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教育经历 1986.07,吉林大学地质学专业,获理学学士学位 1989.07,吉林大学构造地质学专业,获硕士学位 2000.12,Salzburg 大学地质学专业,获博士学位 工作经历 1989.07 - 1998.09,长春地质学院,副教授 2001.01 - 2003.09,吉林大学,教授 / 博士生导师 2003.09 - 2005.08,日本岛根大学,研究学者 2005.09 - 2018.02,吉林大学,教授 / 博士生导师 2018 年 2 月 - 至今,中国海洋大学,教授


古太平洋构造体制及陆缘演化过程:聚焦东北东部岩石圈深部结构,探究古太平洋板块俯冲和增生的深部过程,分析其对区域成矿带的构造影响,揭示古太平洋构造体制深部与浅表的响应关系,明确其时空分布范围以及对古亚洲洋构造体制的叠加改造和大陆边缘演化的作用机制。 蒙古 - 鄂霍茨克构造体制演化及其成矿作用:通过研究中蒙边界构造变形及其时代,确定鄂霍茨克碰撞造山作用在大兴安岭地区的地表表现,探讨鄂霍茨克洋俯冲的极性、影响范围和对区域成矿作用的影响。 青藏高原北缘区域构造研究:致力于查明东昆仑山中 - 新生代以来的构造演化,恢复柴达木盆地侏罗纪原型盆地,研究柴达木盆地与周缘山脉的耦合关系。 大陆流变研究:以内蒙古大青山地区古元古造山带为研究对象,通过构造解析、变质 - 深熔作用和流变构造研究,建立造山带结构模型,探究有深熔作用参与时岩石的流变行为,揭示流变作用在大陆构造演化中的控制作用 。


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[1] Liu, Y. J., Li, W.M., Feng, Z.Q., Wen, Q.B. Franz N., Liang, C.Y., A review of the Paleozoic tectonics in the eastern part of Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 2017, 43,123-148 [2] Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., R. Handler, G. Friedl, and F. Neubauer. 40Ar/39Ar muscovite ages from the Penninic-Austroalpine plate boundary, Eastern Alps. Tectonics, 2001, Vol. 20, No. 4, 526-547. [3] Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., Neubauer, F., Jin, W., Ge, X.H., Handler, R., Takasu, A., 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages from basement rocks in the Eastern Kunlun Mountains, NW China and their tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 2005, 398(3-4), 199-224. [4] Liu, Y. J., Jin, W., Wang, C.W., Zhang, X.Z., Ma, Z.H., Zhou, J.B., Wen, Q.B. Han, G.Q., Tectonics of NE China during Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic. 33rd IGC abstract (CD version), in session” ASI-06 Pre-Mesozoic accretionary tectonics in Central Asia”, 6-14 Aug. 2008 Oslo Norway. [5] Liu, Y. J., Neubauer, F., Johann G., Ge, X.H., Akira T., Yuan, S.H., Chang, L.H., Li, W.M., Geochronology of the initiation and displacement of the Altyn Strike-Slip Fault, western China. J. Asian Earth Sciences, 2007, 29, 243–252 [6] Liu, Y. J., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Takasu, A., Ge, X.-H. and Handler, R. 40Ar/39Ar ages of the blueschist facies pelitic schists from Qingshuigou in the Northern Qilian Mountains, Western China. Island Arc, 2006, 15(1), 187-198 [7] Liu Y.J., Takasu, A., Sakurai, T., Geochronological review of Sambagawa metamorphic belt in Southwest Japan. J. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 2005, 8(1/2), 53-64. [8] Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Ge, X.H., Takasu, A., Yuan, S.H., Geochronology and the initiation of Altyn Fault, western China. 19th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, 10-12th July, Niseko, Japan, Journal of Himalayan Sciences, Extended Abstracts, 2004, 2(4), 199-200. [9] Liu Y.J., Genser, J., Ge X.H., Neubauer, F., G. Friedl, Chang L.H., REN Shoumai & R. Handler. 40Ar/39Ar age evidence for Altyn fault tectonic activities in western China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(18), 2024-2030. [10] Liu Y.J., Ye H.W., Ge X.H., Chen W., Liu J.L., Ren S.M.