Ghahari, S.M., Krouse, D.P., Laycock, N.J., Rayment, T., Padovani, C., Suter, T., Mokso, R., Stampanoni, M., Monir, M. and Davenport, A.J. in press, Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel: Measuring and Modelling Pit Propagation in Support of Damage Prediction for Radioactive Waste Containers, Corros. Eng. Sci. Tech.
Jariyaboon, M., Davenport, A.J., Ambat, R., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W. and Price, D.A. 2011, Corrosion behaviour of banded microstructure within nugget of friction stir welds in AA2024-T351, Mater. Sci. Technol., 27: 208-213
Davenport, A.J., Dent, A.J., Monir, M., Hammons, J.A., Ghahari, S.M., Quinn, P.D. and Rayment, T. 2011, XANES study of the chemistry of Molybdenum in artificial corrosion pits in 316L stainless steel, J. Electrochem. Soc., 158: C111-C117
Wylie, C.M., Davenport, A.J., Cooper, P.R. and Shelton, R.M. 2010, Oral Keratinocyte Responses to Nickel-based Dental Casting Alloys In Vitro, J. Biomater. Appl., 25: 251-267
Knight, S.P., Salagaras, M., Wythe, A.M., De Carlo, F., Davenport, A.J. and Trueman, A.R. 2010, In situ X-ray tomography of intergranular corrosion of 2024 and 7050 aluminium alloys, Corros. Sci., 52: 3855-3860
Jariyaboon, M., Davenport, A.J., Ambat, R., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W. and Price, D.A. 2010, Effect of cryogenic cooling on corrosion of friction stir welded AA7010-T7651, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 57: 83-89
Hammons, J.A., Rayment, T., Vandendael, I., Blajiev, O., Hubin, A., Davenport, A.J., Raes, M. and Terryn, H. 2010, A method to detect retained gas during AC electrograining using in-situ small angle X-ray scattering, Electrochem. Commun., 12: 717-719
Davenport, A.J., Forsyth, M. and Britton, M.M. 2010, Visualisation of chemical processes during corrosion of zinc using magnetic resonance imaging, Electrochem. Commun., 12: 44-47
Ashworth, M.A., Davenport, A.J., Ward, R.M. and Hamilton, H.G.C. 2010, Microstructure and corrosion of Pd-modified Ti alloys produced by powder metallurgy, Corros. Sci., 52: 2413-2421
Jariyaboon, M., Davenport, A.J., Ambat, R., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W. and Price, D.A. 2009, The effect of cryogenic CO2 cooling on corrosion behaviour of friction stir welded AA2024-T351, Corros. Eng. Sci. Tech., 44: 425-432
Fonda, R.W., Pao, P.S., Jones, H.N., Feng, C.R., Connolly, B.J. and Davenport, A.J. 2009, Microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion of friction stir welded Al 5456, Mater. Sci. Eng., A, 519: 1-8
Rayment, T., Davenport, A.J., Dent, A.J., Tinnes, J.P., Wiltshire, R.J.K., Martin, C., Clark, G., Quinn, P. and Mosselmans, J.F.W. 2008, Characterisation of salt films on dissolving metal surfaces in artificial corrosion pits via in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Electrochem. Commun., 10: 855-858
Padovani, C.G., Davenport, A.J., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W., Groso, A., Stampanoni, M. and Bellucci, F. 2008, Corrosion and protection of friction stir welds in aerospace aluminium alloys, Metallurgia Italiana: 29-42
Eckermann, F., Suter, T., Uggowitzer, P.J., Afseth, A., Davenport, A.J., Connolly, B.J., Larsen, M.H., De Carlo, F. and Schmutz, P. 2008, In situ monitoring of corrosion processes within the bulk of AlMgSi alloys using X-ray microtomography, Corros. Sci., 50: 3455-3466
Wylie, C.M., Shelton, R.M., Fleming, G.J.P. and Davenport, A.J. 2007, Corrosion of nickel-based dental casting alloys, Dent. Mater., 23: 714-723
Tang, Y.C. and Davenport, A.J. 2007, Magnetic field effects on the corrosion of artificial pit electrodes and pits in thin films, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154: C362-C370
Leclere, T.J.R., Davenport, A.J. and Newman, R.C. 2007, Enhancement of localized corrosion in aluminum alloys by weak acids, Corrosion, 63: 338-345
Jariyaboon, M., Davenport, A.J., Ambat, R., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W. and Price, D.A. 2007, The effect of welding parameters on the corrosion behaviour of friction stir welded AA2024-T351, Corros. Sci., 49: 877-909
Davenport, A.J., Padovani, C., Connolly, B.J., Stevens, N.P.C., Beale, T.A.W., Groso, A. and Stampanoni, M. 2007, Synchrotron X-ray microtomography study of the role of Y in corrosion of magnesium alloy WE43, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 10: C5-C8
Danilidis, I., Davenport, A.J. and Sykes, J.M. 2007, Characterisation by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy of KMnO4-based no-rinse conversion coatings on Al and Al alloys, Corros. Sci., 49: 1981-1991
Cecchetto, L., Ambat, R., Davenport, A.J., Delabouglise, D., Petit, J.P. and Neel, O. 2007, Emeraldine base as corrosion protective layer on aluminium alloy AA5182, effect of the surface microstructure, Corros. Sci., 49: 818-829
Jariyaboon, M., Davenport, A.J., Ambat, R., Connolly, B.J., Williams, S.W. and Price, D.A. 2006, Corrosion of a dissimilar friction stir weld joining aluminium alloys AA2024 and AA7010, Corros. Eng. Sci. Tech., 41: 135-14