Filtration suppresses laser induced nucleation of glycine in aqueous solutions, Nadeem Javid, Thomas Kendall, Iain S Burns and Jan Sefcik, Journal of Crystal Growth and Design, 2016, 16, (8), 4196-2202
Tunable Supramolecular Hydrogels for Selection of Lineage-Guiding Metabolites in Stem Cell Cultures, Enateri V Alakpa, Vineetha Jayawarna, Ayala Lampel, Karl V Burgess, Christopher C West, Sanne CJ Bakker, Sangita Roy, Nadeem Javid, Scott Fleming, Dimitris A Lamprou, Jingli Yang, Angela Miller, Andrew J Urquhart, Pim WJM Frederix, Neil T Hunt, Bruno Péault, Rein V Ulijn, Matthew J Dalby, Chem: Cell Press, 2016, 1, (2), 298-319
Dynamic Peptide Library for the Discovery of Charge Transfer Hydrogels, Cristina Berdugo, Siva Krishna Mohan Nalluri, Nadeem Javid, Beatriu Escuder, Juan F Miravet, Rein V. Ulijn, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (46), 25946–25954
Exploring the Sequence Space for (tri-) Peptide Self-assembly to Design and Discover New Hydrogels, Dr. Pim Frederix , Mr. Gary Scott , Mr. Yousef Abul-Haija , Miss Daniela Kalafatovic , Mr. Charalampos Pappas , Dr. Nadeem Javid, Dr. Neil Hunt , Prof. Rein Ulijn, Nature Chemistry, 2015 7, 30–37
Discovery of Catalytic Phages by Biocatalytic Self-Assembly, Yoshiaki Maeda, Nadeem Javid, Krystyna Duncan, Louise Birchall, Kirsty Gibson, Daniel Cannon, Yuka Kanetsuki, Charles Knapp, Tell Tuttle, Rein V. Ulijn, and Hiroshi Matsui, JACS, 2014, 136 (45), pp 15893–15896
MMP-9 triggered micelle-to-fibre transitions for slow release of doxorubicin, Daniela Kalafatovic, Max Nobis, Nadeem Javid, Pim W.J.M. Frederix, Kurt I. Anderson, Brian R. Saunders and Rein V. Ulijn, accepted in Biomaterials Science, 2015, 3, 2, 246-249
Differential Self-Assembly and Tunable Emission of Aromatic Peptide Bola-Amphiphiles Containing Perylene Bisimide in Polar Solvents Including Water, Shuo Bai, Sisir Debnath, Nadeem Javid, Pim W. J. M. Frederix, Scott Fleming, Charalampos Pappas and Rein V. Ulijn, Langmuir, 2014, 30 (25), 7576–7584
Biocatalytic Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Charge Transfer Nanostructures Based on n-Type Semiconductor-Appended Peptide, Siva Krishna Mohan Nalluri, Cristina Berdugo, Nadeem Javid, Pim WJM Frederix, Rein V Ulijn, Angewandte Chemie International Ed., 2014, 53, 5882-5887
Biocatalytic Amide Condensation and Gelation Controlled by Light, Jugal Kishore Sahoo, Siva Krishna Mohan Nalluri, Nadeem Javid, Hannah Webb and Rein V Ulijn, Chemical Communication, 2014, 50, 5462-5464
Cooperative Self-Assembly of Peptide Gelators and Proteins, Nadeem Javid, Sangita Roy, Mischa Zelzer, Zhimou Yang, Jan Sefcik and Rein V Ulijn, Biomacromolecules, 2013, 14, 4368-76
Biocatalytically triggered co-assembly of two-component core shell nanofibers, Yousef M Abul‐Haija, Sangita Roy, Pim WJM Frederix, Nadeem Javid, Vineetha Jayawarna and Rein V Ulijn, Small, 2014, 10(5), 973-979
Salt-induced Control of Supramolecular Order in Biocatalytic Hydrogelation, Sangita Roy, Nadeem Javid, Jan Sefcik, Peter J Halling and Rein V Ulijn, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 16664-70
Dramatic Specific-Ion Effect in Supramolecular Hydrogels, Sangita Roy, Nadeem Javid, Pim WJM Frederix, Dimitrios A Lamprou, Andrew J Urquhart, Neil T Hunt, Peter J Halling and Rein V Ulijn, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2012, 18, 11723-31
Simulation of Scattering and Phase Behavior around the Isotropic–Nematic Transition of Discotic Particles, Rui PS Fartaria, Nadeem Javid, Jan Sefcik and Martin B Sweatman, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 377, 94-104
Differential Supramolecular Organisation of Fmoc-dipeptides with Hydrophilic Terminal Amino Acid residues by Biocatalytic Self-Assembly, Meghan Hughes, Louise S Birchall, Karim Zuberi, Lynsey A Aitken, Sisir Debnath, Nadeem Javid and Rein V Ulijn, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 11565-11574
Supramolecular Structures of Enzyme Clusters, Nadeem Javid, Karsten Vogtt, Sangita Roy, Andrew R Hirst, Armin Hoell, Ian W Hamley, Rein V Ulijn and Jan Sefcik, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2011, 2 (12), pp 1395–1399
Tracing Nucleation Pathways in Protein Aggregation by Using Small Angle Scattering Methods, Karsten Vogtt, Nadeem Javid, Eva Alvarez, Jan Sefcik and Marie-Claire Bellissent-Funel, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3906-3914
Structure of Laponite-Styrene Precursor Dispersions for Production of Advanced Polymer -Clay Nanocomposites, Rui Fartaria, Nadeem Javid, RA Pethrick, JJ Liggat, Jan Sefcik and Martin B Sweatman, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 9157-9166
Biocatalytic Induction of Supramolecular Order, Andrew R Hirst, Sangita Roy, Meenakshi Arora, Apurba K Das, Nigel Hodson, Paul Murray, Stephen Marshall, Nadeem Javid, Jan Sefcik, Job Boekhoven, Jan H van Esch, Stefano Santabarbara, Neil T Hunt and Rein V Ulijn, Nature Chemistry, 2 (2010) 1089-1094
Small-Angle Scattering and Near-Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy of Water Confined in Aerosol-OT Reverse Micelles, Sangeetha Balakrishnan, Nadeem Javid, Hermann Weingaertner and Roland Winter, ChemPhysChem, 9 (2008) 2794-2801
The Small-angle and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering Set-up at Beamline BL9 of DELTA, Christina Krywka, Christian Sternemann, Michael Paulus, Nadeem Javid, Roland Winter, Ali Al-Sawalmih, Sangbong Yi, Dierk Raabe and Metin Tolan, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 14 (2007) 244-251
Capturing Interaction Potential of Amyloidogenic Proteins, Nadeem Javid, Karsten Vogtt, Christina Krywka, Metin Tolan and Roland Winter, Physical Review Letters, Vol 99, Article Number, 028101, (2007)
Protein-Protein Interactions in Complex Cosolvent Solutions Revealed by Synchrotron Small-angle X-ray Scattering in Combination with Liquid-State Theoretical Approaches, Nadeem Javid, Karsten Vogtt, Chris Krywka, Metin Tolan and Roland Winter, ChemPhysChem, 8 (2007) 679-689