(1) Fan, W., Ren, M., Zhang, W., Xiao, P.& Zhong, Y*.(2020). Higher Self-control, Less Deception:Effect of Self-Control on Deception Behaviors. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. Accept, In press. (SSCI期刊)
(2) Jin, L. , Lei, L. , Yu, S. , Wei, F. , Mei, L. , & Yiping, Z*. (2020). Exposure to money modulates neural responses to outcome evaluations involving social reward. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 15(1), 111-121.(SCI期刊)
(3) Li, J., Sun, Y., Li, M., Li, H., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y*. (2020). Social distance modulates prosocial behaviors in the gain and loss contexts: An event-related potential (ERP) study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 150, 83-91. (SCI期刊)
(4) Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Tan, q., Li, J., Fan, W., CHEN, J., & Zhong, Y*. (2020). Social distance modulates prosocial behaviors in the gain and loss contexts: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Psychophysiology, 150, 83-91. (SCI期刊)
(5) Liang, G., Fan, W., Hu, Z., Zhang, W., & Zhong, Y*. (2020). More intimate, more generous? Behaviour control can reduce children’s self-relevance effect in sharing behaviour. Early Child Development and Care, 150, 83-91. (SSCI期刊)
(6) Jian, Z., Zhang, W., Tian, L., Fan, W*., & Zhong, Y*. (2019). Self-Deception Reduces Cognitive Load: The Role of Involuntary Conscious Memory Impairment. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1718. (SSCI期刊)
(7) Zhang, W., Xiang, S., Dai, H., Ren, M., Shen, Y., Fan, W*., & Zhong, Y*. (2019). The Impact of Self-Relevance on Preschool Children’s Sharing. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1028. (SSCI期刊)
(8) Ren M, Zhong B, Fan W*, Dai H*,Yang B, Zhang W, Yin Z, Liu J, Li Jand Zhan Y. (2018).The Influence of Self-Control and Social Status on Self-Deception. Frontiers in psychology, 9,1256. (SSCI期刊)
(9) Li, J., Zhan, Y., Fan, W., Liu, L., Li, M., Sun, Y., & Zhong, Y. (2018). Sociality Mental Modes Modulate the Processing of Advice-Giving: An Event-Related Potentials Study. Front Psychol, 9, 42.(SSCI期刊)
(10) Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Li, J., Liu, L., Chen, J., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2018). Interpersonal relationship modulates the behavioral and neural responses during moral decision-making. Neurosci Lett, 672, 15-21. (SCI期刊)
(11) Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Chen, J., Li, J., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2017). Consciously over Unconsciously Perceived Rewards Facilitate Self-face Processing: An ERP Study. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 7836. (SCI期刊)
(12) Zhan, Y., Chen, J., Xiao, X., Li, J., Yang, Z., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2016). Reward Promotes Self-Face Processing: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 735. (SSCI期刊)
(13) Fan, W., Zhong, Y., Li, J., Yang, Z., Zhan, Y., Cai, R., & Fu, X. (2016). Negative Emotion Weakens the Degree of Self-Reference Effect: Evidence from ERPs. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1408. (SSCI期刊)
(14) Wei Fan, Jie Chen, Xiaoyan Wang, Ronghua Cai, Qianbao tan,Yun Chen,Qingsong Yang, Yiping Zhong*. (2013). Electrophysiological Correlation of the Degree of Self-reference Effect. PLoS ONE, 8 (12): e80289. (SCI期刊)
(15) Wei Fan, Youxue Zhang, Xia Wang, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yiping Zhong*. (2011). The temporal features of self-referential processing evoked by national flag. Neuroscience Letters, 505: 233–237.(SCI期刊)
(16) Tan, Q., Zhan, Y., Gao, S., Fan, W., Chen, J., & Zhong, Y. (2015). Closer the relatives are, more intimate and similar we are: Kinship effects on self-other overlap. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 7-11. (SSCI期刊)
(17) Ouyang, Y., Zhu, Y., Fan, W., Tan, Q., & Zhong, Y. (2015). People higher in self-control do not necessarily experience more happiness: Regulatory focus also affects subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 406-411. (SSCI期刊)
(18) Chen, Y., Zhong, Y*., Zhou, H., Zhang, S., Tan, Q., & Fan, W. (2014). Evidence for implicit self-positivity bias: an event-related brain potential study. Experimental Brain Research, (232): 985-994. (SCI期刊)
(19) Ke Zhao, Jiajin Yuan, Yiping Zhong, Yunshi Peng, Jie Chen, Luping Zhou,Wei Fan, Haibo Zhou. Event-Related Potential Correlates of the Collective Self-relevant Effect. Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 464:57-61. (SCI期刊)
(20) 范伟, 任梦梦, 肖俊泽, 简增郸, 杜晓明, & 傅小兰. (2019). 羞耻情绪对欺骗行为的影响:自我控制的作用. 心理学报, 51(9), 992-1006.
(21) 钟毅平, 张文洁, 李亚蕾, & 范伟. (2018). 时间压力对错误记忆的影响: 情绪的调节作用. 心理学报, 50(9), 929-939
(22) 范伟, 杨博, 刘娟, & 傅小兰. (2017). 自我欺骗:为了调节个体心理状态. 心理科学进展, 25(08), 1349-1359.
