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博士、教授、博士生导师。教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年长江学者、教育部新世纪优秀人才计划、全国优秀博士论文提名奖入选者。 2007年华中科技大学机械工程专业博士毕业,2009年7月博士后出站留校任教。2009年11月晋升为副教授、2011年破格遴选为博士生导师,2013年破格晋升为教授,2013年6月至2014年6月在美国加州大学伯克利分校从事访问学者研究。 在国内外学术期刊发表论文60余篇,SCI/EI收录40余篇次,应邀参与撰写英文专著2本。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项(含重点基金1项)、国家“智能机器人”重点研发计划课题1项目、国家重大专项课题2项、国家973计划课题1项等国家级科研项目。现任中国机械工程学会机器人分会常务委员、总干事,获国家科技进步二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖、国家教学成果一等奖各1项,申请国家发明专利30余项。 本科生课程: 《柔性制造自动化概论》 《柔性电子制造技术基础》 研究项目及成果: [1] 国家自然科学基金委“共融机器人”重大研究计划集成项目:大型复杂构件多机自律加工机器人的基础研究(91948301) [2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:大型复杂构件多机器人移动加工的自律跟踪与协同控制(91748204) [3] 国家重点研发计划课题:大型风电叶片多机器人协同磨抛运动规划与控制(2017YFB1301504) [4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:难加工材料高速切削过程中刀具工况特征的跟随感知(51575215) [5] 国家自然科学基金广东省联合重点基金:复杂混合制造系统能效优化理论与方法研究(U1501248) [6] 国家科技支撑计划:无菌制剂机器人自动化生产线研制与应用(2015BAF11B02) [7] 国家973课题:加工过程中力-热-变形在线感知与多场重构(2013CB035803) 荣誉与奖励: [1]丁汉、何岭松、尹周平、吴波、吴昌林、陶波(6/10)等,研究型大学机械专业拔尖创新教育体系构建与实践,国家教学成果一等奖,2018年 [2]唐岳、陶波(2/15)等,药剂高效分装成套装备及产业化,国家科技进步二等奖,2017年 [3]尹周平、王瑜辉、熊有伦、陶波(4/7)等,“高性能无线射频识别(RFID)标签制造核心装备”,国家技术发明二等奖,2013年 [4]丁汉、陶波(2/9)等,基于嵌入式网络的远程监测技术,上海市科技进步二等奖,2005年


智能制造与机器人技术 机器人加工技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Pie Zhou, Bo Tao*, Xinwei Zhao, Zhouping Yin, Han Ding. Time-varying isobaric surface reconstruction and path planning for robotic grinding of weak-stiffness workpieces, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,64:101945(1-11), 2020 [2] Xingwei Zhao, Bo Tao*, Lu Qian, Yifan Yang, Han Ding. Asymmetrical nonlinear impedance control for dual robotic machining of thin-walled workpieces, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 63: 101889(1-9), 2020. [3] Zeyu Gong, Bo Tao*, Chunrong Qiu, Zhouping Yin, Han Ding. Trajectory Planning with Shortest Path for Modified Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Based on Projective Homography. IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol.17, No.2, pp.1076-1083, April, 2020. [4] Yajun Fan, Bo Tao*, Ying Zheng, Shi-Shang Jang. A data-driven soft sensor based on multilayer perceptron neural network with a double LASSO approach. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2019.2947126, 2020 [5] Yajun Fan, Kangkang Xu, Hui Wu, Ying Zheng, Bo Tao*. Spatiotemporal Modeling for Nonlinear Distributed Thermal Processes Based on KL Decomposition, MLP and LSTM Network, IEEE Access, Vol.8, pp.25111-25121,February 2020 [6] Shuwen Huang, Bo Tao*, Jindang Li, Yajun Fan, Zhouping Yin. On-line heat flux estimation of a nonlinear heat conduction system with complex geometry using a sequential inverse method and artificial neural network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 143: 118491, Novermber, 2019 [7] Haibing Wu, Bo Tao*, Zeyu Gong, Zhouping Yin, Han Ding. A Fast UHF RFID Localization Method Using Unwrapped Phase-position Model. IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol.16 (4): 1698-1707, October 2019. [8] Jindang Li, Bo Tao*, Shuwen Huang, Zhouping Yin. Cutting tools embedded with thin film thermocouples vertically to the rake face for temperature measurement, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 296: 392-399, Sept. 19, 2019 [9] Bo Tao*, Xinwei Zhao, Han Ding. Mobile-robotic machining for large complex components: a review study, Science China: Technological Sciences, August, 2019, Vol.62(8): 1388-1400 [10] Shuwen Huang, Bo Tao*, Jindang Li, Yajun Fan, Zhouping Yin. Estimation of the time and space-dependent heat flux distribution at the tool-chip interface during turning using an inverse method and thin film thermocouples measurement. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 99 (5–8), 1531-1543, 2018 [11] Jindang Li, Bo Tao*, Shuwen Huang, Zhouping Yin. Built-in thin film thermocouples in surface textures of cemented carbide tools for cutting temperature measurement. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 279: 663-670, 2018 [12] Shuwen Huang, Bo Tao*, Jindang Li, Yajun Fan, Zhouping Yin. On-line estimation of the tool-chip interface temperature field during turning using a sequential inverse method. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(1–4): 939-952, July 2018 [13] Zeyu Gong, Bo Tao*, Hua Yang, Zhouping Yin, Han Ding. An Uncalibrated Visual Servo Method Based on Projective Homography. IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 15 (2) :806-817, April, 2018 [14] Hu Sun, Bo Tao*, and Omar M. Ramahi. Offset-Fed Folded Dipole and Its Application As RFID Tag Antenna, IEEE Transactions on RFID, 2017, 1 (2): 109-114 [15] Jixuan Zhu, Bo Tao*, Zhouping Yin. Model of the RFID Antenna Using the Solenoid Coil Surrounded by a Coaxial Ferrite Toroid, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.53, No.4, 9400604-(1-4), April 2017 [16] Jixuan Zhu, Bo Tao*, Zhouping Yin. Adaptive RFID Impedance Matching Based on Phase Difference for Oil Well Applications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol.64, No.5,525-529, May 2017 [17] Hu Sun, Bo Tao*, and Omar M. Ramahi. Proximity Coupled Cavity Backed Patch Antenna for Long Range UHF RFID tag, IEEE Transaction on Antenns and Propagation, 2016, V64, No.12, pp 5446-5449. [18] Jixuan Zhu, Bo Tao*, Zhouping Yin. A Customized RFID-based Sensor System for Intelligent Oilwell, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, vol.16, No.13, pp.5426-5432.
