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Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Note: Please note that the Gardner Lab has moved to New York City effective Fall 2014, where Dr. Gardner oversees the Structural Biology Initiative of the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center. For more information, check out the Gardner lab website. Dr. Gardner joined the UT Southwestern faculty in 1998 after B.S. (UC Davis, 1989), Ph.D. (Yale, 1995) and postdoctoral (Univ. Toronto with Lewis Kay, 1998) studies in biophysics and biochemistry. His research group integrates structural, dynamic and kinetic information from solution NMR studies with other biophysical and biochemical data to probe the signaling mechanisms of environmental sensory proteins. This research aims to decipher how similar proteins sense different stimuli – e.g. blue light, oxygen – to control different output functions. Such studies lay the foundation for both understanding the natural regulation of these systems and artificially controlling them. Education Undergraduate University of California-Davis (1989), Biochemistry Graduate School Yale University (1995), Biophysics Honors & Awards Southwestern Medical School Excellence in Education Award (2012) UT Southwestern - Postdoctoral Association Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring Award (2011) Southwestern Medical School Excellence in Education Award (2010) UT Southwestern Medical Center Virginia Lazenby O’Hara Chair in Biochemistry (2006) The Chicago Community Trust Searle Scholar (1999) UT Southwestern Medical Center W.W. Caruth, Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research (1998) Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (1996) NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (1995) HHMI Predoctoral Fellowship - Structural Biology (1989)


Research Interest allostery artificial regulation biomolecular NMR cancer photosensors signaling structural biology


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Full-length structure of a monomeric histidine kinase reveals basis for sensory regulation. Rivera-Cancel G, Ko WH, Tomchick DR, Correa F, Gardner KH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2014 Dec An optogenetic gene expression system with rapid activation and deactivation kinetics. Motta-Mena LB, Reade A, Mallory MJ, Glantz S, Weiner OD, Lynch KW, Gardner KH Nat. Chem. Biol. 2014 Mar 10 3 196-202 Blue Light Regulated Two-Component Systems: Enzymatic and Functional Analyses of Light-Oxygen-Voltage (LOV)-Histidine Kinases and Downstream Response Regulators. Correa F, Ko WH, Ocasio V, Bogomolni RA, Gardner KH Biochemistry 2013 Jun Allosteric inhibition of hypoxia inducible factor-2 with small molecules. Scheuermann TH, Li Q, Ma HW, Key J, Zhang L, Chen R, Garcia JA, Naidoo J, Longgood J, Frantz DE, Tambar UK, Gardner KH, Bruick RK Nat. Chem. Biol. 2013 Feb Structural basis of a phototropin light switch. Harper SM, Neil LC, Gardner KH Science 2003 Sep 301 5639 1541-4 Blue Light-Induced Dimerization of a Bacterial LOV-HTH DNA-Binding Protein. Zoltowski BD, Motta-Mena LB, Gardner KH Biochemistry 2013 Sep Development of Inhibitors of the PAS-B Domain of the HIF-2a Transcription Factor. Rogers JL, Bayeh L, Scheuermann TH, Longgood J, Key J, Naidoo J, Melito L, Shokri C, Frantz DE, Bruick RK, Gardner KH, Macmillan JB, Tambar UK J. Med. Chem. 2013 Feb Signaling mechanisms of LOV domains: new insights from molecular dynamics studies. Freddolino PL, Gardner KH, Schulten K Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2013 Feb Solution Structure of the WNK1 Autoinhibitory Domain, a WNK-Specific PF2 Domain. Moon TM, Correa F, Kinch LN, Piala AT, Gardner KH, Goldsmith EJ J. Mol. Biol. 2013 Jan Regulating the ARNT/TACC3 Axis: Multiple Approaches to Manipulating Protein/Protein Interactions with Small Molecules. Guo Y, Partch CL, Key J, Card PB, Pashkov V, Patel A, Bruick RK, Wurdak H, Gardner KH ACS Chem. Biol. 2012 Dec Identification of natural and artificial DNA substrates for light-activated LOV-HTH transcription factor EL222. Rivera-Cancel G, Motta-Mena LB, Gardner KH Biochemistry 2012 Dec 51 50 10024-34 Enlightening molecular mechanisms through study of protein interactions. Rizo J, Rosen MK, Gardner KH J Mol Cell Biol 2012 Oct 4 5 270-83 Hemerythrin-like domain within F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5 (FBXL5) communicates cellular iron and oxygen availability by distinct mechanisms. Chollangi S, Thompson JW, Ruiz JC, Gardner KH, Bruick RK J. Biol. Chem. 2012 Jul 287 28 23710-7 Plant science. How plants see the invisible. Gardner KH, Correa F Science 2012 Mar 335 6075 1451-2 Variations in protein-flavin hydrogen bonding in a light, oxygen, voltage domain produce non-Arrhenius kinetics of adduct decay. Zoltowski BD, Nash AI, Gardner KH Biochemistry 2011 Oct 50 41 8771-9 Mutational and Structural Studies of the PixD BLUF Output Signal That Affects Light-Regulated Interactions with PixE. Yuan H, Dragnea V, Wu Q, Gardner KH, Bauer CE Biochemistry 2011 Jul 50 29 6365-75 Structural basis of photosensitivity in a bacterial light-oxygen-voltage/helix-turn-helix (LOV-HTH) DNA-binding protein. Nash AI, McNulty R, Shillito ME, Swartz TE, Bogomolni RA, Luecke H, Gardner KH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011 Jun 108 23 9449-54 Coactivators necessary for transcriptional output of the hypoxia inducible factor, HIF, are directly recruited by ARNT PAS-B. Partch CL, Gardner KH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011 May 108 19 7739-44 Modulating LOV domain photodynamics with a residue alteration outside the chromophore binding site. Song SH, Freddolino PL, Nash AI, Carroll EC, Schulten K, Gardner KH, Larsen DS Biochemistry 2011 Apr 50 13 2411-23 The three Rs of transcription: recruit, retain, and recycle. Motta-Mena LB, Partch CL, Gardner KH Mol. Cell 2010 Dec 40 6 855-8
