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赵珧冰(ZHAO, YAOBING),男,汉族,中共党员,1988年9月生,湖南湘潭人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,住建部注册结构工程师,交通部试验检测工程师(桥梁)。现任华侨大学土木工程系副主任,土木系教工党支部副书记,院工会委员,学生社团建设管理评议委员会委员,教职工乒乓球协会会长。 2005年考入湖南大学李达实验班,2007年转入湖南大学土木工程学院,2009年被保送直接攻读博士学位,2015年获工学博士学位。现就职于华侨大学土木工程学院,主要从事非线性振动与控制、结构损伤识别及状态评估等研究。现指导硕士研究生9名,其中2020年指导的硕士论文入选华侨大学承志英才优秀学位论文,2021年被评选为福建省优秀学术硕士学位论文。 主持国家自然科学基金1项,省科技厅项目1项,省教育厅项目1项,省重点实验室开放基金1项,省高校工程研究中心开放基金1项,校级课题3项,参与包括国家自然科学基金重点项目及交通部西部项目等各类课题8项。2017年入选华侨大学优秀科技创新人才资助计划,2018年入选泉州市高层次人才,2019年当选为福建省力学学会理事,2020年担任期刊Shock and Vibration责任编辑(Academic Editor),2020年入选厦门市交通领域专家库,2021年入选土木工程学会桥梁及结构工程分会风工程学术委员会委员。至今发表国内外期刊及会议论文70余篇,并担任20多个国内外期刊审稿人。 教育工作经历 2015.07--至今 华侨大学,土木工程学院,讲师(2015-2018)/副教授(2018-),硕导(2016-) 2009.09-2015.06 湖南大学,土木工程学院,桥梁与隧道工程,博士 2007.09-2009.06 湖南大学,土木工程学院,桥梁与隧道工程,学士 2005.09-2007.06 湖南大学,李达实验班 讲授课程 1. 《理论力学》(本科生) 2. 《计算方法》(硕士生) 已获荣誉 1. 福建省优秀学术硕士论文指导教师(2021) 2. 福建省第十三届大学生结构设计竞赛一等奖指导教师(2021) 3. 福建省第九届大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛——桥梁项目一等奖指导教师(2021)、 4. 福建省第九届大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛——机器人桥梁联合项目一等奖指导教师(2021) 5. 福建省第十一届大学生结构设计竞赛一等奖指导教师(2018) 6. 福建省研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖指导教师(2018) 7. 福建省首届教育系统乒乓球赛团体三等奖(2016) 8. 华侨大学第八届青年教师“精彩一堂课”二等奖(2020) 9. 华侨大学第四届教师教学课件制作大赛三等奖(2018) 10. 华侨大学土木工程学院青年教师“精彩一堂课”一等奖(2019) 11. 华侨大学土木工程学院青年教师“精彩一堂课”二等奖(2018) 12. 华侨大学土木工程学院青年教师“精彩一堂课”三等奖(2017,2020) 13. 华侨大学第二届多媒体课件制作大赛二等奖(2019) 14. 华侨大学优秀班主任(2018) 15. 华侨大学土木工程学院优秀党务工作者荣誉称号(2021) 16. 华侨大学土木工程学院“学习强国”平台学习达人(2021) 17. 华侨大学土木工程学院“庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年暨学习强国知识竞赛”一等奖(2019) 18. 华侨大学土木工程学院“学习强国APP”学习平台学习标兵(2019)以及先进个人(2019) 19. 华侨大学“庆祝建党100周年”教职工乒乓球双打冠军(2021) 20. 华侨大学“庆祝建党100周年”教职工乒乓球单打冠军(2021) 21. 华侨大学“初心杯”教职工乒乓球单打冠军(2019) 22. 华侨大学“诗碧曼”杯教职工乒乓球混合单打冠军(2018) 23. 集美区第二届职工风采节系列活动之职工乒乓球团体比赛一等奖(2020) 24. 厦门市第五届中国联通“乒乓在沃”挑战赛厦门市赛区(16-30岁组)男子单打冠军(2017) 25. 上海交通大学“格力杯”乒乓球邀请赛团体冠军(2018) 主持项目 1. 福建省高校工程研究中心开放基金,2019.09-2021.09,结题 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11602089,2017.01-2019.12,结题 3. 湖南省结构抗风与振动控制重点实验室开放基金,2018.11-2020.11,结题 4. 福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目,2016J05011,2016.04-2019.04,结题 5. 华侨大学高层次人才科研启动项目,15BS409,2015.10-2018.10,结题 6. 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,JAT160025,2016.06-2018.06,结题 7. 湖南大学高水平国际会议资助项目,531107050766,2014.04-2014.07,结题


1. 大跨度索结构振动与控制 2. 海洋工程结构非线性振动 3. 结构损伤识别与状态评估


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Zhao, Y.B., Zheng, P. Parameter analyses of suspended cables subjected to simultaneous combination, super and sub-harmonic excitations. Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 40(2): 203-216 https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2021.40.2.203 Zhao, Y.B., Lin, H.H. Nonlinear dynamics of suspended cables in thermal environments under periodic excitation: two-to-one internal resonance. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2021, 31(10): 2150153 (16 pages) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218127421501534 Zhao, Y.B., Zheng, P.P., Lin H.H., Huang, C.H. Temperature effects on dynamic properties of suspended cables subjected to dual harmonic excitations. Shock and Vibration, vol 2021, Article ID 8883036, 1-13 2021 https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8883036 Zhao, Y.B., Lin, H.H., Chen, L.C., Guo, Z.X. Influences of temperature on dynamic behaviors of suspended cables under primary and sub-harmonic excitations simultaneously. In: Lacarbonara W., Balachandran B., Ma J., Tenreiro Machado J., Stepan G. (eds) Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices. 2020, 1: 217-225. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34713-0_22 Zhao, Y.B., Lin, H.H., Chen, L.C., Wang, C.F. Simultaneous resonances of suspended cables subjected to primary and super-harmonic excitations in thermal environments. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(12): 1950155 (19 pages) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455419501554 . Zhao, Y.B., Huang, C.H., Chen, L.C. Nonlinear planar secondary resonance analyses of suspended cables with thermal effects. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2019, 42(12): 1515-1534 https://doi.org/10.1080/01495739.2019.1667930 . Zhao, Y.B., Guo, Z.X., Huang, C.H., Chen, L.C., Li, S.C. Analytical solutions for planar simultaneous resonances of suspended cables involving two external periodic excitations. Acta Mechanica. 2018, 229: 4393-4411. