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教育背景 1999年 9月至2003年06月 中山大学管理学院 工商管理学士学位 2003年 9月至2004年12月 University of Birmingham (U.K.) M.Sc. in Public Management (with Merit) 2008年 9月至2012年06月 中山大学管理学院 政治经济学 企业管理博士学位 主讲课程 本科生: 国际结算、国际商务谈判、国际贸易专业英语 著作 [1] 岳芳敏,蔡进兵,梁莹:《创新、升级之路——西樵纺织集群发展模式研究》 [M],广东人民出版社,2008年,图书编号:ISBN978-7-218-05978-5.


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[1]Jiangbo ZHENG, Ying LIANG, “A Dynamic Model for the Design of Complex Supply Chain Network”, Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, 2010.10. (EI全文检索). [2] 梁莹:“区域品牌的治理机制研究:基于产业集群的视角” ,《统计与决策》,2010年第9期. [3] Ying LIANG, “Governance Mechanism of Regional Brand: A Perspective of Industrial Cluster”, Proceeding of the 2009 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, 2009.12. (EI全文收录). [4] Ying LIANG, “A Governance framework for Global Value Chain Based on Rent Theory”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Management and Global e-Business, Korea, 2009. 8. (EI全文收录). [5] Jiangbo ZHENG, Ying LIANG, “RESEARCH ON PLANNING MODEL OF LOGISTICS NODES IN STRATEGIC SUPPLY CHAIN BASED ON COMPLEX NETWORK THEORY”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Binary Information Press, Volume 5, Number2, 2009. (EI全文收录). [6] J. Zheng & Y. Liang, “A Two-phase Dynamic Model for the Facility Location in Supply Chain Network”, Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium on Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce, Ukraine, 2009.5. (EI全文收录). [7] Ying Liang, “A Mechanism Framework for Cluster Enterprise Innovation: A View of Co-Governance”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government, 2008. 10. (EI全文收录). [8] 梁莹:“工业园区集群化成长机制再探索” ,已投稿至《经济学家》,待录用.


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