1999.09 — 2003.07 四川大学物理科学与技术学院,获理学学士学位
2003.09 — 2006.06 四川大学物理科学与技术学院 光学专业,获理学硕士学位
2009.09 —2012.06 四川大学物理科学与技术学院 光学专业 获理学博士学位
2006.07 — 至今 在华侨大学信息科学与工程学院从事教学科研工作
1. Yongxin. Liu*, Shunhong Sun, Jixiong Pu, Baida Lü, “ Propagation of an optical vortex beamthrough a diamond-shaped aperture”, Opt& Laser Technol, 2013,45(1): 473-479.(SCI收录)
2.刘永欣,陶华,蒲继雄. 菱形光阑衍射探测涡旋光束的轨道角动量. 中国激光, 2011, 38(s1): s102010.(EI收录)
3.Yongxin Liu, Jixiong Pu, Baida lv,"Method for exploring the orbital angular momentum of an optical
vortex beam with a triangular multipoint plate" Appl.Opt.,2011,50(24):4844-4847.(SCI收录)
4.Yongxin Liu, Jixiong Pu,"Measuring the orbital angular momentum of elliptical vortex beams by usinga slit hexagon aperture",Opt.Commun.,2011,284:2424-2429.(SCI收录)
5.Liu Yongxin,Tao Hua, Pu Jixiong,Baida lv,"Detecting the topological charge of vortex beams using anannular triangle aperture" Optics & Laser Technology, 2011,43:1233-1236.(SCI收录)
6.Yongxin Liu,Jixiong Pu, Baida lv,"Polarisation singularities of non-paraxial Gaussian vortex beams diffracted by an annular aperture", Journal of Modern Optics,2011,58(8):657-664.(SCI收录)
9.Yongxin Liu,Jixiong Pu,Hongqun Qi,Z-scan experiment with anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams,J.Opt.Soc.Am.A,2009,26(9):1989-1994.(SCI收录)
10.Yongxin Liu, Jixiong Pu. Investigation on Z-scan experiment by use of partially coherent beams. Opt.Commun. 2008,281:326-330.(SCI收录)