(23) 钟毅平, 占友龙, 李琎, & 范伟. (2017). 道德决策的机制及干预研究:自我相关性与风险水平的作用. 心理科学进展, 25(7), 1093–1102.
(24) 范伟, 钟毅平, & 傅小兰. (2016). 自我控制对欺骗的影响. 心理科学进展, 24(7), 997–1008.
(25) 范伟, 钟毅平, 李慧云, 孟楚熠, 游畅, & 傅小兰. (2016). 欺骗判断与欺骗行为中自我控制的影响. 心理学报, 48(7), 845-856.
(26) 范伟, 钟毅平, 杨子鹿, 李琎, 欧阳益, 蔡荣华, 李慧云, 傅小兰. (2016). 外倾个体的自我参照加工程度效应. 心理学报, 48(8), 1002–1012.
(27) 范伟, 钟毅平, 李琎, & 黄俊伟. (2016). 职业性别刻板印象激活效应:一项ERP研究(英文). 中国临床心理学杂志, 24(03), 381-388.
(28) 范伟,钟毅平. 自我参照加工的程度效应及其研究展望. 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 16(06):123-127.(CSSCI)
(29) 范伟,彭林海,张娣. 湖南省高中生心理健康状况调查与分析. 教育测量与评价: 理论版, 2010, (011):45-48.
(30) 钟毅平, 李琎, 占友龙, 范伟, & 杨子鹿. (2016).自我旋转面孔识别的ERPs研究. 心理学报, 48(11), 1379-1389.
(31) 钟毅平, 蔡荣华, 范伟, 杨子鹿, 喻涛, & 吴云. (2015). 内倾特质个体的自我参照加工程度效应. 心理科学, 38(3), 672-679.
(32) 钟毅平, 杨子鹿, & 范伟. (2015). 自我—他人重叠及观点采择类型对助人意愿的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 1, 015.
(33) 钟毅平, 杨子鹿, &范伟. (2015). 自我—他人重叠对助人行为的影响: 观点采择的调节作用. 心理学报, 47(8), 1050-1057.
(34) 傅小兰, 王辉, 范伟. 抑郁症患者的面部表情识别研究. 心理与行为研究, 2015, 13(5): 691-697.
(35) 上官戎, & 范伟. (2015). 相持阶段网球运动员击球线路的知觉预判研究. 湖南师范大学教育科学学报(03), 120-123.
(36) 上官戎, 范伟, & 钟毅平. (2015). 不同时间点上网球运动员对击球线路的知觉预判. 体育学刊(03), 75-78.
(37) 王锡爱, 范伟, 李琎, 李惠娥, 易文婷, 陈智勇, & 钟毅平. (2015). 民族自我参照效应:行为和ERPs证据(英文). 中国临床心理学杂志(04), 608-614.
(38) 颜志雄, 邹霞, 燕良轼, 范伟, 谭千保, & 邱小艳. (2015). 道德两难判断中亲属关系的认知研究:来自ERPs的证据. 心理科学(01), 54-61.
(39) 钟毅平*,范伟,蔡荣华, 谭千保,肖利辉,占友龙,罗西,秦敏辉. (2014). 正性情绪诱导下的自我参照加工:来自ERPS的证据. 心理学报, 46(3): 341-352.(导师第一,本人第二)(权威刊物)
(40) 钟毅平,范伟 等. 音乐情境中自我参照加工的时间特征:来自ERPs的证据.心理科学, 2012,35(5):1039-1046.(导师第一,本人第二)(重要刊物)
(41) 钟毅平,范伟,赵科,周海波. 情感韵律在真假句子加工上的差异: 来自 ERPs 的证据.心理科学,2011, 34(2):312-316. (导师第一,本人第二)(重要刊物)
(42) 钟毅平,范伟,张娣.人类社会认知的神经机制:来自社会脑研究的证据.心理科学,2011, 34(1):210-214. (导师第一,本人第二)(重要刊物)
(43) 燕良轼, 颜志雄, 丁道群 范伟. 道德厌恶启动对身体清洁刺激加工的时间特征 :来自ERPs的证据. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2014, (01):32-37. (重要刊物)
(44) 钟毅平, 王锡爱, 范伟, 戚光威 & 杜芬. 职业选择情境中的自我参照效应:行为和ERPs证据. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2014, 22(2):218-222 .
(45) 王小艳,钟毅平,范伟,雷潇,汉语句子加工中句法与语义交互作用的时间进程:来自ERP的证据,心理科学,2013,36(4):827-831. (重要刊物)
(46) 钟毅平,范伟. 情感背景音乐中个体与集体自我效应及其特性研究[OL]. [2013-06-08]. 中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201306-126
(47) 钟毅平,范伟. 以国旗为例的自我参照加工:来自ERPs的证据[OL]. [2013-06-07]. 中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201306-97
(48) 范伟,钟毅平. 正性情绪对自我参照程度效应的影响. 第十六届中国心理学大会论文集, 2013年11月, 北京.
(49) 钟毅平,张笑仪,范伟. 中文听觉双字词认知中的正字法即时激活效应----来自ERP的证据.中国临床心理学,2011,19(4):437-440.(重要刊物)
(50) 钟毅平,周海波,周路平,陈芸,范伟. 显性度对隐喻加工的影响: 事件相关电位研究. 心理科学, 2011, 34(3): 527-531.(重要刊物)