1. 工程制图
2. 机械设计
3. 优化设计与有限元分析
1. 国家973计划项目课题:难加工材料复杂型面零件高精高效加工原理。
2. 国家自然科学基金:多因素耦合的大型海洋作业起重船舶非线性动力学研究。
3. 国家自然科学基金:中耳与主动耳蜗集成模型及耳声正向和逆向传递模拟研究。
4. 国家自然科学基金:加工表面完整性对高温水环境下奥氏体不锈钢应力腐蚀行为影响研究。
1. 机械系统动力学
2. 多场耦合有限元计算及在机械和生物医学工程中的应用
3. 特殊环境使役零件设计、加工理论与方法
[1] Wang Xuelin, Wang liling, Zhou Jianjun,Hu Yujin. Finite element modelling of human auditory periphery including a feed-forward amplification of the cochlea. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering. 2014, 17(10): 1096 -107.
[2] Li Li, Hu Yujin, Wang Xuelin. Accurate method for harmonic responses of non-classically damped systems in the middle frequency range. 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1077546314533579.
[3] Zhou Fangjuan, Wang Xuelin*, Hu Yujin, Ling Ling. Modeling temperature of non-equidistant primary shear zone in metal cutting. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 73: 38–45
[4] Wang Xuelin, Hu Yujin, Wang Zhenlong,Shi Hong. Finite element analysis of the coupling between ossicular chain and mass loading for evaluation of implantable hearing device. Hearing Research, 2011, 280(1):48-57.
[5] Li Binglin, Wang Xuelin*, Hu Yujin, Li Chenggang. Analytical prediction of cutting forces in orthogonal cutting using unequal division shear-zone model. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 54:431–443,2011.
[6] Wang Xuelin, Cheng Tao, Rong Z Gan. Finite-element analysis of middle-ear pressure effects on static and dynamic behavior of human ear. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2007; 122(2):906-17.
[7] 王学林,胡于进. 蜗窗激励评价的有限元计算模型研究. 力学学报, 2012,44: 622-630.