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1986年本科毕业于浙江大学光学仪器工程学系,同年因成绩优异被首批免试推荐为研究生; 1989年研究生毕业于华南师范大学物理系光学专业,获理学硕士学位;同年留校工作并协助刘颂豪院士创建我国交叉学科领域第一个以激光生命科学命名的高科技实验室;1993年首批入选为广东省培养跨世纪人才的“千百十工程”重点培养教师; 1996年晋升并被聘为物理学副教授;1997年被评聘为光学专业硕士生导师; 1998年应邀赴俄罗斯科学院生物物理研究所短期合作研究;1998年被任命为激光生命科学广东省重点实验室副主任; 2001年晋升并被优先聘为物理学教授;2002年首批竞聘为华南师范大学光学国家重点学科特聘教授;2003年被评聘为光学专业博士生导师;2004年兼任光子中医学实验室负责人,并协助刘颂豪院士创建我国中医药领域唯一与光学学科交叉的中医药与光子技术重点实验室; 2005年被任命为省部共建激光生命科学教育部重点实验室副主任;2009年被任命为华南师范大学生物光子学研究院副院长; 2012年被任命为国家中医药管理局中医药与光子技术三级实验室副主任; 2012年作为 “医用激光技术与仪器”方向学术带头人建设的“光学工程”一级学科获批为广东省重点学科; 2013年负责的“光子中医信息治疗仪器产学研合作基地”被授予广州市建设“广州光谷”的第一批光产业公共服务平台。 参与编著了美国NOVA出版社关于石墨烯的最新专著:《Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Mechanical Properties and Applications》,并负责编写该书的第二章“Applications of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials in Cancer Research”。该章从肿瘤的诊断、成像以及治疗三个方面介绍了氧化石墨烯(GO)这一新型纳米材料在生物医学领域中的潜在应用。该论著是对本课题组近几年在石墨烯研究领域所取得成果的一次全面总结。在肿瘤诊断方面,利用肿瘤细胞内存在的氧化还原体系合成了GO与纳米金的复合物,该复合物能够作为一种新颖的SERS底物用于肿瘤细胞的快速拉曼检测[Anal. Chem.(2012)];在肿瘤成像方面,设计了一种新型的基于GO的SERS探针,实现了肿瘤细胞的快速SERS成像[Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.(2013)];在肿瘤治疗方面,将GO作为一种既可载热又可载药的纳米平台,实现了肿瘤的光热化疗[Biomaterials(2011); J. Photochem. Photobiol. B(2013;2014)]。同时,在石墨烯的生物毒性方面,探究了石墨烯衍生材料(GQDs)的生物相容性[Nanoscale Res. Lett.(2014)]。另外,课题组还对石墨烯在SERS活性基底制备以及环保领域等方面的应用也有所建树,相关论文发表在[J. Raman Spectrosc.(2013);Appl. Spectrosc.(2013) ; Appl. Surf. Sci.(2014) ;Chem. Eng. J.(2014) ]等国际权威期刊上。 目前主持承担的科研项目: 1、主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于光学成像技术的石墨烯-金属复合物在肿瘤化疗联合近红外光热疗法中的应用研究(61275187) 2、主持承担广东省自然科学基金重点项目:适用于光学成像导向的脑肿瘤治疗的多功能石墨烯纳米复合物构建研究(2014A030311024) 3、主持承担教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)项目:基于氧化石墨烯纳米载体的808nm激光联合靶向药物治疗肿瘤的研究(20114407110001) 4、主持承担广东省教育厅科技创新项目:脑靶向石墨烯纳米载体的构建及其在神经胶质瘤的化疗联合近红外光热疗中的应用研究(2013KJCX0052) 5、主持承担无限极(中国)有限公司委托重大技术开发项目“微激光若干应用关键技术开发研究” 长期从事并主持激光生命科学领域的科研与教学工作,已主持完成省部级以上重要科研项目近二十项,在激光微束技术、激光共焦扫描显微技术、激光光谱技术、光学相干层析成像技术、生物光子学技术及其在生物医学中的应用方面进行了深入研究,取得了一系列创造性成果,其中获广东省科技进步二等奖、三等奖各2项,广东省高校科技进步二等奖1项,广东省检验检疫科技进步三等奖1项,获国内领先水平的技术鉴定成果5项,获发明专利与实用新型专利各3项。 在国际上首次成功地将基于氧化石墨烯纳米载体的载药化疗及光热治疗作用整合在同一个体系中,为氧化石墨烯在肿瘤靶向治疗等生物医学领域中的应用提供了一种新的思路,将有助于建立一种高效、低毒的癌症治疗方法,具有重要科学意义和实际应用价值。其中于2011年11月发表在国际工程领域顶尖刊物[Biomaterials(SCI IF:8.312)]上的论文已被Web of Science引用151次,反映了该研究取得的成果已被国际同行高度认可。本人指导的2012届硕士生张文同学的硕士学位论文“基于氧化石墨烯的热化疗在肿瘤治疗中的协同效应研究”于2014年荣获广东省优秀硕士学位论文。 会议 1)2013年10月·杭州,中国中医药多学科研究国际学术会议,应邀作大会报告:“光子中医学发展概况及其研究进展”; 2)2012年11月·广州,第十一届全国激光生物学学术会议,应邀作学术报告:“基于氧化石墨烯纳米载体的808nm激光联合靶向药物治疗肿瘤的研究”; 3)2011年9月·深圳,中国光学学会2011年学术大会,应邀作学术报告:“用于调理亚健康的光子中医信息疗法及其仪器”; 4) 2009年4月·武汉,第十届全国激光生物学学术会议,应邀作学术报告:“激光医学与传统中医相结合的光子中医信息治疗仪器”; 5)2008年11月·泉州,中国光学学会2008年学术大会,应邀作学术报告:“具有中医特色的光量子疗法——光子中医信息疗法”; 6) 2006年9月·广州,中国光学学会2006年学术大会,应邀作学术报告:“弱激光对自由基损伤的红细胞膜表面超微结构的影响”; 7)2005年5月·北京,第253次主题为“中西医结合发展与现代科技交叉”的香山科学会议,应邀作中心议题报告:“弱激光血疗的发展与光子中医信息疗法”; 