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工学博士,华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院副教授。主要研究方向为船舶结构优化设计、结构全寿命周期管理及其在计算机交叉学科领域的应用。近五年发表SCI期刊论文6篇,EI论文6篇,与西门子研究院著有合作专利。 教育背景: 2007.09—2011.06,华中科技大学,船舶与海洋工程学士 2011.09—2012.12,美国密歇根大学安娜堡,船舶与海洋工程硕士 2013.01—2016.04,美国密歇根大学安娜堡,船舶与海洋工程博士 工作经历: 2016.05—2016.11,美国西门子普林斯顿研究院,访问学者 2016.12—2018.05,美国里海大学ATLSS大型结构系统研究中心,博士后 2018.09至今,华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院,副教授 科研项目: [1]美国自然科学基金项目: 考虑风险和可持续性的工程结构全寿命管理(National Science Foundation, CMMI-1537926), 参与 [2]美国海军研究处项目: 海军船舶结构维护优化决策中的风险及效用分析(Office of Naval Research, N00014-16-1-2299), 参与 [3]美国能源部资助项目: 高性能混凝土风力发电支撑结构设计优化研究(Department of Energy,DE-EE0006737),参与 [4]西门子先进制造业项目:工业增材制造结构设计辅助软件开发,参与 [5]美国海军研究处项目:两栖登陆船先期结构优化设计(Office of Naval Research, N00014-11-1-0845),参与 专利 [1] System and Method for Lattice Structure Design Advisor for Additive Manufacturing, 2018/147887 Al,PCT/US2017/03 1188.


(1)船舶结构可靠度优化设计 (2)船舶结构全寿命周期管理及决策分析 (3)结构性能老化、灾变失效概率及风险分析 (4)基于新一代信息技术的优化算法、模拟、可视化,及在舰船智能制造上的融合应用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol, Minghui Cheng.Risk-informed structural repair decision making for service life extension of aging naval ships. Marine Structures. Accepted. [2] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol.Utility and information analysis for optimum inspection of fatigue sensitive structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Accepted. [3] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol.Time-dependent reliability assessment of ship structures under progressive and shock deteriorations. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 173 (2018):116-128. [4] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol. Probabilistic risk, sustainability, and utility associated with ship grounding hazard.Ocean Engineering. 154 (2018): 311-321. [5] Yan Liu, Hankoo Jeong, Matthew Collette. Efficient optimization of reliability-constrained structural design problems including interval uncertainty.Computers & Structures,177(2016):1-11. [6] Yan Liu, Matthew Collette. Improving surrogate-assisted variable fidelity multi-objective optimization using a clustering algorithm, Applied Soft Computing, 24 (2014): 482-493. [1] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol. Adapting life-cycle management of ship structures under fatigue considering uncertain operation conditions. 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering. (2018). [2] Yan Liu, Dan M. Frangopol. Optimal maintenance of naval vessels considering service life uncertainty.In: Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, vol. 3, pp. 301–307.Springer, Cham (2018). [3] Tsz Ling Tang, Yan Liu, Da Lu, Erhan Arisoy, Suraj Musuvathy.Lattice structure design advisor for additive manufacturing using gaussian process. International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. (2017) [4] Mark Groden, Yan Liu, Matthew Collette. Fatigue life updating for vessel fleets. 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering. (2016). [5] Yan Liu, Matthew Collette. Efficient optimization framework for robust and reliable structural design considering interval uncertainty. 5th International Conference on Marine Structures, (2015). [6] Yan Liu, Matthew Collette. Surrogate-assisted robust design optimization considering interval uncertainty. 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering. (2014).


担任Ocean Engineering,Structure and Infrastructure Engineering等SCI期刊审稿人,学术兼职包括国际全寿命土木工程协会、美国土木工程师学会、美国船舶与海洋工程师学会会员