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-018-2224-1 . Zhao, Y.B., Huang, C.H., Chen, L.C., Peng, J. Nonlinear vibration behaviors of suspended cables under two-frequency excitation with temperature effects. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 416: 279-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2017.11.035 . Zhao, Y.B., Huang, C.H. Temperature effects on nonlinear vibration behaviors of Euler-Bernoulli beams with different boundary conditions. Shock and Vibration. 2018, 9834629: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9834629 . Zhao, Y.B., Peng, J., Zhao, Y.Y., Chen, L.C. Effects of temperature variations on nonlinear planar free and forced oscillations at primary resonance of suspended cables. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 89: 2815-2827. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9834629 . Zhao, Y.B., Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, X.Y.,. Chen, L.C. Effects of temperature variation on vibration of a cable stayed beam. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2017, 17(10): 1750123. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455417501231 . Zhao, Y.B., Sun, C.S., Wang, Z.Q., Wang, L.H. Analytical solutions for resonant response of suspended cables subjected to external excitation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78: 1017-1032. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-014-1493-z Zhao, Y.B., Sun, C.S., Wang, Z.Q., Peng, J. Nonlinear in-plane free oscillations of the suspended cable investigated by the homotopy analysis method. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014, 50(04): 487-500. https://doi.org/10.12989/sem.2014.50.4.487 . Zhao, Y.B., Sun, C.S., Wang, Z.Q., Wang, L.H. Approximate series solutions for nonlinear free vibration of suspended cables. Shock and Vibration, 2014, 795708: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/795708 . Zhao, Y.B., Lin H.H., Chen, L.C. Influence of Temperature on Bifurcation Analysis of Suspended cables Close to Two-to-one Internal Resonance, The Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON2021), Feb 16-19, 2021, Rome, Italy. (Online) Zhao, Y.B., Chen, L.C., Guo, Z.X., Zhao, Y.Y. Influences of temperature on the vibration characteristics of the suspended cable under simultaneous primary and sub-harmonic excitations. The First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON2019), Feb 17-20, 2019, Rome, Italy. Zhao, Y.B., Huang, C.H., Chen, L.C. Simultaneous resonances of suspended cable subject to two-frequency excitation in thermal environments. The 5th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, July 28-30, 2018, Shijiazhuang, China. Zhao, Y.B., Zhao, Y.Y., Sun, C.S., Wang, Z.Q. Temperature effects on tension forces and frequencies of suspended cables. 9th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, June 30-July 02, 2014, Porto, Portugal. Sun, C.S., Zhao, Y.B., Peng, J., Kang, H.J., Zhao, Y.Y. Multiple internal resonances and modal interaction processes of a cable-stayed bridge physical model subjected to an invariant single-excitation. Engineering Structures, 2018, 172: 938-955. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.06.088 . Sun, C.S., Zhao, Y.B., Wang, Z.Q., Peng, J. Effect of longitudinal vibration of the girder on nonlinear responses of a cable in cable stayed bridge. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(1): 94-107. https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2015.1093555 . Wang, Z.Q., Sun, C.S., Zhao, Y.B., Yi, Z.P. Modeling and nonlinear modal characteristics of the cable-stayed beam. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 2014, 47: 58-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechsol.2014.02.014 . Chen, L.C., Xiao, L., Zhu, W.Q., Zhao, Y.B.. Stochastic averaging technique for SDOF strongly nonlinear systems with delayed feedback fractional-order PD controller. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2019, 62(2): 287-297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-018-9326-2 . Wang, Z.Q., Kang, H.J., Sun, C.S., Zhao, Y.B., Yi, Z.P. Modeling and parameters analysis of in-plane dynamics of suspension bridge with transfer matrix method. Acta Mechanica, 2014, 225(12): 3423-3435. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-014-1114-4 . Peng, J., Wang, L.H., Zhao, Y.Y., Zhao, Y.B. Bifurcation analysis in active control system with time delay feedback. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219: 10073-10081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2013.04.014 .
