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After undergraduate training at The Queen’s College in Oxford (1970-1974) and postgraduate study at Linacre College Oxford (1974-1977), Chris Thomas worked with Professor Donald Helinski in California funded by an MRC Travelling Fellowship (1977-1979). He then returned to a Lectureship in Genetics at the University of Birmingham in 1980. He was promoted to a personal Chair in 1991. He was first Director of the Biosciences Graduate Research School from 1999-2004 and was the first Director of the University Graduate School from 2005-2009. He was Editor in Chief for the journal Microbiology from 2000-2005. He was one of the founders of the International Society for Plasmid Biology in 2004 and was its first Secretary


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AS Haines, X Dong, Z Song, R Farmer, C Williams, J Hothersall, E P?oskoń, P Wattana-amorn, ER Stephens, E Yamada, R Gurney, Y Takebayashi, J Masschelein, RJ Cox, R Lavigne, CL Willis, TJ Simpson, J Crosby, PJ Winn, CM Thomas, MP Crump (2013) A conserved motif flags acyl carrier proteins for β-branching in polyketide synthesis Nature Chemical Biology, doi:10.1038/nchembio.1342http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nchembio.1342.pdf#access Murphy, A.C., Fukuda, D., Song, Z., Hothersall, J., Cox, R.J., Willis, C.L., Thomas. C.M. and Simpson, T.J. (2011) Novel Thiomarinol antibiotics active against MRSA are generated by mutagenesis and mutasynthesis of Pseudoalteromonas SANK73390. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50, 3271–3274. Hothersall, J., Wu, J., Murphy, A., Shields, J., Stephens, E., Cooper, H., Campbell, G., Williams, P., Chris Willis, C., Simpson, T.J. and Thomas, C.M. (2011) Manipulation of quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 10586 to increase mupirocin production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 90, 1017- 1026. Fukuda, D., Haines, A.S., Song, Z., Murphy, A., Hothersall, J., Stephens, E.R., Cox, R., Crosby, J., Willis, C., Simpson, T.J., Thomas, C.M. (2011) A natural plasmid uniquely encodes two antibiotic pathways creating a potent hybrid. PLoS ONE e0018031. Hothersall, J., Wu, J., Rahman, A.S., Shields, J.A, Haddock, J., Johnson, N., Cooper, S.M., Stephens, E., Cox, R.J., Crosby, J., Willis, C.L., Simpson, T.J. and Thomas, C.M. (2007). Mutational analysis reveals that all tailoring region genes are required for production of polyketide antibiotic mupirocin by Pseudomonas fluorescens: pseudomonic acid B biosynthesis precedes pseudomonic acid A. J Biol Chem 282, 15451-15461. Wu, J., Hothersall, J., Mazzetti, C., O’Connell, Y., Shields, J.A., Rahman, A.S., Russell J. Cox, R.J., John Crosby, J., Simpson, T.J., Thomas, C.M. and Willis, C.L. (2008) In vivo Mutational Analysis of the Mupirocin Gene Cluster Reveals Labile Points in the Biosynthetic Pathway: the “Leaky Hosepipe” Mechanism. ChemBiochem 9, 1500-1508. Bingle, L.E.H., Rajasekar, R.V., Muntaha, S.T., Nadella, V., Hyde, E.I. and Thomas, C.M. (2008) A single aromatic residue in transcriptional repressor protein KorA is critical for cooperativity with the coregulator KorB. Mol Microbiol 70, 1502-1514. Batt, S.M., Bingle, L.E.H., Dafforn, T. and Thomas, C. M. (2009) Bacterial genome partitioning: N-terminal domain of IncC protein encoded by broad host range plasmid RK2 modulates oligomerisation and DNA binding. J Mol Biol 385, 1361-1374. Mark W. Silby, Ana M. Cerde?o-Tárraga, George Vernikos, Stephen R. Giddens, Robert Jackson, Gail Preston, Xue-Xian Zhang, Scott Godfrey, Andrew Spiers , Simon Harris, Gregory L. Challis, Alice Morningstar, David Harris, Kathy Seeger, Lee Murphy, Simon Rutter, Rob Squares, Michael A. Quail, Elizabeth Saunders, Iain Anderson, Kostantinos Mavromat, Thomas S. Brettin, Stephen Bentley, Joanne Hothersall, Elton Stephens, Christopher M. Thomas, Julian Parkhill, Stuart B. Levy, Paul B. Rainey, Nicholas R. Thomson. (2009) Genomic and functional analyses of diversity and plant interactions of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Genome Research 10, R51 Shields, J.A., Rahman, A.S., Arthur, C.J., Hothersall, J., Crosby, J., Simpson, T.J., Thomas, C.M. (2010) Phosphopantetheinylation and Specificity of Acyl Carrier Proteins in the Mupirocin Biosynthetic Cluster. ChemBioChem 2010, 248-255. Hale, L., Lazos, O., Haines, A.S., Thomas, C.M. (2010) An efficient stress-free strategy to displace stable bacterial plasmids. BioTechniques, 48, 223–228
