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山东临沂人。2018年6月毕业于武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,获摄影测量与遥感专业工学博士学位。2018年7月以“地大学者”青年优秀人才引进至中国地质大学(武汉)地理科学系工作。长期从事辐射-气溶胶、云-地表生态系统交互作用的遥感研究,定量分析大气污染物和云对太阳辐射的影响,以及由此引起的地表生态过程和气候变化。提出太阳光度观测传递与划分定标方法(TDTOD方法),实现了不稳定大气条件下太阳光度观测仪器的精确定标,使不中断观测的原位定标成为现实,为全球辐射、气溶胶和云地基监测网的低成本和不间断运行扫除了技术障碍。提出辐射效应快速计算方法,大幅提高气溶胶和云辐射效应的计算速度,满足大尺度、长时序辐射效应研究对海量卫星数据高速处理的需求。在Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Climate、Atmospheric Environment等国际著名SCI期刊上发表论文40余篇,并担任Science of the Total Environment、Atmospheric Environment、Atmospheric Research等期刊审稿人。 学生培养: 指导本科生张雄康、袁晨获得地理与信息工程学院产学研项目2项。 指导本科生袁晨获得大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项。 指导硕士研究生王紫嫣获得国家奖学金、学院科报会一等奖。 指导硕士研究生俞兰获得国家奖学金、优秀研究生、优秀硕士学位论文。 指导硕士研究生金世宽获得国际摄影测量与遥感协会(ISPRS)RSAE 优秀论文奖。 指导本科生王毅在中科院二区TOP SCI上发表学术论文1篇。 指导硕士研究生俞兰发表中科院二区及以上SCI论文3篇。 指导硕士研究生金世宽发表中科院二区及以上SCI论文5篇。 科研项目: 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:面向卫星观测的气溶胶地表直接辐射效应快速计算方法研究。 主持国家重点实验室开放基金项目:华中地区气溶胶光学特性及其辐射效应的遥感反演研究。 参与国家基础研究计划“973”项目:我国典型地区陆地表面环境综合观测与信息模拟。 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:高光谱分辨率激光雷达的气溶胶多参数反演及其辐射估算应用研究。 参与湖北省自然科学基金面上项目:湖北省灰霾气溶胶的辐射特性和输送源研究。 参与中国航天科技集团公司:多载荷细颗粒物高精度探测效能验证及优化研究及优化研究。 招生信息: 热烈欢迎具有自然地理学、人文地理学、地理信息科学、遥感科学与技术、测绘工程、大气科学、环境科学与工程、计算机科学与技术等背景的同学报考或交流学习。 教育经历 Education Background 2015.9 2018.6 武汉大学摄影测量与遥感博士研究生博士学位 2013.9 2015.6 武汉大学测绘工程硕士研究生硕士学位 2006.9 2010.6 山东科技大学测绘工程本科毕业学士学位 工作经历 Work Experience 2018.7至今 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院副教授


大气与生态环境遥感 气溶胶与云辐射效应 空气质量与污染事件


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang Ming, Gong Wei, Ma Yingying, Wang Lunche, Chen Zhongyong. 2016. Transmission and division of total optical depth method: A universal calibration method for Sun photometric measurements [J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6): 2974-2980. (一区TOP, IF = 4.497) Zhang Ming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Wang Lunche, Xia Xiangao, Che Huizheng, Hu Bo, Liu Boming. 2017. Aerosol radiative effect in UV, VIS, NIR, and SW spectra under haze and high-humidity urban conditions [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 166: 9-21.(二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Zhang Ming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Liu Boming, Shi Yifan, Chen Zhongyong. 2018. Aerosol optical properties and radiative effects: Assessment of urban aerosols in central China using 10-year observations [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 182: 275-285. (二区TOP, IF=4.039) Zhang Ming, Ma Yingying, Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Hu Bo, Shi Yifan. 2017. Spatial-temporal characteristics of aerosol loading over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015 [J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 38: 2138-2152. (二区, IF = 3.928) Zhang Ming, Wang Yi, Ma Yingying, Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Liu Boming. 2018. Spatial distribution and temporal variation of aerosol optical depth and radiative effect in South China and its adjacent area [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 188: 120-128. (二区TOP, IF=4.039) Zhang Ming, Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Ma Yingying, Liu Boming. 2017. Aerosol optical properties and direct radiative effects over central China [J]. Remote Sensing, 9(10): 997. (二区, IF = 4.509) Zhang Ming, Jin Shikuan, Ma Yingying, Fan Ruonan, Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Liu Boming. 2021. Haze events at different levels in winters: A comprehensive study of meteorological factors, Aerosol characteristics and direct radiative forcing in megacities of north and central China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 245(118056). (二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Zhang Ming, Fan Ruonan, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Shi Yifan. 2021. Atmospheric aerosol and black carbon optical properties and associated radiative forcing under haze conditions [J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 259(107390). (二区, IF = 4.039) Zhang Ming, Ma Yingying, Shi Yifan, et al. 2020. Controlling factors analysis for the Himawari-8 aerosol optical depth accuracy from the standpoint of size distribution, solar zenith angles and scattering angles [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 117501. (二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Ma Yingying, Zhang Ming, Jin Shikuan, et al. 2019. Long term Investigation of Aerosol Optical and Radiative Characteristics in a Typical Megacity of Central China During Winter Haze Periods[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124. (二区TOP, IF = 3.821) Yu Lan, Zhang Ming*, Wang Lunche, et al. 2020. Effects of aerosols and water vapour on spatial-temporal variations of the clear-sky surface solar radiation in China [J]. Atmospheric Research, 105162. (二区, IF = 4.676) Wang Ziyan, Zhang Ming*, Wang Lunche, et al. 2020. Investigating the all-sky surface solar radiation and its influencing factors in the Yangtze River Basin in recent four decades [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 244(1):117888. (二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Yu Lan, Zhang Ming*, Wang Lunche, Qin Wenmin, Lu Yunbo, and Li Junli. 