norway. DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2017-62179. 23. Wang H, Cheng YS, Liu J, Gan L. The Fluid-Solid Interaction Dynamics between Underwater Explosion Bubble and Corrugated Sandwich Plate. Shock and Vibration 2016, 2016(3):1-21. (IF=1.281) 24. Wang H, Cheng YS, Liu J, Gan L. Damage evaluation of a simplified hull girder subjected to underwater explosion load: A semi-analytical model. Marine Structures 2016, 45:43-62. (IF=2.052) 25. Zhang P, Cheng YS, Liu J, Li Y,Zhang CZ,Hou HL,Wang CM. Experimental study on the dynamic response of foam-filled corrugated core sandwich panels subjected to air blast loading. Composites Part B: Engineering 2016, 105:67-81. (IF=4.727) 26. Zhang CZ, Zhang P, Liu J, Pan JQ, Zhao YJ, Cheng YS. Dynamic response of sandwich panels with functionally graded aluminum foam cores subjected to underwater explosion. Conference Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea. DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2016-55122. 27. Ai DJ, Cheng YS, Liu J, Liu JH, Wang HK, Zhang P. Numerical simulation on response of foam core sandwich panels subjected to underwater explosion. Conference Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea .DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2016-55149. 28. 田媛, 刘均, 汪浩, 程远胜. 砰击载荷下轻质波纹夹芯夹层板动力响应特性分析. 船舶力学 2016;20(10):1299-1308. 29. 何书韬,王智慧,张玉龙,程远胜,刘均. 四点弯曲载荷下金属波纹夹层梁极限承载能力试验与数值分析. 中国舰船研究 2016, 11(03):61-67. 30. 吴晖,何书韬,刘均,张玉龙,王智慧,曾广武,程远胜. 压缩载荷下金属波纹夹层梁稳定性试验与数值分析. 中国舰船研究 2016, 11(04):67-71+132. 31. 康杰豪,贺远松,谭开忍,贺梦豪,刘均,程远胜. 轮印载荷下多跨梁最危险工况分析与优化. 中国舰船研究 2016, 11(06):56-64. 32. 周天宇,张攀,程远胜,刘均.空中爆炸载荷下PVC泡沫夹芯板动态响应分析. 舰船科学技术 2016, 38(17):31-36. 33. 段新峰, 程远胜, 张攀, 刘均, 李勇. 冲击波和破片联合作用下I型夹层板毁伤仿真. 中国舰船研究 2015;6:1-15. 34. 李勇, 程远胜, 刘均, 张攀. 空爆载荷下双层梯形波纹夹层板抗爆性能分析. 兵工学报 2015, 36(增1):169-175. 35. Liu M, Cheng Y, Liu J. High-order free vibration analysis of sandwich plates with both functionally graded face sheets and functionally graded flexible core. Composites Part B: Engineering 2015, 72:97-107. (3.850) 36. Pan Zhang, Jun Liu, Yuansheng Cheng, Yong Li. The Effect of Polymer Filling on Dynamic Response of Metallic Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels under Air Blast Loading – Experimental Study. In: International Conference on Advances in Composite Materials and Structures, Istanbul (2015). 37. Pan Zhang,Yuansheng Cheng, Jun Liu, Chunming Wang, Hailiang Hou, Yong Li. Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Laser-welded Corrugated-core Sandwich Panels Subjected to Air Blast Loading. Marine Structures 2015, 40: 225-246. (IF=1.729) 38. Zhang, P., Liu, J., Cheng, Y., Hou, H., Wang, C., Li, Y. Dynamic response of metallic trapezoidal corrugated-core sandwich panels subjected to air blast loading - An experimental study. Materials & Design 2015, 65:221-230. (IF=3.997) 39. Wang H., Zhu X, Cheng YS, Liu J. Experimental and numerical investigation of ship structure subjected to close-in underwater shock wave and following gas bubble pulse. Marine Structures 2014, (39):90-117.(EI: 20143218048884). (IF=1.278) 40. Liu M, Liu J, Cheng YS. Free vibration of a fluid loaded ring-stiffened conical shell with variable thickness. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 2014, 136:0510031-05100310. (SCI: 000341761500009, EI: 20143318053433) (IF=1.128) 41. Zhang P, Cheng YS, Liu J. Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels Subjected to Near-field Air Blast Loading. Shock and Vibration 2014;180674:1-16. (SCI: 000345371400001, EI: 201447235763) (IF=0.722) 42. Liu J, Ye X, Liu M, Cheng YS, Wu L. A semi-analytical method of free vibration of fluid loaded ring-stiffened stepped conical shell. Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology 2014;13(2):35-49. (SCI: 000341904200005) (IF=0.310) 43. Zhang P, Cheng YS, Liu J. Energy Absorption Analysis of Metallic Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels under Air Blast Loading. 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Korea 2014.6.14-2014.6.20. (EI: 20143718153345) 44. Liu M, Liu J, Cheng YS. Free Vibration of a Fluid Loaded Ring-Stiffened Conical Shell With Variable Thickness. 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Korea 2014.6.14-2014.6.20. (EI: 201448268582) 45. 刘培婧,刘均,陈杰,程远胜.具有特殊肋骨型式的耐压壳体强度与极限承载能力分析. 中国舰船研究 2014;9 (2):30-36. 46. 周于程,郑绍文,刘均,郑杰,程远胜. 基于舱段模型的大开口甲板结构稳定性分析与设计. 中国舰船研究 2014;9 (2):37-41,54. 47. 张安, 刘均, 程远胜. 水下远场爆炸下船舶结构响应计算有限元建模方式影响分析. 船海工程 2014;43(3):12-16. 48. 赵飞,程远胜,刘均等. 入水砰击下金字塔点阵夹层板塑性动力响应分析[J]. 船海工程 2013;42(3):13-16. 49. Zuxing Pan, Yuansheng Cheng, Jun Liu. Stress analysis of a finite plate with a rectangular hole subjected to uniaxial tension using modified stress functions[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2013;75:265-277. (IF=2.061) 50. Zuxing Pan, Yuansheng Cheng, Jun Liu. A semi-analytical analysis of the elastic buckling of cracked thin plates under axial compression using actual non-uniform stress distribution[J]. Thin-Walled Structures. 2013;73:229-241. (IF=1.432) 51. He L, Cheng Y S, Liu J. Precise bending stress analysis of corrugated-core, honeycomb-core and X-core sandwich panels. Composite Structure. 2012; 94(5):1656-1668. (SCI:000302980400018 EI:20121314897730) (IF=2.231) 52. Wang H, Zhao F, Cheng Y-S, Liu J, Tian Y. Dynamic response analysis of light weight pyramidal sandwich plates subjected to water impact. Polish Maritime Research 2012;19(4):31-43. (IF=0.324) 53. 王虎,程远胜,刘均. I 型金属夹层结构连接构件强度数值计算方法[J].中国舰船研究 2012;7(3):51-56. 54. 汪浩,王先洲,刘均,程远胜.水下爆炸气泡对内加筋圆柱壳结构毁伤机理分析. 噪声与振动控制 2012;32(6): 111-115. 55. 伍莉,刘均,程远胜. 方形蜂窝夹芯夹层板弯曲问题的新解法.船舶力学 2012;16(8):926-934(EI:20124115547792). 56. 凌昊,程远胜,刘均,曾广武. 一种新的多学科协同优化方法及其工程应用. 中国造船 2011;56(2):87-99. 57. 汪浩,程远胜,刘均, 李荣富. 新型矩形蜂窝夹芯夹层加筋圆柱壳抗水下爆炸冲击载荷分析[J]. 振动与冲击 2011;30 (1): 162-166,226. (EI:20111213783959) 58. Liu J, Au F T K, Cheng Y S(程远胜), Li R F. A semi-analytical method for bending, buckling and free vibration analyses of sandwich panels with square honeycomb cores [J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2010;10(1):127-151.(SCI: 000275713800008,EI: 20101812898437) (IF=0.644) 59. 刘 均,程远胜. 考虑芯层离散特性的方形蜂窝夹层板自由振动分析[J]. 固体力学学报 2009;30(1): 90-94.(EI: 20091712051594) 60. 刘 均,程远胜. 考虑几何特征的方形蜂窝夹层板总体屈曲载荷求解方法[J]. 工程力学 2009;26(7):245-250. (EI: 20093312251746) 61. 熊飞,程远胜,刘均.基于HHT方法的时变多自由度系统的损伤识别. 振动、测试与诊断 2008;28(2):122-125.(EI: 20083011402322) 62. 钟骏平, 程远胜, 刘均, 曾广武. 基于ANSYS的船舶纵向下水弹性计算方法. 船舶力学 2007;11(5):752-758(EI: 20074610915394) 63. 程远胜, 熊飞,刘均. 基于HHT方法的时变多自由度系统的参数识别, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2007;35(5):41-43. 64. 吴祥虎,程远胜,刘均. 船舶纵向下水配载优化研究. 中国舰船研究 2006;1(2): 23-25, 34.
