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教育经历 2001.9-2005.7 山东师范大学,化学化工与材料科学学院,理学学士 2005.9-2010.7中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,硕博连读,有机化学专业,获理学博士学位, 导师: 肖吉昌 研究员 2005.10月-2008.10月 获Syngenta公司研究生奖学金资助,导师:顾玉诚 教授 工作经历 2010.7-2011.6 Senior Scientist 桑迪亚医药技术(上海)有限责任公司 2011.6-2012.1 科研助理, 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 2012.1-2015.10 特定研究员,京都大学,导师:Atsuhiro Osuka 教授 2015.11-2018.5 博士后,牛津大学,导师:Harry L. Anderson教授(英国皇家学会院士) 2018.7-2020.1 副研究员,青年拔尖人才,华南师范大学化学学院 2020.1至今 研究员,华南师范大学化学学院 讲授课程 本科生有机化学实验,研究生合成化学等 在研课题 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于卟啉纳米环的管状有机框架的合成与性质研究”。 获奖/荣誉 • 2010 葛兰素史克奖学金 • 2008 先正达(syngenta)奖学金奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Jiang, H. -W.; Tanaka, T.; Mori, H.; Park, K. H.; Kim, D.*; Osuka, A.* Cyclic 2,12-Porphyrinylene Nanorings as a Porphyrin Analogue of Cycloparaphenylenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 2219-2222. 2.Jiang, H. -W.; Tanaka, T.; Kim, T.; Sung Y. M.; Mori, H.; Park, K. H.; Kim, D.*; Osuka, A.* Synthesis of [n]Cyclo-5,15-porphyrinylene-4,4’-biphenylenes as Novel Porphyrin Wheels Displaying Size-dependent Excitation Energy Hopping. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 15197-15201. 3.Jiang, H. -W.; Tanaka, T.; Osuka, A.* Singly and doubly β-to-β platinum-bridged porphyrin dimers and their reductive eliminations. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 6102-6105. (Selected as a hot article) 4.Haver, R.†; Tejerina, L.†; Jiang, H.-W.†; Rickhaus, M.†; Jirasek, M.; Grübner, I.; Eggimann, H. J.; Herz, L. M.; Anderson, H. L.* Tuning the Circumference of Six-Porphyrin Nanorings. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019,141, 7965-7971. († These authors contributed equally.) 5.Rickhaus, M., Jirasek, M., Tejerina, L., Gotfredsen, H., Peeks, M. D., Haver, R., Jiang, H.-W., Claridge, T. D. W., Anderson, H. L. * Global aromaticity at the nanoscale. Nature Chemistry 2020, 12, 236–241. 6.Jiang, H. -W.; Kim, T.; Tanaka, T; Kim, D.*; Osuka, A.* Directly 2,12- and 2,8-Linked ZnII Porphyrin Oligomers: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Coherence lengths. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 83-87. 7.Jiang, H. -W.; Ham, S.; Aratani, N.*; Kim, D.*; Osuka, A.* A 1,3-Phenylene-Bridged Hexameric Porphyrin Wheel and Efficient Excitation Energy Transfer along the Wheel. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13328-13336. (Selected as frontispiece paper; Highlighted by ChemistryViews) 8.Jiang, H. -W.; Hao, F.; Chen, Q. -Y.; Xiao, J. -C.*; Liu, S. -B.; Gu, Y. -C. Electrophilic reaction of Ag(III) N-Confused Porphyrin with Alcohols. J. Org. Chem, 2010, 75, 3511-3514. 9.Jiang, H. -W.; Chen, Q. -Y.; Xiao, J. -C.*; Gu, Y. -C. The oxidation of Ni(II) N-confused porphyrins (NCPs) with azo radical initiators and an unexpected intramolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction via a proposed Ni(III) NCP intermediate. Chem. Commun. 2009, 3732-3734. (Highlighted in ChemInform, 2009, 40.) 10.Jiang, H. -W.; Chen, Q. -Y.; Xiao, J. -C.*; Gu, Y. -C. Synthesis and reactions of the first fluoroalkylated Ni(II) N-confused porphyrins. Chem. Commun. 2008, 5435-5437. 11.Leary, E.*; Roche, C.; Jiang, H.-W.; Grace, I.; González, M. T.; Rubio-Bollinger, G.; Romero-Muñiz, C,; Xiong, Y.; Al-Galiby, Q.; Noori, M.; Lebedeva, M. A.; Porfyrakis, K.; Agrait, N.; Hodgson, A.; Higgins, S. J.; Lambert, C. J.*; Anderson, H. L.*; Nichols, R. J.* Detecting Mechanochemical Atropisomerization within an STM Break Junction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 710-718. 12.Okuda, Y.; Fukui, N.; Kim, J.; Kim, T.; Jiang, H.-W.; Copley, G.; Kitano, M.; Kim, D.*; Osuka, A.* A meso-meso β-β β-β Triply Linked Subporphyrin Dimer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 12317−12321.