2020. Clear-Sky Solar Radiation Changes over Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in China and Their Determining Factors During 2001–2015 [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 223, 117198. (二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Shi Yifan, Zhang Ming*, Ma Yingying, et al. 2020. A novel simplified method for surface albedo together with a look-up table to get an 18-year assessment of surface aerosol direct radiative effect in central and East China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 117858.(二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Yu Lan‡,Zhang Ming‡, Wang Lunche, Qin Wenmin, Li Junli, 2019. Aerosol radiative effects from observations and modelling over the Yangtze River Basin, China from 2001 to 2015 [J]. International Journal of Climatology, doi.org/10.1002/joc.6033 (二区, IF=3.928) Gong Wei,Zhang Ming*, Wang Lunche, Hu Bo, Ma Yingying. 2015. Measurement and estimation of ultraviolet radiation in the Pearl River Basin. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,123:63-70. (四区, IF = 1.492) Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Zhang Ming, Niu Zigeng, Luo Ming, Lin Aiwen, Hu Bo. 2019. First effort for constructing a high density photosynthetically active radiation dataset during 1961-2014 in China [J]. Journal of Climate, doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0590.1 (一区TOP, IF=4.661) Jin Shikuan, Ma Yingying, Zhang Ming, et al. 2019. Retrieval of 500 m Aerosol Optical Depths from MODIS Measurements over Urban Surfaces under Heavy Aerosol Loading Conditions in Winter [J]. Remote Sensing, 11(2218). (二区,4.509) Jin Shikuan, Ma Yingying, Zhang Ming, et al. 2019. Comparation of aerosol optical properties and associated radiative effects of air pollution events between summer and winter: A case study in January and July 2014 over Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Environment, 218(1):117004. (二区TOP, IF = 4.039) Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Zhang Ming, et al. 2020. A high-quality hourly, daily and monthly solar irradiance dataset in China during 1981–2014 based on MERRA-2 Reanalysis products [J]. Earth System Science Data, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-204. (一区TOP, IF = 9.197) Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming, Xia Xiangao, Hu Bo, Niu Zigeng. 2018. Comparison of deterministic and data-driven models for solar radiation estimation in China [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 579-594. (一区TOP, IF = 12.11) Zhou Zhigao, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming, Niu Zigeng. 2018. Innovative trend analysis solar radiation in China during 1962-2015 [J]. Renewable Energy, 119: 675-689 (二区TOP, IF=4.900) Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Wang Lunche, Zhang Ming, Chen Zhongyong, Li Jun, Yang Jian. 2016. Inversion of the haze aerosol sky columnar AVSD in central China by combining multiple ground observation equipment [J]. Optics Express, 24(8): 8170-8185. (二区TOP, IF=3.356) Jiang Weixia, Wang Lunche, Feng Lan, Zhang Ming, and Yao Rui. 2019. Drought Characteristics and Its Impact on Changes in Surface Vegetation from 1981 to 2015 in the Yangtze River Basin, China [J]. International Journal of Climatology. Niu Zigeng, Wang Lunche, Niu Ying, Hu Bo, Zhang Ming, and Qin Wenmin. 