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Allan Walton qualified with a BSc in Materials Science at the University of Birmingham in 1997. He went on to study a PhD on the corrosion protection of Neodymium Iron Boron Magnets (qualified 2002) where he helped develop a zinc alloy coating process called Low Pressure Pack Sublimation which was patented by the University. After becoming a research associate on corrosion studies for NdFeB permanent magnets he was employed as a research fellow studying solid state hydrogen storage materials at the University of Birmingham. Dr Walton has worked on five multi-disciplinary research projects including: 2001-2003 EU Framework 5 grant (FUCHSIA – Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Stores for Integration into Automobiles). 2003-2005 Carbon Trust R&D project (The Safe Efficient and Economic Large Scale Storage of Hydrogen). 2005-2006 NERC project (A whole System Approach for Analyzing Bio-Energy Demand and Supply). 2006-2009 EU Framework 6 Project (NESSHY – Novel Efficient Solid Storage for Hydrogen).


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A.Walton, J.D.Speight, A.J.Williams, I.R.Harris (2000) ‘A Zinc Coating Method for NdFeB Magnets’. J. Alloys & Compounds, 306, p253-261 A.Walton, J.D.Speight, I.R.Harris (2000) ‘Low Pressure Pack Sublimation: Newly Developed Zinc Coating Process’. J. Surface Eng. Vol.16, No.2, p153, Prize given in the Bodycote paper competition 1999 (invited talk to the Bodycote AGM). D.B.Willey, D.Pederzolli, A.S.Pratt, J.Swift (Johnson Matthey): A.Walton, I.R.Harris (University ofBirmingham) (2002) ‘Low Temperature Hydrogenation Properties of Platinum Group Metal Treated Nickel Metal Hydride Electrode Alloys’. J.Alloys & Compounds, 330-332, 806-809. H.W.Langmi, A.Walton, M.M.Almamouri, S.R.Johnson, D.Book, J.D.Speight, P.P.Edwards, I.Gameson, P.A.Anderson, I.R.Harris. (2003) ‘Hydrogen Adsorption in Zeolites A,X,Y and Rho’. J.Alloys & Compounds 356-357, p710-715. O.Gutfleisch, N.Schlorke-de-Boer, N.Ismail, M.Herrich (IFW Dresden), A.Walton, J.D.Speight, I.R.Harris (University of Birmingham), A.S.Pratt (Johnson Matthey Plc), A.Zu?ttel (University of Fribourg). (2003) ‘Hydrogenation Properties of Nano-Crystalline Mg and Mg2Ni Based Compounds Modified with Platinum Group Metals (PGM’s)’. J.Alloys and Compounds 356-357, p598-602. Johnson SR, Anderson PA, Edwards PP, Gameson I, Prendergast JW, Almamouri M, Book.D, Harris IR, Speight JD, Walton A (2005) ‘Chemical Activation of MgH2; A New Route to Superior Hydrogen Storage Materials’. Chem.Com, p 2823-2825. H.W. Langmi, D. Book, A. Walton, S.R. Johnson, M.M. Al-Mamouri, J.D. Speight, P.P. Edwards, I.R. Harris, P.A. Anderson, (2005) ‘Hydrogen Storage in Ion-exchanged Zeolites’. J.Alloys and Compounds, 404: p 637-642. McKeown NB, Gahnem B, Msayib KJ, Budd PM, Tattershall CE, Mahmood K, Tan S, Book D, Langmi HW, Walton A (2006) ‘Towards Polymer-Based Hydrogen Storage Materials: Engineering Ultramicroporous Cavities within Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity’. ANGEWANDTE Chemie-International Edition 45 (11) p1804-1807. Budd PM, Butler A, Selbie J, Mahmood K, McKeown N B, Ghanem B, Msayib K, Book B, Walton A, (2007) ‘The potential of Organic Polymer-Based Hydrogen Storage Materials’. Phys.Chem. 9 (15) p1802-1808. David WIF, Jones MO, Gregory DH, Jewell CM, Johnson SR, Walton A, Edwards PP (2007) ‘A Mechanism for Non Stoichiometry in the Lithium Amide/Lithium Imide Hydrogen Storage Reaction’. J.American. Chem.Soc, 129 (6) p1594-1601 Ghanem BS, Msayib KJ, McKeown NB, Harris KDM, Pan Z, Budd PM, Butler A, Selbie J, Book D, Walton A, (2007), ‘A Triptycene-based Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity that Displays Enhanced Surface Area and Hydrogen Adsorption’. Chem.Com (1), p67-69. Chater P A, Anderson PA, Prendergast, Walton A, Mann VSJ, Book D, William DIF, Johnson SR,Edwards PP, (2007). ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Amide-Borohydrides: New Complex Light Hydrides for Potential Hydrogen Storage’ J.Alloys and Compounds, Vol 446-447, p 350-354 Y.Pivak, R.Gremaud, K.Gross, M. Gonsalez-Silveira, A.Walton, H.Schreuders, B.Dam and R.Griessen. (2009) ‘Effect of the film substrate on the thermodynamic properties of the PdHx studied by hydrogenography’, Scripta Materialis, Vol 60, Issue 5, p348 B. Paik, A. Walton, V. Mann, D. Book, I.P. Jones, I.R. Harris, (2010) Microstructure of ball milled MgH2 powders upon hydrogen cycling: An electron microscopy study; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 35, Issue 17, p 9012-9020 B. Paik, I.P. Jones, A. Walton, V. Mann, D. Book, I.R. Harris, (2010). ‘Evolution of microstructure in MgH2 powder particles during high energy ball milling and hydrogen cycling’; Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol 492, Issue, p515 G.S. Ghanem, M. Hashem, K.D.M. Harris, K.J. Msayib, M.Xu, P.M. Budd, N. Chaukura, D. Book, S. Tedds, A. Walton, N.B. McKeown, (2010). 'Triptycene based polymers of intrinsic microporosity ; organic materials that can be tailored for gas adsorption'; Journal of Macromoelcules 43, 5287-5294. K. Binnemans, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, T.V. Gerven, Y. Yang, A. Walton, M. Buchert, (2013). 'Recycling of rare earths: a critical review'; Journal of Cleaner Production, 51, p1-22 R.S. Sheridan, A.J. Williams, I.R. Harris, A. Walton, (2013). 'Improved HDDR processing route for production of anisotropic poder from sintered NdFeB type magnets'; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 350, p114-118. B. Spreccher, Y. Xiao, A. Walton, J. Speight, R. Harris, R. Kleijn, G. Visser, G.J. Kramer, (2014). 'Life cycle inventory of the production of rare earths and the subsequent production of NdFeB rare earth permanent magnets'; Environmental Science & Technology 48(7), p3951–3958 A. Walton, H. Yi, N.A. Rowson, J.D. Speight, V.S.J. Mann, R.S. Sheridan, A. Bradshaw, I.R. Harris, A.J. Williams, (2015). ‘The use of hydrogen to separate and recycle neodymium-iron-boron-type magnets from electronic waste’; Journal of Cleaner Production, 104, p236-241