& Pan H.X., Laser probe 40Ar/39Ar dating of mica on the deformed rocks from Altyn Fault and its tectonic implications, western China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(4), 322-325 [11] Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F. and Ge, X.H. Blueschists from Qingshuigou in north Qilian Mountains, China. Abstracts Volume of 31st International Geological Congress (CD version), Brazil, Aug. 2000. [12] Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., Neubauer, F., Jin, W., Ge,X.H., R. Handler. Geochronology of 40Ar/39Ar dating in the basement rocks in Eastern Kunlun Mountains and its tectonic implications. Abstract of 15th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, China, April 2000, Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 7 Suppl., 2000, p227. [13] 刘永江,葛肖虹, J. Genser, F. Neubauer, G. Friedl, 常丽华, 任收麦, R. Handler. 阿尔金断裂带构造活动的40Ar/39Ar年龄证据. 科学通报,2003,Vol.48, No.12, 1335-1341. [14] 刘永江, 葛肖虹, 叶惠文, 陈文, 刘俊来, 任收麦, 潘宏勋. 阿尔金断裂变形岩激光微区40Ar/39Ar年龄及其构造意义. 科学通报,2000,Vol.49, No.19, 2101-2104. [15] 刘永江,刘宾强,冯志强,温泉波,李伟民,张铁安,李小玉,杜兵盈. 大兴安岭中北段老道口闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄、地球化学特征及构造意义. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2016,46(2),482-498. [16] 刘永江, 张兴洲, 金巍, 迟效国, 王成文, 马志红, 韩国卿, 温泉波, 赵英利,王文弟,赵喜峰. 东北地区晚古生代区域构造演化. 中国地质,2010, 37(4), 943-951 [17] 刘永江,Franz Neubauer,葛肖虹,Johann Genser,袁四化,李伟民,巩庆林,陈元忠. 阿尔金断裂带年代学和阿尔金山隆升. 地质科学,2007,42(1),134-146. [18] 刘永江,Franz Neubauer,李伟民,Johann Genser,李伟. 柴北缘—南祁连地区构造热事件. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2012,42(5),1317-1329. [19] 刘永江,张兴洲,迟效国,温泉波,梁琛岳,韩国卿,赵立敏,赵英利. 大兴安岭地区上古生界变形特征及构造层划分. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2011, 41(5),1304-1313 [20] 刘永江, 葛肖虹, 叶慧文, 刘俊来, N. Franz, J. Genser, 潘宏勋, 任收麦. 晚中生代以来阿尔金断裂的走滑模式. 地球学报, 2001, Vol.23, No.1, 23-28. [21] 刘永江, 李三忠, 杨振生. 华北地台东缘早元古代隆-滑构造模式, 地质论评, 1997,No.6,569-576. [22] 刘永江, 李三忠, 杨振生, 刘祥. 古元古代拉伸构造模式─以胶北、辽东和吉南地区为例. 长春地质学院学报, 1997,Vol.27, No.2, 141-146. [23] 刘永江, 王成文. 辽东辽河群大石桥岩组的变形特征及其构造地层单位的划分. 长春地质学院学报,1997, Vol.27,126-132. [24] 刘永江,李三忠. 辽宁海城-大石桥-吉洞地区早元古代花岗岩. 辽宁地质,1996,49(1),10-18. [25] 刘永江. 冀东三屯营地区太古宙片麻岩韧性变形过程中的岩石转变. 长春地质学院学报,1992,Vol. 22, 34-42. [26] Zhao, L.M., Takasu, A., Liu, Y.J., Li, W.M., Blueschist from the Toudaoqiao Area, Inner Mongolia, NE China: Evidence for the Suture between the Ergun and the Xing’an Blocks. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(2), 241-248. (corresponding author). [27] Liang, C.Y., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Jin, W., Li, W.M. Heberer, B., Wen, Q.B., Li, J., Zhang. L., Structural and rheological features of the western Liaoning metamorphic core complex corridor: Indications for Late Mesozoic extension of the eastern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2017), 139,142-164. (corresponding author). [28] Li, W.M., Liu, Y.J., Jin, W., Neubauer, F., Zhao, Y.L., Liang, C.Y., Wen, Q.B., Feng, Z.Q., Jing Li, Liu.Q., Syntectonic emplacement of the Triassic biotite-syenogranite intrusions in the Taili area, western Liaoning, NE China: Insights from petrogenesis, rheology and geochronology. J. of Asian Earth Sciences (2017), 139,202-223 (corresponding author). [29] Li, J., Liu, Y.J., Jin, W., Li, X.H., Neubauer, F., Li, W.M., Liang, C.Y., Wen, Q.B., Zhang. Y.Y., Neoarchean tectonics: Insight from the Baijiafen ductile shear zone, eastern Anshan, Liaoning Province, NE China. J. of Asian Earth Sciences (2017), 139,165-182 (corresponding author). [30] Chen, Z., Liu, Y.J., Chen, G.N., Peng, Z.L., Rheological