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教育经历 2000.9-2006.3 中国科学院研究生院金属研究所硕博连读研究生,从事纳米Fe-Cr合金的电化学稳定性的研究工作 1994.9-1998.7 就读于北京科技大学材料学院腐蚀与防护专业,本科 工作经历 2019.02-至今 中山大学化学工程与技术学院,教授 2015.09-2019.02 教育部超轻材料与表面技术重点实验室,副主任 2009.09-2019.02 哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院,教授 2005.12-2009.09 哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院,副教授 2008.01-2008.07 加拿大卡尔加里大学,博士后研究工作




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Guozhe Meng, Feilong Sun, Shijie Wang, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Effect of electrodeposition parameters on the hydrogen permeation during Cu-Sn alloy electrodeposition [J], Electrochimica Acta, 55(2010)2238-2245. (volume 55, issue 7, 28 February 2010) Guozhe Meng, Feilong Sun, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Influence of nano-scale twin (NT) structure on passive film formed on nickel [J], Electrochimica Acta, 55(2010)2575-2581. (volume 55, issue 7, 28 February 2010) . Guozhe Meng, Feilong Sun, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Effect of phytic acid addictive on microstructure and corrosion resistance of pure Ni coating [J], Electrochimica Acta, 55(2010)5990-5995. Guozhe Meng, Liyan Wei, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Chaofang Dong, Xiaogang Li, High Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Pure Aluminum with Nanoscale Twins [J], Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2009, Volume 156, Number 8, C240-C245. Guozhe Meng, Liyan Wei, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Effect of Microcrystallization on Pitting Corrosion of Pure Aluminium, Corrosion Science, 51(2009)2151-2157. Guozhe Meng, Lei Zhang, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Study of the electrochemical behaviour of nanocrystalline zinc by statistical methods, Corrosion Science, 51(2009)1685-1689. Guozhe Meng, Yawei Shao, Tao Zhang, Yi Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Synthesis and corrosion property of pure Ni with a high density of nano-scale twins[J], Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 5923–5926. G.Z. Meng, C. Zhang, Y.F. Cheng, Effects of corrosion product deposit on the subsequent cathodicand anodic reactions of X-70 steel in near-neutral pH solution[J], Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3116–3122. Guozhe Meng, Ying Li, Fuhui Wang, The corrosion behavior of nanocrystalline Fe-10Cr[J], Electrochimica Acta, 51(2006)4277-4284. Quangquan Do, Hongze An, Guoxing Wang, Guozhe Meng*, Yanqiu Wang, Junyi Wang, Bin Liu, Fuhui Wang, Effect of cupric sulfate on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of nickel-copper nanostructure coatings synthesized by pulsed electrodeposition technique, Corrosion Science, Volume 147, February 2019, Pages 246-259