8)2004年4月·杭州,中国光学学会2004年学术大会,应邀作学术报告:“一种高灵敏度的时间分辨荧光免疫分析仪的研制”; 9) 2003年9月·英国,ALT’03国际生物医学光学大会,应邀作学术报告:“Spectroscopic study of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay”; 10)2002年1月·德国,第三届国际医学新技术交流大会,应邀作学术报告:“Coherent propertiesof ultra-weak photon emission from biological system and its applications in medicine”; 11)2000年11月·新加坡,SPIE国际光电子探测与成像学术研讨会,应邀作学术报告:“Spectra distribution properties of ultra-weak photon emission from biological system and its applications in 21st century”;





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1) Zhiming Liu,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Graphene oxide based surface-enhanced Raman scattering probes for cancer cell imaging;Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2013, 15(8): 2961-2966. (SCI IF3.573) 2) Zhiming Liu, Shaoxin Li,Zhouyi Guo*,et al, pH-dependent surface-enhanced Raman scattering of aromatic molecules on graphene oxide;J. Raman Spectrosc.2013,44(1), 75-80; (SCI IF3.087) 3) Xiaochu Qin,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Folic acid-conjugated graphene oxide for cancer targeted chemo-photothermal therapy;J. Photochem.Photobiol. B: Biol.2013,120: 156-162;(SCI IF3.11) 4) Shao-Xin Li, Qiu-Yao Zeng, Lin-Fang Li, Yan-Jiao Zhang, Ming-Ming Wan, Zhi-Ming Liu, Hong-Lian Xiong,Zhou-Yi Guo*,et al,Study of support vector machine and serum surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for noninvasive esophageal cancer detection,Journal of Biomedical Optics,2013, 18(2),27008; (SCI IF2.881) 5) Ping Liu, Yan-Yue Huang,Zhou-Yi Guo,et al,.Discrimination of dimethyl sulphoxide diffusion coefficient in the process of optical clearing by confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy.Journal of Biomedical Optics,2013,18(2): 020507; (SCI IF2.881) 6) Honglian Xiong,Zhouyi Guo,et al, In vivo detection of Hirschsprung's disease by optical coherence tomography in rats.Phys. Med. Biol.2013,58:1549-156(SCI IF2.701) 7) Zhiming Liu, Huiqing Zhong, Juan Zhai, Chuanxing Wang, Honglian Xiong andZhou-Yi Guo*,Acute Skin Lesions following Psoralen Plus Ultraviolet A Radiation Investigated by Optical Coherence Tomography,Laser Physics,2013, 23(8): 085601. (SCI IF2.545) 8) Zhiming Liu, HuiqingZhong,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Conformation dependentsurface-enhanced Raman scattering of graphene oxide/metal nanoparticle hybrids,Chinese Optics Letter,2013,11(8), 83001-83003.(SCI, IF: 0.968) 9) Mingming Wan, Zhiming Liu, Shaoxin Li, Biwen Yang, Wen Zhang,Xiaochu Qin,Zhouyi Guo*, Silver Nanoaggregates on Chitosan Functionalized Graphene Oxide for High-Performance Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,Applied Spectroscopy,2013,67(7),761-766,(SCI IF1.942) 10) Zhengfei Zhuang, Ning Li,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Study of molecule variations in renal tumor based on confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy;J. Biomedical Optics2013, 18(3), 031103; (SCI IF2.881) 11) Zheng-Fei Zhuang, Mei-Fang Zhu,Zhou-Yi Guo*,et al,Second Harmonic Generation in 3-D Uniform Arrangement of Type I Collagen on Nonlinear Optics Microscopy.Scanning,2013,35(1):12-16(SCI IF1.287) 12) Zhengfei Zhuang, Meifang Zhu,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Study of molecule variation in various grades of human nuclear cataracts by confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy;Appl. Phys. Lett.,2012.101(17): 173701;(SCI IF3.844) 13) Zhiming Liu, Chaofan Hu,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Rapid intracellular growth of gold nanostructures assisted by functionalized graphene oxide and its application for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy;Analytical Chemistry,2012,84(23),10338-44;(SCI IF5.856) 14) Xi Guo;Zhouyi Guo*;et al,Silver-gold core-shell nanoparticles containing methylene blue as SERS labels for probing and imaging of live cells;Microchimica Acta2012, 178, 229-36.;(SCI IF3.033) 15) N. Li, S.X. Li,Z.Y. Guo,et al,Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the effect of Mid-Ultraviolet radiation on erythrocyte membrane;J. Photochem.Photobiol. B: Biol.112 (2012) 37–42;(SCI IF3.11) 16) Shao-Xin Li, Qiu-Yan Chen Yan-Jiao Zhang, Zhi-Ming Liu, Hong-Lian Xiong,Zhouyi Guo*;et al,Detection of nasopharyngeal cancer using confocal Raman spectroscopy and genetic algorithm technique;J. Biomedical Optics2012, 17(12), 125003; (SCI IF3.157) 17) Deqiu Huang; Wen Zhang,Zhouyi Guo*;et al,Optical clearing of porcine skin tissue in vitro studied by Raman microspectroscopy;J. Biomedical Optics2012, 17 (1), 015004;(SCI IF3.157) 18) Y. R. Ni,Z. Y. Guo*,et al,Determination of Optical Properties of Oxidative Bleaching Human Dental Tissue Samples Using Optical Coherence Tomography; Laser Physics,2012, 22(01),294-299; (SCI IF3.605) 19) P. Liu, J. H. Li, Z. W. Tu,Z. Y. Guo,et al,Discrimination of NPC Cell Lines Associated with Malignant Types Using Raman Spectroscopy;Laser Physics,2012, 22(11),1-6; (SCI IF3.605) 20) Wen-Zhuo Yin,Zhou-Yi Guo,et al,Application of surface-enhanced Raman in skin cancer by plasma;Laser Physics,2012, 22(5): 996-1001(SCI IF3.605) 21) Zheng-Fei Zhuang, Ke Xiong,Zhou-Yi Guo*,et al,Micro-Raman spectroscopy Study of Human Pterygium and Conjunctival Melanocytic Nevi.Scanning,2012,34(6):395-398(SCI IF1.287) 22) Rui Li,Zhou-Yi Guo,et al,Quantitative analysis of crystal violet by Raman spectroscopy;Spectroscopy,2012,27(3): 54-57.