Transitions in Progressive Melting of Rock and Their Geological Constraints from the Fuhu Metatexite-Diatexite Profile in Guangdong Province, SE China, J. of Asian Earth Sciences (2017), 139,192-201 (corresponding author). [31] Feng, Z.Q., Liu, Y.J., Li, Y.R., W.M., Li, Wen, Q.B., Binqiang Liu, Jianping Zhou, Yingli Zhao. Ages, geochemistry and tectonic implications of the Cambrian igneous rocks in the northern Great Xing’an Range, NE China. J. of Asian Earth Sciences (2016), 144,5-21 (corresponding author). [32] Feng, Z.Q., Liu, Y.J., Wen, B.Q., W.M., Li, Liu, Q., Timing and nature of the Xinlin–Xiguitu Ocean: constraints from ophiolitic gabbros in the northern Great Xing’an Range, eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Int J. Earth Sci, 2016, 105, 491-505. (corresponding author). [33] Feng, Z.Q., Liu, Y.J., Jin, W., Li, W.M., Wen. Q.B., Is there the Paleoproterozoic komatiite related to mantle plume in the Jifeng area, Northern Great Xing’an Range, NE China? Reply to the comments on: “Timing and nature of the Xinlin–Xiguitu Ocean: constraints from ophiolitic gabbros in the northern Great Xing’an Range, eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt” by Ni. 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1413-1. (corresponding author). [34] Feng, Z.Q., Jia, J., Liu, Y.J., Wen, Q.B., Li, W.M., Liu, B.Q., Xing, D.Q., Zhang, L. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Carboniferous magmatism in the northern Great Xing’an Range, NE China: Constraints on the timing of amalgamation of Xing’an and Songnen blocks. J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 113 , 411-426. (corresponding author). [35] Liang, C., Liu, Y. J., Neubauer, F., Bernroider, M., Jin, W., Li, W., Zeng, Z., Wen, Q., Zhao, Y. Structures, kinematic analysis, rheological parameters and temperature-pressure estimate of the Mesozoic Xingcheng-Taili ductile shear zone in the north China craton. J. of Structural Geology, 2015, 78, 27-51. (corresponding author). [36] Liang, C.Y., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Jin, W., Zeng, Z.X., Genser, J., Li, W.M., Li, W., Han, G.Q., Quanbo Wen, Q.B., Zhao, Y.L., Cai. L.B., Structural characteristics and LA–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology of the deformed granitic rocks from the Mesozoic Xingcheng-Taili ductile shear zone in the North China Craton, Tectonophysics, 2015, 650, 80–103 (corresponding author). [37] Han, G.Q., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Bartel, E., Genser, J., Feng, Z.Q., Zhang, L., Yang, M.C. U-Pb age and Hf isotopic data of detrital zircons from the Devonian and Carboniferous sandstones in Yimin area, NE China: New evidences to the collision timing between the Xing’an and Erguna blocks in, eastern segment of Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 97, 211-228. (corresponding author). [38] Han, G.Q., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Zhao, Y.L., Wen, Q.B., Wei Li, Wu, L.N., Jiang, X.Y., Zhao,L.M.. Provenance analysis of Permian sandstones in the central and southern Da Xing'an Mountains, China: Constraints on the evolution of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Tectonophysics, 2012, 580, 100-113 (corresponding author). [39] Han, G.Q., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Zou, Y.X., Li, W., Liang, C.Y. Characteristics, timing, and