Schmid-Araya, J., Schmid, P.E., Tod, S.P. and Esteban, G.F., 2016. Trophic positioning of meiofauna revealed by stable isotopes and food-web analyses. Ecology.
Hartnell, D.M., Chapman, I.J., Esteban, G.F. and Franklin, D.J., 2016. Exploiting eco-physiological niche to facilitate the separation of the freshwater cyanobacteria Microcystis sp. and Synechococcus sp. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 122, 13-15.
Chapman, I., Esteban, G. and Franklin, D., 2016. Molecular Probe Optimization to Determine Cell Mortality in a Photosynthetic Organism (Microcystis aeruginosa) Using Flow Cytometry. Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Hines, H.N., McCarthy, P.J. and Esteban, G.F., 2016. The First Record for the Americas of Loxodes rex, a Flagship Ciliate with an Alleged Restricted Biogeography. Microbial Ecology, 71 (1), 5-8.
Parra, G., Galotti, A. and Esteban, G.F., 2015. The use of cryptic biodiversity as indicator of nutrient-altered aquatic systems. Revista Internacional de Contaminacion.
Galotti, A., Finlay, B.J., Jiménez-Gómez, F., Guerrero, F. and Esteban, G., 2014. Most ciliated protozoa in extreme environments are cryptic in the 'seed-bank'. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 72:, 187-193.
Olmo, J.L. and Esteban, G.F., 2014. New observations of the colpodid ciliate Ottowphrya dragescoi (Ciliophora, Colpodea, Platyophryida, Ottowphryidae) and its confusing taxonomic history. Real Sociedad Espa?ola de Historia Natural, 108, 65-71.
Yeates, A.M. and Esteban, G., 2014. Local ciliate communities associated with aquatic macrophytes. International Microbiology, 17, 31-40.
Esteban, G.F., 2013. Carta al Presidente. Sem@foro, 56, 82-84.
Finlay, B.J. and Esteban, G.F., 2013. Protozoa In: Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity. Acadmic Press.
Forster, J., Hirst, A.G. and Esteban, G.F., 2013. Achieving temperature-size changes in a unicellular organism. ISME Journal, 7 (1), 28-36.
Esteban, G.F., Finlay, B.J. and Clarke, K.J., 2012. Priest Pot in the English Lake District: A showcase of microbial diversity. Freshwater Biology, 57 (2), 321-330.
Forster, J., Hirst, A.G. and Esteban, G.F., 2012. Achieving temperature-size changes in a unicellular organism. ISME Journal.
Olmo, J.L., Esteban, G.F. and Finlay, B.J., 2011. New records of the ectoparasitic flagellate Colpodella gonderi on non-Colpoda ciliates. International Microbiology, 14 (4), 207-211.
Esteban, G.F., Fenchel, T. and Finlay, B.J., 2010. Mixotrophy in ciliates. Protist, 161 (5), 621-641.
Bradley, M.W., Esteban, G.F. and Finlay, B.J., 2010. Ciliates in chalk-stream habitats congregate in biodiversity hot spots. Res Microbiol, 161 (7), 619-625.
Esteban, G., 2010. Species richness of ciliated protozoa in inland salt pans of Alto Guadalquivir (Spain). El Alfoli, 7, 18-20.
Galotti, A., Esteban, G.F., Finlay, B.J., Jimenez-Gomez, F. and Guerrero, F., 2010. Species richness of ciliated protozoa in inland salt pans of Alto Guadalquivir (Spain). El Alfoli, 7, 18-20.
Esteban, G.F. and Finlay, B.J., 2010. Conservation work is incomplete without cryptic biodiversity. NATURE, 463 (7279), 293.
Bradley, M.W., Esteban, G. and Finlay, B.J., 2010. Chalk-stream ciliates congregate in biodiversity hot spots. Research in Microbiology, 161, 619-625.