(SCI IF0.50) 23) Wen Zhang,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Synergistic effect of chemo-photothermal therapy using PEGylated graphene oxide;Biomaterials,2011,32(33),8555-61;(SCI IF7.882) 24) Chuanxing Wang, Siyun Shu,Zhouyi Guo*et al, Immunohistochemical localization of mu opioid receptor in the marginal division with comparison to patches in the neostriatum of the rat brain,Journal of Biomedical Science,2011,18(34) ; (SCI IF1.962) 25) Yirong Ni, Siyun Shu,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Dissociated brain organization for two-digit addition and subtraction: An fMRI investigation;Brain Research Bulletin, 2011,86(5-6):395-402;(SCI IF2.818) 26) Yirong Ni,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Quantification of color alteration in human teeth with optical coherence tomography;Laser Physics,2011,21 (11):1999-2004; (SCI IF1.319) 27) Yirong Ni,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,The potential optical coherence tomography in tooth bleaching quantitative assessment;Laser Physics,2011,21 (12):2138-2142; (SCI IF1.319) 28) Long Tian, Huajiang Wei, Ying Jin, Hanping Liu,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Backward emission angle of microscopic second-harmonic generation from crystallized type I collagen fiber,J. Biomedical Optics2011, 16 (7),075001;(SCI IF3.157) 29) Huiqing Zhong,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Quantification of glycerol diffusion in human normal and cancer breast tissuesin vitrowith optical coherence tomography;Laser Physics Letters,2010,7(04),135-320;(SCI IF5.502) 30) Huiqing Zhong,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Enhancement of permeability of glycerol with ultrasound in human normal and cancer breast tissuesin vitrousing optical coherence tomography;Laser Physics Letters,2010,7(05),388-395;(SCI IF5.502) 31) Huiqing Zhong,Zhouyi Guo,et al,In vitro study of ultrasound and glycerol induced changes in human skin optical attenuation assessed with optical coherence tomography,J. Biomed. Opt.. 2010,15(3), 036012.(SCI IF2.501) 32) Huiqing Zhong,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Synergistic Effect of Ultrasound and Thiazone – PEG 400 on Human Skin Optical Clearingin vivo;Photochemistry and Photobiology,2010, 86: 732–737;.(SCI IF2.253) 33) Long. Tian, Junle Qu,Zhouyi Guo,et al,Microscopic second-harmonic generation emission direction in fibrillous collagen type I by quasi-phase-matching theory,J. Appl. Phys.2010,108: 054701.(SCI IF2.072) 34) Zhiming Liu,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Quantitative optical coherence tomography of skin lesions induced by different ultraviolet B sources;Phys. Med. Biol.; 2010, 55: 6175–6185; (SCI IF2.781) 35) Huiqing Zhong,Zude Zhang,Zhouyi Guo*,et al,Using OCT Image to Distinguish Human Acupoint from Non-acupoint Tissues after irradiation with laserin vivo: A Pilot study;Chinese Optics Letter;2010, 8(4), 418-420.(SCI IF0.968) 36) Zheng-Fei Zhuang, Han-Ping Liu,Zhou-Yi Guo,et al,Second-harmonic generation as a DNA malignancy indicator of prostate glandular epithelial cells;ChinesePhysicsB.;2010,19(4): 049501.(SCI IF1.148)