offsets of the middle-southern segment of the western boundary strike-slip fault of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(3),464-475. (corresponding author). [40] Han, G.Q., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Jin, W., Genser, J., Ren, S.M., Li, W., Wen, Q.B., Zhao, Y.L., Liang C.Y., LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and Hf isotopes for detrital zircons from the Permian sandstones in Da Xing’an Mountains: New evidences for the eastern extension of the Erenhot - Hegenshan suture belt. J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012,49,249–271. (corresponding author). [41] Han, G.Q., Liu, Y.J., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Li, W., Zhao, Y.L., Liang C.Y., Origin of terranes in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NE China: U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from Ordovician-Devonian sandstones, North Da Xing’an Mts. Tectonophsics, 2011, 511,109–124. (corresponding author). [42] LI, W.M., Takasu, A., Liu, Y.J., Genser J., Zhao, Y.L., Han, G.Q. and Guo, X.Z. U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age constrains on protolith and high-P/T type metamorphism of the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, NE China. J. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2011, 106, 326-331. (corresponding author). [43] 陈震, 陈国能, 刘永江, 刘洁. 花岗岩形成的热动力学过程数值模拟研究进展. 岩石学报, 2017, 33, 1498–1506. (通讯作者) [44] 温泉波,刘永江,高飞,徐民,李伟民,冯志强,周建平,梁琛岳. 黑龙江省东部佳木斯隆起多期隆升剥露历史的热年代学研究,岩石学报,2017,33(6),1789-1804(通讯作者). [45] 梁琛岳, 刘永江,李伟民,杨书艳,温泉波,李婧,米晓楠,张丽. 医巫闾山变质核杂岩南段韧性变形与流变特征,岩石学报,2016,32(9),2656-2676. (通讯作者) [46] 李伟民,刘永江,Takasu Akira,赵英利,温泉波,郭新传,张丽. 黑龙江依兰地区蓝片岩的变质演化PTt轨迹. 岩石学报,2014,30(10),3085-3099 (通讯作者) [47] 韩国卿,刘永江,Franz Neubauer,Johann Genser, 梁琛岳,温泉波,赵英利. 松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带中北段尼尔基L型构造岩构造年代学及其构造意义. 岩石学报, 2014. 30(7), 1922-1934. (通讯作者) [48] 冯志强,刘永江,韩国卿,李伟民,张丽. 大兴安岭北段塔源地区~330Ma辉长岩-花岗岩的岩石成因及构造意义. 岩石学报, 2014, 30(7), 1982-1994 (通讯作者). [49] Guo, X. Z., Takasu, A., Liu, Y. J.; Li, W. M.. Zn-Rich Spinel in Association with Quartz in the Al-Rich Metapelites from the Mashan Khondalite Series, NE China. J. of Earth Science, 2014, 25(2), 207-223. [50] Li, W., Neubauer, F., Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., Ren, S., Han, G., Liang, C. Paleozoic evolution of the Qimantagh magmatic arcs: constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages and implications for the subduction of the Qimantagh and Paleo-Tethyan Oceans, Eastern Kunlun Mountains: constraints from zircon dating of granitoids and modern river sands. J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 77, 183–202. [51] Neubauer, F., Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., Andrea Brigitte RIESER, Gertrude FRIEDL, Xiaohong GE & Martin THÖNI. Quaternary celestine and gypsum extensional veins in a folded hypersaline lake infill: the Qaidam basin, western China. Austrian J. of Earth Sciences, 2010, 103(2), 81-91. [52] Andrea B. Rieser, Franz Neubauer, Y.J. Liu, Johann Genser. Walking through geologic history across a Neogene, incised anticline of the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau: review and synthesis. Austrian J. of Earth Sciences, 2010, 103(1), 29-42. [53] Li, W.M., Takasu, A., Liu Y. J. and Guo, X. Z.. Newly discovered garnet-barroisite schists from the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, northeastern China. J. