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Biography EDUCATION 2003 University of California-San Francisco. PhD, biochemistry and biophysics. Advisor: Jonathan S. Weissman 1998 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. AB and AM, chemistry. Advisor: James C. Wang 1994 State College Area High School, State College, PA POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING 2004-2006 UT Southwestern, Postdoctoral Fellow. Advisor: Steven L. McKnight CURRENT POSITION 2013-present Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, UT Southwestern Education Graduate School Harvard University , Chemistry Graduate School University of California-San Francisco (2003) Honors & Awards Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research (2014) Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award (2010) Packard Fellowship (2010) W. W. Caruth, Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research (2007) Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in Biomedical Sciences (2006) AAAS & GE Healthcare Young Scientist Award Regional Winner - North America (2004)


The Tu Lab is interested in the study of metabolic cycles and how biological processes (e.g., cell growth and division, transcription, mitochondrial homeostasis, autophagy) are coupled to metabolism and the metabolic state of a cell. Research Interest Bioinformatic analysis of temporal gene expression and metabolite profiling data Cell growth control Mechanisms by which cellular processes are coupled to metabolic state Metabolic cycles Oxidative stress, nutritional stress


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Comerford SA, Huang Z, Du X, Wang Y, Cai L, Witkiewicz A, Walters H, Tantawy MN, Fu A, Manning HC, Horton JD, Hammer RE, McKnight SL*, Tu BP*. Acetate dependence of tumors. Cell. 2014;159:1591-602. Laxman S, Sutter BM, Shi L, Tu BP. Npr2 inhibits TORC1 to prevent inappropriate utilization of glutamine for biosynthesis of nitrogen-containing metabolites. Sci Signal. 2014;7:ra120. Reprint Kuang Z, Cai L, Zhang X, Ji H, Tu BP*, Boeke JD*. A high temporal resolution view of transcription and chromatin states across distinct metabolic states in budding yeast. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2014;21:854-63. An Z, Tassa A, Thomas C, Zhong R, Xiao G, Fotedar R, Tu BP, Klionsky DJ, Levine B. Autophagy is required for G1/G0 quiescence in response to nitrogen starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Autophagy. 2014;10:1702-11. Shi L, Tu BP. Protein acetylation as a means to regulate protein function in tune with metabolic state. Biochem Soc Trans. 2014;42:1037-1042. Laxman S, Tu BP, McKnight SL. Concerted effort: oscillations in global gene expression during nematode development. Mol Cell. 2014;53:363-4. Laxman S, Sutter BM, Tu BP. Methionine is a signal of amino acid sufficiency that inhibits autophagy through the methylation of PP2A. Autophagy. 2014;10:386-7. Cai L, McCormick MA, Kennedy BK, Tu BP. Integration of Multiple Nutrient Cues and Regulation of Lifespan by Ribosomal Transcription Factor Ifh1. Cell Rep. 2013;4:1063-71. Laxman S, Sutter BM, Wu X, Kumar S, Guo X, Trudgian DC, Mirzaei H, Tu BP. Sulfur amino acids regulate translational capacity and metabolic homeostasis through modulation of tRNA thiolation. Cell. 2013;154:416-29. Sutter BM, Wu X, Laxman S, Tu BP. Methionine inhibits autophagy and promotes growth by inducing the SAM-responsive methylation of PP2A. Cell. 2013;154:403-15. Tso SC, Qi X, Gui WJ, Chuang JL, Morlock LK, Wallace AL, Ahmed K, Laxman S, Campeau PM, Lee BH, Hutson SM, Tu BP, Williams NS, Tambar UK, Wynn RM, Chuang DT. Structure-based design and mechanisms of allosteric inhibitors for mitochondrial branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013;110:9728-33. Xiao Y, Nguyen S, Kim SH, Volkov OA, Tu BP, Phillips MA. Product feedback regulation implicated in translational control of the Trypanosoma brucei S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase regulatory subunit prozyme. Mol Microbiol. 2013;88:846-61. Shi L, Tu BP. Acetyl-CoA induces transcription of the key G1 cyclin CLN3 to promote entry into the cell division cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013;110:7318-23. Kriel A, Bittner AN, Kim SH, Liu K, Tehranchi AK, Zou WY, Rendon S, Chen R, Tu BP, Wang JD. Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance. Mol Cell. 2012;48:231-41. Chen LY, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Li H, Luo Z, Fang H, Kim SH, Qin L, Yotnda P, Xu J, Tu BP, Bai Y, Sonyang Z. Mitochondrial localization of telomeric protein TIN2 links telomere regulation to metabolic control. Mol Cell. 2012;47:839-50. Kaochar S, Tu BP. Gatekeepers of chromatin: small metabolites elicit big changes in gene expression. Trends Biochem Sci. 2012;37:477-83. Cai L, Tu BP. Driving the cell cycle through metabolism. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2012;28:59-87. Marin-Valencia I, Yang C, Mashimo T, Cho S, Baek H, Yang XL, Rajagopalan KN, Maddie M, Vemireddy V, Cai L, Good L, Tu BP, Hatanpaa K, Mickey BE, Mates JM, Pascual JM, Maher EA, Malloy CR, DeBerardinis RJ, Bachoo RM. Analysis of tumor metabolism reveals mitochondrial glucose oxidation in genetically diverse human glioblastomas in the mouse brain in vivo. Cell Metabolism. 2012;15:827-37. Zhang L, Das P, Schmolke M, Manicassamy B, Wang Y, Deng X, Cai L, Tu BP, Forst CV, Roth MG, Levy DE, García-Sastre A, de Brabander J, Phillips MA, Fontoura BM. Inhibition of pyrimidine synthesis reverses viral virulence factor-mediated block of mRNA nuclear export. J Cell Biol. 2012;196:315-26. Laxman S, Tu BP. Multiple TORC1-associated proteins regulate nitrogen starvation-dependent cellular differentiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One. 2011;6:e26081. Wu X, Tu BP. Selective regulation of autophagy by the Iml1-Npr2-Npr3 complex in the absence of nitrogen starvation. Mol Biol Cell. 2011;22:4124-33.
