After completing his undergraduate and master’s studies at the University of Birmingham, Daniel stayed on to complete a PhD with Dr. Juliet Coates, where he investigated the proteolytic control of key regulators of root branching in Arabidopsis. In 2009 he moved to the lab of Prof. Michael Holdsworth at the University of Nottingham, where he studied the role of the N-end rule pathway of protein degradation during plant development. This work led to the discovery of the importance of this pathway for the perception of oxygen in plants. In 2012 he was awarded and independent Nottingham Advanced Research Fellowship to develop his research independence, and in October 2013 he returned to the University of Birmingham to establish his own research group
Gibbs DJ, Bailey M, Tedds HM, Holdsworth MJ (2016) From start to finish: amino-terminal protein modifications as degradation signals in plants. New Phytologist.DOI: 10.1111/nph.14105
Moody LA, Saidi Y, Gibbs DJ, Choudhary A, Holloway D, Vesty EF, Bansal KK, Bradshaw SJ, Coates JC (2016) An ancient and conserved function for Armadillo-related proteins in the control of spore and seed germination by abscisic acid. New Phytologist.DOI:10.1111/nph.13938
Gibbs DJ (2015) Emerging functions for N-terminal protein acetylation in plants. Trends in Plant Science.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2015.08.008
Abbas M, Berckhan S, Rooney DJ, Gibbs DJ, Vicente Conde J, Sousa Correia C, Bassel GW, Marín-de la Rosa N, León J, Alabadí D, Blázquez MA and Holdsworth MJ (2015) Oxygen sensing coordinates photomorphogenesis to facilitate seedling survival. Current Biology. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.03.060
Gibbs DJ*, Vicente Conde J, Berckhan S, Mendiondo GM, Prasad G and Holdsworth MJ* (2015) Group VII Ethylene Response Factors coordinate oxygen and nitric oxide signal transduction and stress responses in plants. Plant Physiology. DOI:10.1104/pp.15.00338 *corresponding authors
Mendiondo G, Gibbs DJ, Szurman-Zubrzycka M, Korn A, Marquez J, Szarejko I, Maluszynski M, King J, Axcell B, Smart K, Corbineau F, Holdsworth MJ (2015) Enhanced waterlogging tolerance in barley by manipulation of expression of the N-end rule pathway E3 ligase PROTEOLYSIS6. Plant Biotechnology Journal. DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12334
Marín-de la Rosa N, Sotillo B, Miskolczi P, Gibbs DJ, Vicente-Condo J, Carbonero P, O?ate-Sánchez L, Holdsworth MJ, Bhalerao R, Alabadí D, Blázquez MA (2014) Large-scale identification of gibberellin-related transcription factors defines Group VII ERFs as functional DELLA partners. Plant Physiology. DOI:10.1104/pp.114.244723
Gibbs DJ and Coates JC (2014) AtMYB93 is an endodermis-specific transcriptional regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis. Plant Signalling and Behaviour. DOI:10.4161/psb.29808
Gibbs DJ*, Bacardit J, Bachmair A, Holdsworth MJ* (2014) The eukaryotic N-end rule pathway: conserved mechanisms and diverse functions. Trends in Cell Biology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcb.2014.05.001. *co-corresponding author
Gibbs DJ, Isa NM, Movahedi M, Lozano-Juste J, Mendiondo GM, Berckhan S, Marín-de la Rosa N, Vicente Conde J, Sousa Correia C, Pearce, SP, Bassel GW, Hamali B, Talloji P, Tomé DFA, Coego A, Beynon J, Alabadí D, Bachmair A, León J, Gray JE, Theodoulou FL, Holdsworth MJ (2014) Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of Group VII ERF transcription factors. Molecular Cell, 10.1016/j.molcel.2013.12.020
See: press release;Science Signalling editor's choice; F1000 recommendation
Gibbs DJ, Voss U, Harding SA, Fannon J, Moody LA, Yamada E, Swarup K, Nibau C, Bassel GW, Choudhary A, Lavenus J, Bradshaw SJ, Stekel DJ, Bennett MJ, Coates JC (2014) AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12879.
Bassel GW, Stamm P, Mosca G, Barbier de Reuille P, Gibbs DJ, Winter RM, Janka A, Holdsworth MJ, Smith RS (2014)Mechanical constraints imposed by 3D cellular geometry and arrangement modulate growth patterns in the Arabidopsis embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1404616111
Bailey-Serres J, Fukao T, Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, Lee SC, Licausi F, Perata P, Voesenek LA, van Dongen JT (2012) Making sense of low oxygen sensing. Trends Plant Sci.17(3):129-38
Gibbs DJ, Lee SC, Isa NM, Gramuglia S, Fukao T, Bassel GW, Correia CS, Corbineau F, Theodoulou FL, Bailey-Serres J, Holdsworth MJ (2011) Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants. Nature. 479(7373):415-8.
See: press release; Nature reviews Molecular cell biology highlight; Science signalling highlight; F1000 rating
Bassel GW, Lan H, Glaab E, Gibbs DJ, Gerjets T, Krasnogor N, Bonner AJ, Holdsworth MJ, Provart NJ (2011) Genome-wide network model capturing seed germination reveals coordinated regulation of plant cellular phase transitions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(23):9709-14