[1] 2017-2020,福建省基金面上项目,引入协同语义分析的情感隐喻识别研究,主持。
[4]2015-2018, 福建教育厅科技项目,基于云计算的华文教育智能化服务模式研究,主持
[5]2015-2017, 泉州市科技计划重点项目安全库存的智能预测系统及其在泉州化纤企业的应用, 主持
项目组获得中文信息学会(CCL 2018)中文隐喻情感分析评测竞赛第一名、中文动词隐喻识别评测竞赛第二名。
[1]Zhehuang Huang, Yidong Chen, Xiaodong Shi. A synergetic semantic role labeling model with the introduction of fluctuating force accompanied with word sense information. Intelligent Data Analysis, 21(1), pp.5-18,2017.
[2] Zhehuang Huang.Frame-groups based fractal video compression and itsparallel implementation in Hadoop cloud computingenvironment,Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,29(3),pp.961–978,2018.
[3]Zhehuang Huang ,Yidong Chen.An Integration model of semantic annotation based on synergetic neural network. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing,22(3) ,pp.525-532,2016.
[4]Zhehuang Huang ,Yidong Chen. Log-Linear model based behavior selection method for artificial fish swarm algorithm. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2015.
[5]YidongChen ,Zhehuang Huang,Xiaodong Shi. An SNN-Based Semantic Role Labeling Model with Its Network Parameters Optimized Using an Improved PSO Algorithm. Neural Processing Letters, 44(1),pp.245-263,2016.
[6] Zhehuang Huang, Yidong Chen and Xiaodong Shi. Intelligent cloud learning model for online overseas chinese education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,10(1),pp.55-59, 2015.
[7] Zhehuang Huang. Adaptive Mutation Behavior for Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization.Communications in Computer & Information Science, 2014,pp.187-191.
[8]Zhehuang Huang ,Yidong Chen.An improved artificial fish swarm algorithm based on hybrid behavior selection. International Journal of Control and Automation,6(5),pp.103-116, 2013 .
[9]Zhehuang Huang ,Yidong Chen. A prototype patterns selection algorithm based on semi-supervised learning. Journal of Software,8(8),pp.1984-1990,2013.
[10] Zhehuang Huang,Jianxin Huang .Personalized overseas chinese education model based on map-reduce model of cloud computing.International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 11(4), pp. 16-20, 2016.