2018 英国皇家音乐学院(Royal College of Music) 音乐教育 博士
2012 伦敦大学教育学院(Institute of Education, University of London) 音乐教育 硕士
2010 屏东教育大学音乐学系 音乐演奏 本科
华南师范大学教育科学学院 讲师
《音乐理论基础》、《音乐修养与教学》、《钢琴基础》、《钢琴演奏与伴奏编配》、《电子琴》、《Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Education》
[1] [美]芭芭拉·伊萨克斯(著), 黄玮琳, 余晖(译). 诠释蒙台梭利教育[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 2020.
[2] [美]卡伦·巴鲁克-费尔德曼(著), 黄玮琳(译). 坚毅力:青少年告别畏难放弃的行动计划[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2018.
· 华南师范大学2019年度校级质量工程项目在线开放课程“音乐理论基础”
· 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划2019年度课题“广州市乡村幼儿园教师专业成长支持机制研究”
· 华南师范大学青年教师科研培育基金项目“广东省乡村幼儿园教师专业成长支持机制”
[1] Huang, Wei-Lin (2020) ‘Challenges and Implications to Generalist Early Childhood Teachers’ Professional Development of Music Teaching in Rural China’, International Society for Music Education (ISME) 34th World conference, Helsinki, 2-7 August 2020.
[2] Huang, Wei-Lin (2019) ‘An investigation into pre-service teachers’ use of musical skills in Chinese Kindergartens’, 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER), Macau, 15-18 July 2019.
[3] Huang, Wei-Lin (2018) ‘An investigation into college musicians’ perceptions of learning self-managed musical performance anxiety strategies and teaching pedagogy’, International Society for Music Education (ISME) 33th World Conference.
[4] Huang, Wei-Lin (2018) ‘I don’t have anxiety, but I am afraid of performing on stage’: contradictions in perceptions of musical performance anxiety from college musicians in Taiwan’, International Society for Music Education (ISME) 33th World Conference.
[5] Huang, Wei-Lin (2016) ‘Differences in the psychological preparation for music performance: A comparison of the ways that college musicians prepare for a formal school concert and an examination’, International Society for Music Education (ISME) 32nd World Conference, Glasgow, 24-29 July 2016.
[6] Huang, Wei-Lin (2014) ‘An investigation into college musicians’ musical performance anxiety through selected performance strategies (cognitive, behavioral, and cognitive behavioral strategies) by self-management’, The Society for Education, Music and Phycology Research (SEMPRE) ‘Children’s Musical Worlds’ Conference, Reading, 24-25 October 2014.
Wei-Lin Huang (PhD, RCM) is Lecturer in Music Education in the School of Education at South China Normal University. She is an Adjunct Research Fellow in SCNU Centre for Arts Education in Early Years. Her current research focuses on pre-service generalist teacher music education and music performance anxiety.
· 华南师范大学教育科学学院学前儿童艺术教育研究中心 成员
· 国际音乐教育学会(International Society for Music Education)会员
· 音乐教育与心理学会(Society for Education, Music, and Phycology Research)会员
· Educational Studies (SSCI)、CERA Annual Conference 审稿人