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男,现为中国地质大学(武汉)自动化学院教授,智能系统研究所副所长,入选中国地质大学(武汉)“地大学者--青年拔尖人才“计划。2019-2020年,赴美国麻省理工学院从事博士后研究。 现主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、湖北省自然科学基金、武汉市科技局应用基础前沿项目、中央高校杰出人才培育基金和多个纵向开放课题等,以第一作者身份在国际权威期刊OSA Optics Express、IEEE Photonics Journal、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 等发表了SCI等论文近40篇,其中于第十四届国际光通信和网络会议(ICOCN2015)上获得最佳论文奖。现担任多个国际期刊的审稿人,如OSA Optics Express、Optics Letters、IEEE Photonics Journal、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters、Optics communications、Fiber and Integrated Optics。 教育经历 Education Background 2011.9 2016.6 华中科技大学光电信息工程博士研究生毕业工学博士学位 2007.9 2011.6 华中科技大学光电信息工程大学本科学士学位 工作经历 Work Experience 2016.9至今 中国地质大学(武汉)自动化学院


人工智能、深度学习芯片。 1. 人工神经网络、基于机器学习的芯片设计; 2. 光电传感器; 3. 微波光子雷达、微波光子滤波器。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li Liu et al., Tunable all-optical microwave filter with high tuning efficiency. Optics Express 28(5), 6918-6928 (2020). (T2) 2. Li Liu et al., All-optical tunable microwave filter with ultra-high peak rejection and low-power consumption. Optics Express 28(9), 13455-13465 (2020). (T2) 3. Li Liu et al., Optical binary encoder and decoder with ultra-low power consumption. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32(17), 1113-1116 (2020). (T2) 4. Li Liu, M. Ye, Z. Yu, Ultra-high peak rejection all-optical microwave filter based on the opto-mechanical effect. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32(18), 1155-1158 (2020). (T2) 5. Li Liu et al., Low-power active tunable microwave photonic filter using photonic crystal nanocavities. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(16), 999-1002 (2020). (T2) 6. Li Liu, M. Ye, S. Liao, W. Xue, Silicon optical diode based on cascaded opto-mechanical microring resonators. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(15), 952-955 (2020). (T2) 7. Li Liu et al., Instantaneous microwave frequency measurement based on two cascaded photonic crystal nanocavities. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(6), 4501809 (2020). (T2) 8. Li Liu et al., On-chip low-power Gray code generation based on opto-mechanical microring resonators. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(3), 4500312 (2020). (T2) 9. L. Xu, Li Liu(通讯作者), M. Chen, M. Ye, All-silicon energy-efficient optical diode using opto-mechanical microring resonators. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(3), 4501009 (2020). (T2) 10. M. Chen, Li Liu(通讯作者), L. Xu, M. Ye, X. Jin, Z. Yu, On-Chip all-optical tunable filter with high tuning efficiency. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(2), 7800510 (2020). (T2) 11. S. Liao, H. Bao, T. Zhang, J. Liu, X. Liao, Li Liu(通讯作者), Integrated optical power splitter with continuously adjustable power splitting ratio. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(6), 7801513 (2020). (T2) 12. Li Liu, W. Xue, and J. Yue, Photonic Approach for Microwave Frequency Measurement Using a Silicon Microring Resonator. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(2), 153-156 (2019). (T2) 13. Li Liu, Wei Xue, Xing Jin, Jin Yue, Zhihua Yu, Lina Zhou, Bandwidth and Wavelength Tunable All-Optical Filter Based on Cascaded Opto-Mechanical Microring Resonators. IEEE Photonics Journal 11(1), 7800210 (2019). (T2) 14. Li Liu, J. Yue, X. Fan, and W. Xue, On-chip passive optical diode with low-power consumption. Optics Express 26(25), 33463-33472 (2018). (T2) 15. Li Liu, Zhi Chen, Xing Jin, Yue Yang, Zhihua Yu, Jingjing Zhang, Lijun Zhang and Hong Wang, Low-power all-optical microwave filter with tunable centralfrequency and bandwidth based on cascaded opto-mechanical microring resonators, Optics Express 25(15): 17329~17342 (2017). (T2) 16. Li Liu, Yue Yang,Zhihua Li,Xing Jin,Wenqin Mo,Xing Liu,Low power consumption and continuously tunable all-optical microwave filter based on anopto-mechanical microring resonator,Optics Express 25(2): 960~971 (2017). (T2) 17. Li Liu, Jin Yue, and Zhihua Li, All-Optical Switch Based on a Fiber-Chip-Fiber Opto-Mechanical System With Ultrahigh Extinction Ratio, IEEE Photonics Journal 9(3): 1~8 (2017). (T2) 18. Li Liu ; Huaqing Qiu; Zhi Chen; Zhihua Yu , Photonic measurement of microwave frequency with low-error based on an optomechanical microring resonator, IEEE Photonics Journal 9(6): 5503611 (2017). (T2) 19. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Xinliang Zhang, Chip-integrated all-optical 4-bit Gray code generation based on silicon microring resonators, Optics Express 23(16): 21414~21423 (2015). (T2) 20. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Dingshan Gao et al., On-chip passive three-port circuit of all-optical ordered-route transmission, Scientific Reports 5, 10190 (2015). (T2) 21. Li Liu, T. Yang, S. Liao and J. Dong, Photonic generation of millimeter-wave using a silicon microdisk resonator, Optics Communications 343, 115-120 (2015). 22. Li Liu, Fan Jiang, Siqi Yan, et al. Photonic measurement of microwave frequency using a silicon microdisk resonator, Optics Communications 335, 266-270 (2015). 23. Li Liu, Mengying He, and Jianji Dong, Compact continuously tunable microwave photonic filters based on cascaded silicon microring resonators, Optics Communications 363, 128-133 (2016). 24. Li Liu, Ting Yang, and Jianji Dong, Microwave photonic filter with a continuously tunable central frequency using an SOI high-Q microdisk resonator, Chinese Physics B 9, 093201 (2014). 25. Li Liu, Yunhong Ding, Xinlun Cai et al. Route-asymmetrical light transmission of a fiber-chip-fiber optomechanical system, Frontiers of Optoelectronics 1-8 (2016). 26. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Huaqing Qiu et al., "An all-silicon passive six-port circuit of all-optical ordered-route transmission" In CLEO: Science and Innovations (pp. SM3G-4). Optical Society of America. 27. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Ting Yang et al., "Comparison analysis of microwave photonic filter using SOI microring and microdisk resonators"In SPIE OPTO (pp. 898515-898515). International Society for Optics and Photonics. 28. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Dingshan Gao et al., "Integrated all-optical three-port circuit of ordered-route transmission” IEEE 2015 14th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2015: 1-3. 国际会议最佳论文奖 29. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Yunhong Ding et al., "Nonreciprocal light transmission based on the thermal radiative effect”IEEE 2015 14th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2015: 1-3. 30. Li Liu, Jianji Dong, Mengying He et al., "Compact tunable microwave photonic filters based on cascaded microring resonators" IEEE 2015 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2015: 1-4. 31. Jianji Dong, Li Liu et al. "Compact Notch Microwave Photonic Filters Using On-Chip Integrated Microring Resonators", IEEE Photonics Journal 5(2) 5500307-5500307 (2013). 32. 刘力, 董建绩, 闵书存 等. 硅光非线性效应在数字光子回路中的应用[J]. 光通信研究 2015 (2015 年 06): 11-15 48. 武汉邮电科学研究院主办期刊的特邀论文