2019. Spatiotemporal Variations of Photosynthetically Active Radiation and the Influencing Factors in China from 1961 to 2016 [J], Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, 2049-67. (三区, IF=2.882) He Lijie, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming, Xia Xiangao, Tao Minghui, Zhou Hao. 2018. What drives changes in aerosol properties over the Yangtze River Basin in past four decades? [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 190: 269-283. (二区TOP, IF=4.039) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming, Yang Jian. 2018. Determination of boundary layer top on the basis of the characteristics of atmospheric particles [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 178:140-147. (二区TOP, IF=4.039) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming, Yang Jian. 2019. Improved two-wavelength Lidar algorithm for retrieving atmospheric boundary layer height, [J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 224: 55-61 (二区,IF=2.600) He Lijie, Wang Lunche, Lin Aien, Zhang Ming, Bilal Muhammad, Wei Jing. 2018. Performance of the NPP-VIIRS and Aqua-MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products over the Yangtze River Basin [J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 117 (二区,IF=3.406) He Lijie, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming, Bilal Muhammad, Tao Minghui. 2017. Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001–2015 [J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(746). (二区, IF = 4.509) Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming, Bilal Muhammad. 2018. Improving the Estimation of Daily Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Radiative Effect Using an Optimized Artificial Neural Network [J]. Remote Sensing, 10(7). (二区, IF = 4.509) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Liu Jiqiao, Gong Wei, Wang Wei, Zhang Ming. 2018. Graphics algorithm for deriving atmospheric boundary layer heights from CALIPSO data [J]. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11(9): 5075-5084. (二区, IF=3.248) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming, Wang Wei, Shi Yifan. 2018. Comparison of AOD from CALIPSO, MODIS, and Sun Photometer under Different Conditions over Central China. Scientific Reports, 8 (三区, IF=4.122) Feng Lan, Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming. 2018. Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models for Forecasting Photosynthetically-Active Radiation [J]. Remote Sensing, 10(11). (二区, IF = 4.509) Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Luo Ming, Wang Wenfeng, Hu Bo, Zhang Ming. 2015. Comparison of different uv models for cloud effect study [J]. Energy, 80, 695-705. (二区TOP, IF = 4.968) Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Singh R.P., Xia Xiangao, Che Huizheng, Zhang Ming, Lin Hong. 2015. Aerosol optical properties over mount song, a rural site in central china [J]. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 15(5), 2051-2064. (三区, IF=2.589) Feng Lan, Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming. 2018. Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models for Forecasting Photosynthetically-Active Radiation [J]. Remote Sensing, 10(11). (二区, IF = 4.509) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming, Shi Yifan. 2019. The relationship between black carbon and atmospheric boundary layer height [J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10(1):65-74 (四区, IF=2.152) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming, Yang Jian. 2017. Study of continuous air pollution in winter over Wuhan based on ground-based and satellite observations [J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 9(1): 156-165. (四区, IF=2.152) Liu Boming, Ma Yingying, Gong Wei, Zhang Ming. 2017. Observations of aerosol color ratio and depolarization ratio over wuhan [J] Atmospheric Pollution Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2017.04.004. (四区, IF=2.152) Liu Boming, Gong Wei, Ma Yingying, Zhang Ming, Yang Jian, Zhang Miao. 2018. Surface Aerosol Optical Properties during High and Low Pollution Periods at an Urban Site in Central China [J]. Aerosol& Air Quality Research, 18(12): 3035-3046. (三区, IF=2.589) Qin Wenmin, Liu Ying, Wang Lunche, Lin Aiwen, Xia Xiangao, Che Huizheng, Bilal Muhammad, Zhang Ming. 2018. Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth over Mainland China during 1980-2017 [J]. Remote Sensing, 10(7). (二区, IF = 4.509) Wang Lunche, Gong Wei, Hu Bo, Feng Lan, Lin Aiwen, Zhang Ming. 2014. Long-term variations of ultraviolet radiation in China from measurements and model reconstructions [J]. Energy, 78: 928-938. (二区TOP, IF = 4.968) Qin Wenmin, Wang Lunche, Chris Gueymard, Muhammad Bilal, Lin Aiwen, Wei Jing, Zhang Ming. 2020. Constructing a gridded direct normal irradiance dataset in China during 1981-2014 [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 131:110004. (一区TOP, IF = 12.11) Shi Yifan, Liu Boming, Chen Shihua, Ma Yingying, Zhang Ming, Jin Shikuan, Jin Yinbao. 2020. Characteristics of aerosol within the nocturnal residual layer and its effects on surface PM2.5 over China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 241(15):117841. (二区TOP,IF = 4.039)