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2010, 105, 86-91. [54] Li, W.M., Takasu, A., Liu, Y.J., Genser, J., Neubauer F. and Guo, X. Z.. 40Ar/39Ar ages of the high-P/T metamorphic rocks of the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, northeastern China. J. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2009, 104, 110-116. [55] Andrea B. Rieser, Ana-Voica Bojar, Franz Neubauer, Johann Genser, Y.J. Liu, Xiao-Hong Ge, Gertrude Friedl. Monitoring Cenozoic climate evolution of northeastern Tibet: stable isotope constraints from the western Qaidam Basin, China. International J. of Earth Sciences, 2009, 98(5), pp. 1063-1075. [56] Andrea B. Rieser, Franz Neubauer, Y.J. Liu, Johann Genser, Robert Handler, Xiao-hong Ge and Gertrude Friedl. 40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital white mica as a complementary tool for provenance analysis: a case study from the Cenozoic Qaidam Basin (China). In: Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins, edited by Gary Nichols, Edward Williams and Chris Paola, Special publication, Number 38 of the International Association Of Sedimentologists Series, January 2008, Wiley-Blackwell, pp 648, pages (301-325). [57] Rieser, A., Neubauer, F., Liu, Y. & Ge, X. Sandstone provenance of north-western sectors of the intracontinental Cenozoic Qaidam basin, western China: tectonic vs. climatic control. Sedimentary Geology, 2005, 177, 1-18. [58] Ana-Voica BOJAR, Andrea RIESER, Franz NEUBAUER, Hans-Peter BOJAR, Johann GENSER, Y.J. LIU and Xiao-Hong GE. Stable isotopic and mineralogical investigations of an arid Quaternary lacustrine palaeoenvironment, Western Qaidam, China. Geological Quarterly, 2005, 49(2), 173-184. [59] Neubauer, F., Liu, Y. J., Genser, J., Zeng, X., Handler, R., Friedl, G., Ge, X.. Steps of crustal growth in the eastern Tibet-Qinghai plateau: synthesis of 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages. Abstract of 16th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Austria, April 2001, J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 2001, Vol. 19, No. 3A, p48. [60] Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Liu, Y. J., Ge, X.. The Akasai basin: an active peripheral foreland basin of the Altyn orogen. Abstract of 16th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Austria, April 2001, J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 2001, Vol. 19, No. 3A, p47. [61] Ge, X. H., Ye, H. W., Liu, Y.J., Liu, J. L., Pan, H. X., and Ren, S. M.. Research progress of Altyn fault in Western China. Abstract of 15th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, China, April 2000, Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 7 Suppl., 2000, 243-244. [62] Li, S. Z., Yang, Z. S., Liu Y. J.. Stratification of metamorphic belts and its genesis in the Liaohe Group. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, Vol. 43, No.5, 430-434. [63] Liu, J. L., Liu, Y.J., Chen, H., Sa, D. M., Wang, H. C.. The inner zone of the Liaoji Peleorift: its early structural styles and structural evolution. J. of SE Asian Earth Sci, 1997, Vol.15, No.1, 19-31.
